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 Nov 2014 Sebastien
I Love You
 Nov 2014 Sebastien
You lay beside me,
Your body clasped against mine,
As if we were to be separated at any moment,

You kiss me,
Your lips pressed hard against my neck,
As if it were your last chance to kiss me,

You hold me,
Your arms wrapped tight around me,
As if you were about to lose me,

You whisper into my ear,
It was so muffled that i could barely understand,
But I made out those three words which I was most afraid of hearing,

Those three words gracefully floated out of your mouth,
They sent butterflies to my stomach,
They sent shocks to my heart,
And most of all they sent words from my lips,
They sent those three words right back.
A better time
and a sunburn later

Things aren't good here
but I have nowhere else to go

Time to tie on my shoes
and hit the road again

There's no point in trying
when there's no reward
Well, I need something to do so why not track
Another evening
sore forearms
aching shoulders
blistered fingers
a back that demands to be cracked.

All this work will be worth it

The late nights staying doing squats

They will pay off in time

I will never be skinny,
never be the politically correct form of "beauty"

But I can always be strong
and someday I will stand up and know
that I have reached my goal
and am the very best I can be
I'm feeling good tonight, this is just a little/major goal of mine
 Jan 2014 Sebastien
Jay Jimenez
I'm aware
I'm alive
I'm caring
I'm honest
I'm Wierd...
I'm living one great minute at a time
I'm not fighting the wind
But letting it ******* to where it wants me to go
I'm Me
Born free
Born with a Brain
and a heart
That makes Peoples Lungs burn
when they breathe in the happiness I put off.
I'm here to stay for the moment
I'm here to Love,cry,hate,and forgive
I'm not sick and tired
I'm a walking living example of struggle equals improvement
and at the end of the day
I lay my head down happy
that I atleast made a Effort To be Me
The person in the mirror
the person that whoever wanted me to be
is working this Life and making it happen.
Live happy Live Lovable Live Joyous and Grateful
you got one life USE IT.
 Jan 2014 Sebastien
A Song
 Jan 2014 Sebastien
School is over for the day
The kids go out to play
You walk home and say
"Hip, hip, hooray!"

The sun is out
The sky is blue
For all you know it's 82

You hop on your bed
And rest your head
From the stresses of your day

But when you open your eyes
You realize
That all you've got to do is press play

You listen to the song
Sing along
And all your stresses go away.
I love those days when you come home from school (especially Friday) and turn on your favorite tune. My song that I love would have to be "Make It With You" by Bread. Hoped you like my poem! :-)
 Jan 2014 Sebastien
I've been thinking of you day by day
Watching the tides role away
Slowly drifting back and forth
Smiling all the way

I've been sticking my feet in the sand
Dancing with you
Hand to hand
Feeling your warmth and wisdom
That you've always had

I've been running down the shore
Chasing you once more
Wishing you would never leave my arms
Your beautiful, I adore

I've been laying in the sand
Under the setting sun
Holding your hands
Embracing your presence
Like we've always had

I've been holding you once more
Feeling your wavy hair -

But then the storm come near
And my parade ends in fear
That you, who I've been dreaming about
Was never really here
You're like a breath of fresh air
After living in a busy city
Your touch is smoother
That the finest silk I've seen

I could memorise every contour
Every scar                                                            
Every imperfection                                          
that makes you as real                    
and wonderful as you are
And that would never be enough

You're like water washing over me                  
After a day of hard labour                          
Like watching a beautiful sunset                    
After a rough day at work                          
And catching every fallen star    
So that they can live again

Something as simple                                                      
As the way our eyes meet    
And the world melts away  
As we lift the tips of our lips

And the moment our hands touch                            
And intertwine
That was the moment I knew                                    
I wanted for you to always be mine

Like I had an extension of my soul
And it was an overwhelming feeling
To know so well that after so long

This love                                            
This happiness                        
was truly meant to be
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