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Umi  Feb 2018
Umi Feb 2018
By the soul and it's order and porportion given to it
Inspired by it's wickness and righteousness each spirit strives
for it's own clear goal, wether that be nihilistic in some eyes,
or of great worth to others, each soul has been brought with
the greatest of purity at its time of birth.
Corrupting it is as simple as purifying it, but the evil, shades,
seduces tempts and leads astray to which a soul poorly responds.
Desires, wishes, hopes and dreams of them differ in many unique,
fantastic or irritational, preculiar and dark.
However, each spirit of a living being shares one similarity,
It is, as simple as it may appear, just the wish and dream to live
a life in carefree attitudes and a happy manner.
Of course, wealth too is amongst those shared desires, but this
world is cruel, brutal and shows no mercy as others have too much
and others have almost none at all.
Oh you of humble birth, patience, tollerance, compassion, love are
making this world a better place.
So give from your wealth and purify your soul by such,
in the remembrance of the poor, oppressed, depressed, abused,
starving human beings, whom could at least have it a little better.
And each soul runs on a clear course, determined to meet it's fate
when the sunset of its life has arrived and death becomes a cover.

~ Umi
Kittu  Apr 2013
Doctor O doctor
Kittu Apr 2013
Doctor O doctor.
Can you treat me?
This aweful mind refuses to greet me!

I'v been having trouble controling my thoughts.
Outbursts of creativity and crazy wandering thoughts.

I have work to do and need to concentrate!
But these wandering thoughts have me on stalemate.
The thoughts go here and the mind goes there,
They do not seem to coincide anywhere.

Doctor O doctor can you help me?
Bring these thoughts into order,
and let this mind be.

It concentrates of war,
it concentrates on pain.
None of which have any prospect of gain.

It concentrates on hate,
and the ever growing weight,
Of the population that refuses to wait.

No tollerance or patience,
No thoughts on moulding this nation.
Just fights on rights,
And pointing fingers with might!

No one looks at their duties,
Or the subtle beauties.
Beauty of diversity, and the numerous entities.
That form our great nation.
All it need is unadulterated devotion.

I have work to do and need to concentrate!
But these wandering thoughts have me on stalemate.
The thoughts go here and the mind goes there,
They do not seem to coincide anywhere.

Doctor O doctor can you help me?
Bring these thoughts into order,
and let this mind be.
She has heard of hope
An entity from which one cope
She has heard of peace
A state of utter and total release
She has heard of belonging
A space in time to own
She has heard of all these things
Yet she herself
Have never received

She has seen miracles and light
The darkness that flee into night
She has seen care and safety
Yet she herself
Have never felt lately

She has heard only hatred
Thoughts so violent
She is wrapped in fear
And enclosed in silence
Surely this must be her own doing?

She fears the nights
When expected he comes
His presence and stance
Wrapped in violence
As he mocks her innocence
She closes her eyes for tollerance

And she fights no more
Though shes heard of survival
He is stronger than her
An unwelcomed rival
And she cries tears stained
By the blood on her face
As she sits and waits
For night to turn into day
And for "normal" to function
Isnt this my own way?

She has heard the song
That a nightingale sings
Oh how ever little of
Joy it still brings

Her frailty and youth
Keeps her far from the truth
In her short life lived
She has yet to fulfill
And it almost feels
As if life maybe will be
Better than what she has heard
And seen
A childs experiences of life
Money has no seat at this concert
Its simply the walk we choose in life
Some play cards others play tennis
But no mind games on others strife

Your life has to have a for me to know
No gossip no need to others explain
Your life your private activities only
All others can simply walk their lane

No soul was bor to always inform those
Who fail in life to get one of their own
For you to know they can go dig a bone

This others having to know your secrets
If any thus in your life may ever exist
Those with lives unlived as yet can all
Go find and experience in life unkissed

I have no tollerance for gossip assumers
Those that need others lives to live and be
If this life is a class ifor us to learn in it
They can thus attend their own university

( While retaining my values my life belongd
         to myself alone )

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Weve all met our share of them
They stand out just like a tower
And when they do as they do so well
Has me feel I need a good long shower

I am one born anable to lie
At times I wished I could
I can be your best ever friend
Insist I'm solid as hard wood

Guess I've got no tollerance
For those that lie so ver easy
Its in their eyes truth or lies
Not clean but rather greasy

Believing I'll believe them so
Believe I have the ability to know
Women more honest at any time
They follow their vibes its so

Around a lier I feel so insulted
That they know me so little true
They'd not waste their time on me
If only this they ever really knew

But they aren't telling me a lie
Its them that lie to ones self  it so
Thinking nobodies able to tell
When they lie so easy it'll show

When they lie so easy automaticly
Thinking every ones a living fool
I feel sorry for them not knowing
Humans that'd make a better mule

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018

I just got back from over seas saved some money
Bought myself a lovely home in a lovely place
Heaps of room to plan a garden landscaped too
From home down to the road simply loads of space

Never took long next door to find I lived alone
Still young retired army rank just bought the home
A good cook house keeper too no way skin and bone
Planting flowering trees gardens loved them as grown

Up on my second floor padio stars they shone at night
Sitting there peace in freshest air beyound compare
A few beers salami watching the world go slowly by
Then I heard a yell from below is anybody there

I walked down opened front door suffering pole cats
The moonlight shone through all she there wore
A sight a retired major was not used to seeing true
I can't really remember but I think I may have swore

She said with wine under one arm a kind of welcome
And as it goes I'm right out of suger too by the way
Thought I might **** two birds with the same stone
Give a little get a little as my mother used to say

I said come in sit down your from next door right
She crossed her legs then changed her comfort there
I was enjoying a cigar at the time loved the wine
But almost choked on both gasping for some for air

It was I suppose a hot night but I wear more to bed
She asked you ok I always dress this way when hot
My God and this lived next door my mind boggled
I said well sugar must say I do have such a lot

Out of her bag another two bottles of wine came
And not of the cheaper brand to say the least
From the refrigerator I got a dish of salami
Oh I love this stuff i'll stock up for a feast

They say angels have a sense of humor might be
A blackout all lights gone the music player too
Or maybe a couple of mates I lost over seas
Some of them always playing jokes so true

Came over and sat next to me love this leather
No lights and never could handle real good wine
I think she had a tollerance re this situation
Whispered I live alone one thing I have is time

Goodness I'd been away now for a six year stretch
I came here for well earned peace of mind
I thought to myself won't get much of that tonight
And besides beautiful she was ever so very kind

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

— The End —