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G David Schwartz Aug 2013
Please accept the attached the original, as yet not published work written by G. David Schwartz - the former president of Seedhouse, the online interfaith committee. Schwartz is the author of A Jewish
Appraisal of Dialogue and Midrash and Working Out Of The Book
Currently a volunteer at the Cincinnati J Meals on Wheels, Schwartz continues to write.
His latest book is Shards And Verse  (2011, Publish America).
             Names are not real people

                        G David Schwartz
Four For Glory
The Night Was Cut Off From Smiling
        G David Schwartz
Oh, I will not die
The night was cut off from smiling  
I sat there crying

Broken Wings Fly Upside Down
         G David Schwartz
Whether red or brown  
broken wings fly upside down
Do not touch the clown

I Hear The Firer Frying
G David Schwartz
I hear the frier frying
I hear the burgers burning
I also here the wind
Early out this morning           

I Am Not Ashamed
        G David Schwartz   
I am not ashamed
I will do anything with you that you wish
except of course
eat some uncooked fish
judy smith Feb 2017
It’s an annual tradition that London Fashion Week opens every February with the newest of the new—the bang-fizz of The Central Saint Martins’s M.A. graduation show. These are the people who are destined to shape the fashion world—not least because they are talents gathered from everywhere. The class of 2017 has students from China, Taiwan, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Gibraltar, and the United States as well as Britain. This is just normal in London, a city that has built its reputation as a creative capital on the strength of talents from all over: all backgrounds, all nationalities. In the face of Brexit, and its possible future curb on immigration, London has its Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan, the city’s elected representative, who stands up for the vitality of diversity and interfaith harmony every day with his social media campaign from City Hall, #Londonisopen. In his words: “We don’t simply tolerate each other’s differences, we celebrate them. Many people from all over the globe live and work here, contributing to every aspect of life in our city.”

Nowhere will that be better demonstrated than in what’s to come in London Fashion Week. In defiance of dark times, its youth and multicultural camaraderie is about to roll out the welcome mat. Expect to see it coming from all directions, in kaleidoscopic variety. On the Central Saint Martins’s runway, there’s Gabriella Sardena’s wildly decorative glam-femme collection to look forward to, for example (she’s the one from Gibraltar). Day one, there’s also the opening of The International Fashion Showcase at Somerset House, where emerging designers from 26 countries, including Ukraine, Russia, Khazakhstan, India, Romania, Czech Republic, Egypt, and Guatemala, will put forward their viewpoints on the theme “Local and Global.”

Stand back for a blast from New York, too. Michael Halpern, one of the latest Central Saint Martins M.A. graduates (class of 2016) will unleash his first multi-sequined disco-fabulous collection in a presentation that is being aided and abetted with volunteer help from Patti Wilson and Sam McKnight, held at a posh venue laid on for free in the heart of St James on Saturday.

Fighting gloom with glitter is a London thing. Ashish Gupta, born in India, longtime London trailblazer for LGBTQ rights, is the king of that. Given last September, when he took his bow in a T-shirt emblazoned IMMIGRANT, admirers will surely be packing his Ashish show to the rafters. These times demand a standing up for pride in identity. Osman Yousefzada, more quietly creative, with his strong art-world following, will be coming out with a statement about his British-Asian roots: “Before, we were rarities, trophies and exotics from distant lands…some of us fleeing famine, war, or persecution,” he writes. “We were thought of as good labourers, businessmen and women—hungry, reliable and eager to succeed…and then some wanted to close the doors. Today, I bring you colour, opulence, texture, tailoring, a modern woman in different hues who isn’t scared to stand out and have fun, and embrace the beauty and difference around her.”

London is open to more newcomers. The Ports 1961 women’s show has relocated here from Milan this season. It’s actually a homecoming of a sort: This collection, placed on a woman-friendly lifestyle-centric wavelength somewhere on the continuum between The Row and Céline, has in fact been designed by the Slovenian-born Natasa Cagalj (also a CSM M.A. alumna) from a studio in London’s Farringdon all along. Two more “returners” to the schedule are Hussein Chalayan and Roland Mouret, long rooted in London since the ’90s, who are repatriating their shows from Paris.

It’s a whole London creative community picture, in fact—one that makes a complete commercial nonsense on every level of the “Little Britain” xenophobia of the send-them-home faction in U.K. politics. Cohesion and creativity, the welcome and support given to the newest, from everywhere—that’s the flag that flies over London Fashion Week. Scotland, Ireland, Greece, Austria, America, Serbia, Canada, Syria, India, Germany, Pakistan, Nigeria, Turkey, Ghana, New Zealand, Portugal—come one, come all, says fashion. There’ll be protest and prettiness, resistance and humor—that’s a given this week. Here’s glitter in your eye!Read more at: |
jeffrey conyers Jun 2015
God is love.
Love is of God until you within the walls of church.
And you listen, you hear those speaking for him.

Offering their opinions.
Offering their views.
Without even understanding his perspective.

We, are here to comprehend.
We, are here to adjust.
While God guides us wisely.

Nothing on this  earth will easily be accepted.
Be loved completely.
If so?
Then why churches support racism in some form?
Why ministers preach against interracial marriages?
And others firm about interfaith connection.

God watches.
God question us.
And like us wonder about our personal love.

Then we only have to look at scriptures to see that nothing truly have changed but the decade.

What's in society?
Within the words of scriptures.
God watches.
God ponder.
God wonder.
Will we get in teaching lesson.

Changes occurs.
Changes happen.
Somewhere within us lies what God requires of us?

