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October 2023
HP Poet: Maddy
Age: 65
Country: USA

Question 1: We welcome you to the HP Spotlight, Maddy. Please tell us about your background?

Maddy: "Retired Teacher now Media and Digital Literacy Educational Consultant and writer."

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

Maddy: "Been writing since I was eight. Three years now as an HP member."

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

Maddy:  "Poetry wakes me in the middle of the night on airplanes and when I walk. It is still one of my best friends other than my husband, sister, and Best BFF Irene."

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

Maddy: "It is my friend and companion and is a precious asset. Without it my life would be empty."

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

Maddy: "Thoreau, EE Cummings, Sappho, MAYA Angelou, Carole King, Emily Torres, Mary Oliver, Millay, and many here on HEPO."

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

Maddy: "I love Travel, Photographer, Nature, Cooking, Theatre, Concerts, and Reading."

Carlo C. Gomez: “Thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to get to know you, dear Maddy! You are a wonderful addition to the series!”

Maddy: "Thanks and looking forward to it and your review of my book on Amazon."

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed getting to know Maddy a little bit better. I indeed did. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez (aka Mr. Timetable)

We will post Spotlight #9 in November!

Maddy: "My books 'Put Your Boots On and Dance in the Rain' and 'Beautiful Heart' are both available on, Barnes and and local bookstores in the US. My best poems are here on Hello Poetry, you can choose."

"Here are five of my favorites." - Carlo C. Gomez

Anatomy of a Poem:

Special Someones:

Isles of Skye and Iona:

Only You:

Beautiful Heart:
t Jan 2015
I wondered if I was too soft, too pliable, to bendable, to breakable

I wondered if my sensitiveness would be better served on a censorship list

if it would be better to weather my own emotions until they eroded

a road not known to be so gentle

because when you're always spoken to like a mistake

it starts to be the only thing you can taste and you end up feeling less like great and more like pain

my mother swears that I am the air that she breathes

so when they diagnosed her, I hope the doctors didn't blame it on her environment

and when my friends would talk about that chick and wanna bone her

 bone would carry me back to the skeletons in my closet

while they were only concerned about getting in between that girls hips, when they ***** her

              I wanted to be that girls hips, the bones inside of her

                    because without me she couldn't move alone

                                   and without her heartbeat

                                           I'd just be bones

I can't tell you how many times my friend Maddy was battered up on   homeless plate

but we still dug out love

she was rocked quite often, but was one hell of a mountain climber

she payed a hefty price to wear his fists, and they were the most expensive eye makeup I've ever seen

when my friends would brag about how many lamp shades they would look under in their room, how many metaphorical lamps laid on the nightstand surrounding their bed

my mother always said if I let them shine in my mind, I wouldn't need not even one night stands

    I hold them high

                   spell a woman

                                a woman is a

and you can still be fly if you land on one

disrespect them, and we're kicking dirt on the land from which we all grow

while most guys are treating the inside like a candy store, I found that all the getting inside in the world don't matter until you feel like you've found your golden rapper

while most guys are wishing that girl is blind enough to see their ulterior motives

they've forgotten most women have super powers

all they see are invisible men, and I wanted to make her feel my words like brail to the unseen

I wanted to bring life to those frozen in time words once told to her

because those 'I love yous' and 'I miss yous' from her exes were paralyzed from the neck down

they were just trying to get ahead, and once alive, need oxygen to live

and sooner or later she was only living to breathe life into those words, and I wanted to breathe life back into her

my mother taught me things

she said, just because someone before you  

                             spent time in her boiler room
                                 doesn't mean they turned

                                              the heat on

she said, no matter who smashed you make sure you love that girl to pieces

a girl's past is like cremated ash, it's been lived already

my mother said, kisses are like stitches, they heal all wounds as long as they don't remain hidden in a bottom right corner of special occasion birthday cards

       because every kiss does not begin with k, they begin with lips

                                         and so does every life

                       It's time for us guys to start

                 respecting where

         we came

Byron  Nov 2012
From Maddy
Byron Nov 2012
Who needs love
Frantic boils of delirious pink lusting
wanting power
You ask me shadows
and the picture-less language winds
She stops me fast,
the gorgeous void
Lather eternity over me
Stop thinking what will manipulate them
and moan out the recall
Life is a bare and fast beat
please worship it with delicate moments
from sad skin some can soar
i am drunk
Marshall CB Hiatt  Jul 2013
She never sees what I see, in that mirror,
She never sees what the world sees,
She never cares about what we say,
Understand how we see you,
sam  Dec 2018
sam Dec 2018
Is it better to have your father
To have your father around
Do people with runaway dads
Do they wish they’d come back

But they don’t understand
They don’t understand
Having a father who’s by definition
That isn’t there is far more worse

It feels as though
They don’t have to deal with
Scanning the crowd
Every concert
Every game
Every speech
Every **** day
Looking for him
Wishing he was there
Instead he’s sleeping

You never get to receive a hello
But neither do I
Don’t mistake me for privileged
When I have to deal with
An absent father
Whos is there
But doesn’t care
About you

People don’t understand
What it’s like to not be the favorite
To have favorites in a family

Where am I
Where am I
Where am I
I know it’s not maddy’s fault
I don’t blame her
I don’t hold it against her
I hold it against you

I don’t tell people
Because then they’ll feel bad
And the worse thing
Is to be
One of those people

I left my orchestra concert
I started crying
Do you even know
The sounds
A cello can make

I left my soccer game
I’d rather go hide in the port-a-*****
Then run down the field
And not see your face
Score a goal without you there
I don’t play defense anymore
Did you know that
Do you even care

I don’t have a dad
I have a sponsor
Someone that feeds
And clothes me

I don’t have a dad
I have a runaway
That stuck close to home

I’m there to do chores
To clean
Sweep the floor
Take out the trash
Collect it
Fold the laundry
For everyone
Bring in the groceries
While a ghost sits
And drinks the beer up

I have a spirit in my house
That calls me names
I have a lost soul
That clings to a lost home
Punching a door
Slamming into the bathroom wall
Is that your symphony
It’s my fault you know

I don’t have a father
Did you know
I disowned my connection
Before he could disown me

It’s better to not know
Not to know the truth

It drags on
Four more years
But i’ve been saying
Blank more years
For fourteen years

Runaway dads
They still remember birthdays
But not my spirit

Four concerts a year
Four concerts a year
For five years
For five years
Grand total
Did you enjoy
Jingigle bells in C major
Before i knew what c major was

Did you enjoy me
Breaking my tooth in 7th grade
Oh wait you weren’t there

At least with runaway dads
Slob lazy liar
Don’t mean anything
Neither does theif

So as arrogant as it sounds
Enjoy your runaway dad
While i enjoy my spirit

— The End —