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 Jan 2014 Sebastien
Ten Seconds
 Jan 2014 Sebastien
10- It went too fast
9- Nothing changed
8-  I'm full of regret
7- It didn't get better
6- I'm not a better person
5- Where is everybody
4- I'm still just dying
3- Things will still be the same
2- I'm still alone
1- I hope to God this one is better

Every year.
With every second that passes by, these all rush through my head.
And for some reason, I always think the next year will be different.
How foolish of me.
You'd forget me even before I die
But that's okay
At least at my wake you won't cry
If you ever find out about it
That is

I'll be "That Girl I Once Knew" to you
And that's just fine
Though I wish I had the chance to call you mine
Before I died

You once mirrored my happiness
But that ended soon enough
It's alright that I'm dead
Life's been rough

I hope you live a long happy life
You deserve one
Don't ever think of me again
Not even just once
 Dec 2013 Sebastien
maybella snow
dying alone isn't as scary as I thought it would be
bye x

I'm sorry
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