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  Jun 2015 RC
Joshua Haines
And I want to tell her that I understand
what it feels like to be fake, insignificant,
and a shadow on the sidewalk of society.

And I want to tell her that I also borrow
the experiences of others --
that I, too, learn feelings
by stopping and staring at personal wreckage,
like a tourist of emotions,
like an inevitable wish of a human being.
RC Jun 2015
Not so much lies as much as it's the empty words
said so chastely it takes time to understand the hurt
And it's not so much pain as it is the hollowing of my chest
nothing I could say that you wouldn't already guess
But it's not so much the guess as it is your actions
you only care to fix problems to your satisfaction
RC Jun 2015
Who I am with you scares who I used to be
though she never agreed to change
it's made a better me.
Every tear I've cried has cleared my eyes, and now I'm able to see
that you can't plan love or predict from the past
keeping quiet won't make love last
and in surrendering the pieces of myself I was too addicted to let go
you helped me find my peace of mind
and your love, it helped me grow.
a short thought spurt.
RC Jun 2015
With you here it's easier to convince myself I don't need the high.
You're holding me together where I used to fill my cracks
and breathing
and breathing me in
and still managing to keep us both feeling alright.
RC Jun 2015
Lately, I've been missing so many old pieces of myself
wondering where those parts went
and along what road I lost them
why I forgot them
and who saw me drop them.
RC Jun 2015
"–and in the angst of being so lost in the depths of my head
I saw words bubbling through to the surface
keeping me afloat when feelings of safety had long ago drowned."
RC May 2015
I'm trying to open the door for you but it's like your afraid to come inside
you never know what to say to me, I can see it in your campfire eyes
but staying silent isn't any better than not saying something right
though your words usually hurt
and one of us always tries to apologize.

I know you didn't ask for broken but these days I'm trying my best
to mend my own wounds and refill this emptiness in my chest
I wouldn't expect you to understand or make attempt to fix my mistakes
just hold me when I'm falling
because sometimes even I am scared of my own pain.
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