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Never relent to reach your dreams
never fall at the first fence
be brave and fight on
think everyone not your enemy

Stand fast and never yield
be strong for the time of deliverance
be a child of the stars so vast
with hard work and perseverance

Go by the beat of the drum
know that enlightenment is within you
be as we, stride on freely
for I truly believe that you can really do

(Poem For Larna Kira Kourtis)

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris

Never date an *******,
their attitudes stink,
his neighbour is nuts,
and he pees in his sink,

His hair is always a mess,
and he struggles with cleanliness,
and sometimes they're completely hairless,

Never date an *******, He'll think you're a ****, and this thought he has of you will stick,
Never date an ******* you *******.

Lol just kidding peace<3 haha
By Larna Kira Kourtis

I am so grateful for she has contacted me,
almost as if it was fated to be,
she has told me everything
that I needed to know,

She sure has a light in her as bright as the snow,
it's nice to know she's honest,
that side has shown,

Now I know how he really feels,
and I just know,
that it must be real,

I no longer feel sad,
for I am so glad...

Clarification came upon the exaggerations,
and now I have reached complete validation.

By Larna Kira Kourtis
Aged 14

By Larna Kira Kourtis AKA LkSkyFlyRose

© 2014 LkSkyFlyRose (All rights reserved)
Perfect Imperfection

My eyes are brown and big,
But darker than a twig,
My nose is flexible,
But it goes red in the cold,
My skin is sweet and gold,
But I've got spots and moles,

My lips are soft,
Like a rose~
but scarred at the left side,
I used to want to hide,
because I felt so ugly,
on the outside,
but I knew inside I was a perfect imperfection,

My anger is just !toxic,!,
Like a snake with venom,
and I tried to bleach my acne,

I put on too much make-up,
I thought I wasn't worth it,

Anything GOOD would throw me DOWN,
I was so NEGATIVE,
like a crying CLOWN,

But things are getting better now,
because I see how,
I've got perfect imperfections,
and everyone can see me smile,
But I am only human,
So I'll cry every once in a while,
even when I feel truly happy,
And wilder than the wild.

By Larna Kira Kourtis
Aged 14
He was tripping space *****,
whilst receiving some strange alien calls,
up on planet Acidon,

From where he sat he could see Uranus,
he was so out of his mind,
he thought he could fly,
boy was that crazy spaceman high,

The journey took him really far,
way out to a distant star,

His food supplies consisted of turtle soup,
but his bowels couldn't handle it,
so he often pooped,
after consuming turtle soup,

The journey had been long and laborious,
and his co-pilot was a drug dealing walrus,
that could not handle his drink,
it made his eyes go pink,
to the point that he could not blink,

They were so out of their box,
they could no longer think.

By Christos Andreas Kourtis and Larna Kira Kourtis
Dickens did lose his socks one day,
he said, oh what a shame,
on this clear yet rainy day,
Dickens socks had run away,

And only Dickens is to blame,
his socks divorced his plates of meat,
and lonely was his sweaty feet,

When Dickens did decide to write,
all he could write was,
what the dickens,
where are my mittens.

By Christos Andreas Kourtis and Larna Kira Kourtis
Once upon a time,

A very long time ago,

There was a girl that everyone in the kingdom used to know,

She was pretty but sad and rather low,

always having to sow the seeds and even the clothes,

She seemed rather alone,

Simply no where to go,

Her father had an ego as strong and bitter as the snow,

Her mother was bossy but rightly so.

She knew she was always protected,

Her pride was strong, But somewhere in there she felt ugly, sad, lonley, Mad!, But one day she let it all out,

And everyone saw that they feel the same,

Everybody had their own pain,

She could see everyone desereved to be a princess, A knight and even a Queen,

They all colided together for a wonderful,

Self confidentual ceremony,

And with all the muscles in their faces they struck the last smile,

Of the kingdom with great sanity,

And that were the last of the century.

By Larna Kira Kourtis.

© 2013 Larna Kira Kourtis (All rights reserved)
Missing You

When we were together it felt like there was no going apart, We'd been on and off so many times I could never see us depart, But it feels different this time like theres no love left, You hate me I can see it but for what reason can I ask? You push me aside like I was never a part of your life, You treat me like a stranger and get all rough and tough, I don't like that side of you, That side hurts, Knowing that I still love you so much is tearing me apart, Simple words like these are no way to explain, This extraordinary pain, I feel like getting on a plane and flying the farest away from you, But something keeps telling me to cling on to you, I am ever so confused and I don't know what to do, Whether to lash out in revenge and devilish schemes, Or to let it pass and move on to a new scene, But you want to make me jealous and you want to see me hurt, You've just achieved your goal, You've got yourself that job, And when you look at her, My friend she looks right back at you, And neither of you care that I'm right infront of you, I can see the spark is there and the fire will soon be lit, But I want to get some water and throw it all over it, I cannot help these feelings, I hope you understand, I know I no longer have a chance, Goodbye to you my love you have been an expirence to me, I can't be around you at these dark times, While I'm grieving over you, Still wanting to hold you, Even though you weren't that good of a kisser, I never knew I loved you this much until I let you go, But thats what I have to do, I have to let you go, I shouldn't steep in so deep afterall I'm only young, But that was the issue all along And now I'm left here with no one to pass that kind of love to feels like its worthless now, Most people give it to themselves to show some self love and confidence, But I'm just not that kind of person, I'm weird because, I'd rather feel the pain, So that one day when I'm smart enough I'll know then to look no further, That being alone with just friends is one of the strongest things you can do, I have to stop missing you.