There's a bigger picture many yet to see?
Glass falls from the windows round
a wizard from the sky is inbound
another warrior star child late as usual
my interfaith brother called to make us complete

Now we will dance naked as in the times you never knew
and in casts of many colours show you what our kind do
do not panic in what will take place
for we are here to protect the Human race

It would not matter if in order we come
now you have the last of five complete lords
and when the end comes we will be with you
in this Eden cursed, in this glass house

We stand defiant to your downfall
brave to the last we will truly stand
and all of us will scream your name
in glorious freedom in this glass house

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
By NeonSolaris
© 2013 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Chad Young Sep 2020
I look at a woman's overall shape, if I look
on the surface at individual parts, I must
focus on that one that gives me the most pleasure.
With unknown women there is spontaneity.
To fall in love, I must recognize her every body
part as consisting of a whole being of beauty.
My hope in a woman keeps me interested in them.
Looking away from her does not reveal herself to me.
Another woman's stare divorces myself with the
previous beauty.  All that is left is my memory of her.
A woman's picture doesn't want ***.
She wants a man to trust, a man to love.
I thought I saw the golden pyramids of Giza
in her breast.
I thought I saw a horse's mane fall from
her head.
I saw bones like foundations of steel and concrete.
I saw a ***** as round as a balloon.
I saw not one piece of flab on her.
I looked at myself and said "How could are
union ever be?"
Maybe if she was Wiccan... maybe if she could
express her power over me...
Maybe if she really only cared about contemplation
of the heart, or the soul... or,  maybe if Jesus liked
interfaith marriages...
Maybe if we spent time together on projects...
Maybe if I wanted to change her beauty.
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2021
She tells me of otic and etic.
I'm Todd. She is Jamie.

We both have been abused
Neither of us Fame-y

The council is Interfaith
I too live between

Black blues, Vincent's yellow
Me all Irish green

         Things heard.
   And things not seen.
Pinkerton  Jul 2019
Pinkerton Jul 2019
A Japanese practice of aesthetics,
broken pottery pieced back together
with golden lacquer, the shimmer
doing the opposite of obscuring repair;
the gold creating vein-like patterns that say,
“Look at me, I have survived!”
The philosophy is simple:
A damaged vessel is still beautiful;
a body that has broken
is not worthless
just because it is a body that has broken.

She and I believe in love
the way a Jew and a Christian believe
in God. But is it the same God?
Was this the same love?
Her love believes two bodies
must be complete before coming together.
My love stands ready with golden lacquer,
not present for just a complete whole,
but also the broken pieces,
the cracks in between.
That which is damaged is still beautiful.
Let’s learn to heal our faults
together and shimmer.
Look at us, we have survived!

But sometimes, no matter the effort,
interfaith just doesn’t work;
we did not survive
for no other reason than simply
a difference of belief.
And now there are new broken pieces,
the crimson weeping from fresh cracks
is not the gold I was looking for
ConnectHook May 2021
1) Be very broad-minded. Take the Broad Road.
(It is paved with good intentions and says Fool’s Gold, can’t miss it)

2) When you see the signs for salvation, declare loudly that you are tolerant and loving and that sin is an outmoded relic of patriarchal religion.

3) Follow the virtue-signals away from the true light towards your own sinful conceit.

4) Deny absolute truth when you get to Philosophy and take the exit toward Esthetics.

5) Stay on the path of least resistance. Celebrate ANYTHING except the God of Scripture.

6) When the road diverges, revile the nationalist R., along with tradition.
Hatefully label your fellow citizens as Racist Nazis until you merge onto Interfaith 666 at Hypocrisyville.

7) Turn repeatedly L. while flattering  yourself that you are progressive and enlightened.

8) Follow the exact same agenda and antichrist values as that of trans-national corporations while telling yourself you are a bold free-thinker “resisting fascism”.

9) Follow the bumper-stickers of the tenured professor in front of you for 59 miles.

10) Your destination is on the Left, but there’s still time to change the road you’re on
(if the Led Zeppelin song ends and you see the people leaving church as reactionary rubes, you have gone too far.)

Approx. time to arrive in Hell = 1 lifetime
a poem in the form of a series of directions describing how a person should get to a particular place.
A neighbor had me for egg nog, then she closed the curtain, scaring
me a little like water on electric fans scared the monk Tom Merton.


WIKI: Death
On December 10, 1968, Merton was at a Red Cross retreat center named Sawang Kaniwat in the town of Samutprakarn near Bangkok, Thailand, attending an interfaith conference between Catholic and non-Christian monks.[31] After giving a talk at the morning session, he was found dead later in the afternoon in the room of his cottage, wearing only shorts, lying on his back with a short-circuited Hitachi floor fan lying across his body.[32] His associate, Dom Jean Leclercq, OSB, states: "In all probability the death of Thomas Merton was due in part to heart failure, in part to an electric shock."[33] Leclercq made no mention of the fact that there was no autopsy and that there was a bleeding wound in the back of Merton's head that has never been explained. [34] Arriving from the cottage next to Merton's, the Primate of the Benedictine Order and presiding officer of the conference, Rembert Weakland, anointed Merton.[35]

Hugh Turley and David Martin note that Thomas Merton befriended and inspired such radical peace activists as Martin Luther King and Daniel Berrigan, and conclude their investigation of his death with the following words:

The best evidence indicates beyond any serious doubt that Merton was murdered. . . . The story that a fan killed Merton is so preposterous that a series of fantastic stories have had to be invented to make it believable….Who did it and why? The CIA had the motive and the means.”[32]

— The End —