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AJ  Aug 2013
Ciepły Kącik
AJ Aug 2013
There's more than one way to turn two bodies
Into one.
**** my soul till it's raw.
Fill me to the brim with your broken ego.
I'll dance my catastrophic tongue along your weak spot,
Your achilles heel.
Which, of course,
Is me breaking your ego.
I'll let you penetrate me with a silent stare,
Oh god,
Yes there.
Dive into my insecurities,
Call my bluff,
Put me on a pedestal,
Rigged to collapse into ruins.
I like when you push me.
Don't break me,
Ecstasy comes when I break myself,
Smash myself into over analyzed bits and sociopathic pieces.
Make it harder for me to figure you out,
Give me a challenge.
**** yes,
I love a challenge.
Reading an open book is easy,
Picking up a locked journel off an abandoned bookshelf,
Now that pushes me over the edge.
Let's change into a more comfortable position,
Where you ramble an incoherent childhood stories,
And I retort loudly in my native language,
And you storm off because no one is right,
And no one is wrong.
And you get off on the point that there is no point.
Just build it up.
Touch my mind.
Don't touch my heart,
No stop.
Yes there.
A little more.

Mr Xelle  Apr 2015
Poem #1
Mr Xelle Apr 2015
Exciting as butterflies torched like Flames
the Creativity of a artist But I'm dripping like a wet rag.
Why is this and what is that?
What I am and Why did i do the things I've Done?
What's the sky without the Sun?
who I am when your Gone?
Made to many mistakes i can't lie i'm scared ..
But Not fearing nothing else But God.
It's a Document not a journel
My Journey became the Thing I write to
Spiritually Unshaken
Poetically Unstable
The Imperfections are easy to see,
Perfection is Transparent.
Max  Nov 2018
Max Nov 2018
When I look in the mirror,
What do I see?
I see a 'girl' i see everything I'm not.

Wearing dresses to concerts
And makeup to parties
Why can't I wear a suit?

Being eloquent and fancy
"Dont mess up your hair!"
Why can't my hair be shorter?

Nails manicured to perfection
Painted a hot pink
Why can't they be painted blue..?

Its like tar
Sinking into my stomach
I can feel it weighing me down

I cant speak, I can't tell.
I can't get help for no one knows
How do I get rid of it..?

I grip my hair with both hands and pull
I can f e e l it tearing
I can f e e l my head bleeding
But i dont care because at least my hair is shorter, and at least some pressure is gone.

I paint with the silver and watch as my canvas turns red.
I make sure it goes across the stream and not with the flow..
I make sure to clear up afterwards.

"Why cant you be normal?"
"What's with the weird attitude"
"Its just a p h a s e"

I run home crying after school.
Its only 3pm
My parents get home at 5 pm

I go to the bathroom and grab my mom's medications.

I grab the silver, sharp-edged paintbrush.

I grab my journel and start to tell my story..

By the time my parents got home..

Their son was too far gone.
Hi its been a while since I posted a poem.. Sorry about that..
Nellie 55  Sep 2019
Nellie 55 Sep 2019
I've made plenty of mistakes as a kid
Grow up! But wait how?
Learning as I go
Does that mean I'm still a kid?
How would I know that I'm fully grown?
Dealt with a lot of anger
Did **** that put people in danger
After all that my journel stayed by my side
Through everything because between us there wasn't anything to hide
Played some music and stared in the mirror
Didn't understand the man i became
Am I ready or not?
Kids learn fast and kids should be relearning adults because I swear we've lost track of who we all became
I notice some judgmental people around me and I thought I'd share what was on my mind about it

— The End —