By Larna Kira Kourtis
By Larna Kira Kourtis. AKA: LkSkyFlyRose

© 2013 LkSkyFlyRose (All rights reserved)
Oh my little flashy pants
god you make daddy proud
such fearless lyrics
and such mature mastications

You chew them up
show what a real poet does do
reap the fury and fight the fight
show them my baby of pure fury and might

You my proud blood
show what the house of Kourtis can do
let's make our house rule
who's house our house, cool

Rock it boo
be as fearless as me
and **** them
for you write true poetry

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris

She is a philanthropist,
as simple as it's said,
a considerate individual,
with a passion that is colored red,

A charitable giver,
for those who are in need,
a positive entertainer,
and a creative brain inside her head,

There is no other word for it,
it is really what it says,
A cheerful philanthropist,
Living up her endless days,

To all those who aren't balanced,
she fixes up the scales,
To all the propaganda,
she gives truth to all the tales,

Though she is aware,
that with all the gifts she gives,
she doesn't get much in return,
She will continue bringing back the peace,
simply hoping the human race may learn,

Giving is a gift,
of an angelic sort,
and to give this gift,
Is a caring thought,

So if you give more than you get,
but you give to those in need,
know that you are a philanthropist,
and your care could of fed a hungry child,
And you will help clear the world of greed.

By Larna Kira Kourtis AKA LkSkyFlyRose
Aged 14
By LkSkyFlyRose*

© 2014 LkSkyFlyRose (All rights reserved)
My Suppressed Anger

I hold it all in,
everything they've said,
I mold it all in,
inside of my head,

We all go through it,
me and you,
Yes you've all been,
in my shoes,

I don't want to listen to what others have to say,
I wake up thinking negatively every day,
I care about those that feel like me,
I think I can help but then I realise their not as ****** up as me,

I sit in my awkward posture,
here I am,
corner of the sofa,
once again
same place every time,
thinking of words with paper cuts and pens,
with a mouth jibbering like I just ate a lime,

I'm not good and I'm not fine,
and if I say I am then I am lying,
I'm not happy and I'm not free,
not as free as I'd like to be,

When I'm in a group of people I'm not shy,
but I'm not charismatic either or sly,
I don't always show my emotions but I don't always hide,
Although I suppress all of my anger inside,

I don't want you to deal with my feelings,
I don't want you to tell me how to get by,
I don't want you to tell me I'm a human being,
sometimes I want to die,

But you can't help me when I'm down,
the most you'll get from me is a smile or a frown,

Even though I'm not happy like you,
I can pretend,
a little false smile,
just for a while,
I'll think of the good times in that split second,
and reminisce in memories that have come to an end,

I can be anybody for a day,
but I'll just be me,
once you go away,

I'll just sit there like a lazy bear,
hibernating like a rabbit,
I don't give myself any care,
but staring at my spots became a habit,

I don't like to attention seek,
but I don't mind sharing in an artistic form the secrets I keep,

Well I'd like to speak to a person who cares,
But I've not found that person just yet,

So I'll just learn how to draw manga,
listen to depressing *** music
and write a poem about my suppressed anger.

By Larna Kira Kourtis AKA LkSkyFlyRose

© 2015 LkSkyFlyRose (All rights reserved)
Don't get chippy lippy,
where's the ****** spinach Jeff!,

I didn't think you was a two-bit cook,
I thought you were a chef!,
so wheres the ****** spinach Jeff!,

Where's the bleeding turbot, Herbert?,
and where's the feeking risotto,
if I don't get some ****** food soon,
I'll drink a bottle of wine and get blot-toad

Where's the ****** crab, Brad?,
blimey! does it smell high to you!?,
You'll ****** **** someone,
and bleeding get me sued!

By Christos Andreas Kourtis and Larna Kira Kourtis
I'll Believe

When I doubt everything that I do,
Even when I cry don't want to shed a tear for you,
When I'm walking and all I think about is you,
I take a step back just to realise,
I'll believe when I have coloured in my wings,
I'll believe when I finally get something,
That can take away my doubtfulness,
And hopefully repay with some kind of happiness,
I'll believe when I have got my head back in the clouds,
Without having to be so blind,
I'll believe when I have done something,
And I don't ever wanna turn back time,
I need no regrets,
And a little bit of confidence,
To see through your lies,
Without being so hurt,
I just need some time,
Time is a thought of mine..

I'll be good if I can hold your hand,
I'll believe if someone makes a stand,
About how things have gone so ever wrong,
And how they can help us all to hold hands and just be strong,
I'll even believe in god one day,
If he really is the man they say,
The one that cares so much about us,
But never seems to show his face,

I'll believe when the sunrise is beautiful,
And doesn't make me cry,
Because I see the sadness in the sky,
When god is happy I can fly,

Will I ever,
Find the time,
To be just alright,
Will I ever,
Give up on these tears,
Or will they haunt me for all my years,

I'll believe when flowers start to bloom,
And nothing ever gets lost by a boom,
I see, Nothing but death around me,
And suffering and people trying,

That's why I'll only ever believe when I see the change for myself,
When the gods come and help us out,
When theres no more suffering,
And more of that loving,

Oh, whatever happened we was once a peaceful world,
I've lived many lives to say so,
Big birds and beautiful creatures,
That today we all treat like such a shame,
When really there the only thing we have left to say,

I'll believe.

By Larna Kira Kourtis AKA LkSkyFlyRose
Aged 13 & a quarter

By LkSkyFlyRose

© 2014 LkSkyFlyRose (All rights reserved)

— The End —