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John F McCullagh May 2012
His mother goes there every day.
His dried blood stains still mark the spot.
She gets down on her knees and prays.
Such grief will never be forgot.

Her son was murdered for his phone.
A single bullet to the head.
A single gold shell case was found
not far from when he was found dead.

He was his mother's only son
coming home from work at night.
Police came and took his Dad-
for victims must be identified.

Such suffering must one's heart bear
remembering that final day
to see him silent on a slab.
over and over it replays.

So numerous are Urban youth
like drops of water in a stream.
Still each drop is a human life.
Every droplet bears a dream.

His mother goes there every day.
A gentle rain begins to fall.
His girl left some carnations there.
She struggles to accept it all.
Hwang Yang, a 26 year old aspiring chef, was murdered in Riverdale, NY in April 2012. He had an I phone and a thief wanted it.
Ronald J Chapman Jul 2016
I feel sorrowful,
Darkness makes me ill,
I feel miserable, depressed,
My heart is drenched in soju tears.

Hunger rips at my foundations,
I feel tired,
Anger is dragging me down to the depths of misery,
I want to die!

Is it because of being alone for so long?
With the blue rays of despair, raining down on my Soul?
Or am I lost in a tale of Hwang Jini, adrift far from my home,
A foreigner missing his Seoul,
I don't know?

Kyung Mi, I miss you, my wife,
Kyung Mi I miss you, my love,
Kyung Mi I miss you my best friend,
I was getting better but then,
Thoughts of never seeing Kyung Mi broke my heart again,

I feel brokenhearted,
Cold nights chill the flesh on my empty hands,
I feel downcast,
An outcast, living far from home, Missing his Seoul,
Feeling crushed my only purpose.

I feel miserable,
Death is doing its best to take my Soul,
I want this to end!

Is it because of being alone that I feel this way?
With the blue rays of despair, drenching my heart?
Am I lost in a story of Hwang Jini, adrift far from home and alone,
I don't know?

Kyung Mi missing my one true love,
Kyung Mi missing your beauty,
Oh God, Kyung Mi missing your kindness,
I was getting better but then memories of you,
Thoughts of never seeing Kyung Mi broke my heart again,

Oh! God! Take me back home.

Copyright © 2016 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
49 Days ~ Tears Are Falling (eng/rom sub)
I was staying in the village
That was known as Banzhushan,
In the mountains, in the Province
That the Chinese call Hunan,
It was perched atop the mountain
You could reach, and touch the sky,
But there were no single women,
And the men up there were shy.

They were poor, could offer nothing
To entice a willing bride,
They earned little from their labours,
And their houses, poor inside,
So the girls would leave to travel
Down the mountain to the plain,
Where they’d find a richer husband
Than the farmer, sowing grain.

So the men would send out raiders
To the outskirts of the towns,
And they’d kidnap straying peasants,
All the women that they found,
And they’d target younger widows
Who would not put up a fight,
Then would carry them to Banzhushan
Protected by the night.

I had met a village elder
By the name of Zhang Fan Cheng,
He was ancient, a magician,
One the Chinese call yāorén,
He invited me to dinner,
It was simple, shoots and rice,
He was dignified and courteous,
But caught me by surprise.

In the further room, a mirror
Stood at length, both straight and tall,
The frame was wrought in silver
And it leant against the wall,
He showed it to me proudly
Then asked how much would I pay?
For just 5,000 R.M.B.
He’d sell it me, today!

I reached out to feel the silver,
Was it fake or was it real?
He sensed my hesitation
Then he motioned, ‘You be still!’
And plunged his hand into the glass
The mirror let him in,
His arm up to the elbow
Against science, against sin!

He reached his arm behind and pulled,
A girl came into sight,
She was standing in the mirror,
He was holding her so tight,
And she stared, while looking at me
And she said: ‘Qing bang bang wo!’
I could read it on her lips, and then
The wizard let her go.

She had said: ‘Would you please help me!’
But I’d stepped back in the room,
She was nowhere near behind me
Just reflected, in the gloom,
And I saw a tear forming at
The corner of her eye,
The wizard pulled his arm out, and
She waved to me, ‘Goodbye!’

I paid the man his money, and
I took the mirror down
On a wooden cart he lent me,
And I took it through Hunan,
Then I packed it on a train and went
Off speeding to Nanjing,
Where I kept a small apartment,
And I turned, and locked us in.

I stood the mirror over by
A meagre wooden shelf,
Then I stood quite still before it
Hoping she would show herself,
And I tried to put my arm inside
Like he had done before,
But the mirror was unyielding,
So I stood there, and I swore!

That night the girl appeared,
Standing right behind the glass,
And she pummelled on the surface
As if she’d be free at last,
But the mirror was ungiving,
And I couldn’t hear her voice,
So I took a ball pein hammer -
It had given me no choice!

She could see me through the mirror,
In alarm, she mouthed ‘Meiyou!’
But her beauty had beguiled me
Though I knew she’d shouted ‘No!’
I was fevered and impatient now
To set this beauty free,
So I swung the ball pein hammer
And it shattered, over me!

She fell out through the broken glass,
Lay trembling in my room,
Bleeding, sobbing in the silence,
Like the silence of the tomb,
And she said she’d been imprisoned
Since the days of Qin **** Huang,
Then she writhed upon the carpet
As her flesh turned into sand.

I had wanted to release her
To relieve those tender tears,
But her body, once released took on
The last two thousand years;
She took one last, despairing look
Then withered up to die,
And for years I’ve sought the answer
To the only question - ‘Why?’

David Lewis Paget

(Glossary -
R.M.B. - Ren-Min-bi - or yuan (Chinese currency.)
Yāorén - magician
Qing bang bang wo - (Ching bang bang wor) - Please help me!
Meiyou - (May yo) - No, nothing
Qin **** Huang - (Chin Sher Hwang)
1st Emperor of China - 246-210 BC)
****-zip-bang shenyang ang;
Mang mangue flang hang prang pang;
Pinang lalang unhang kang youth defang khang;
Marang schlang gang wolfgang ying-yang xuanzang.
Klang sea get wrang.

Sang tsang li-kang gangue langues.
Thang drang crang tang harangue sprang zhang shang siang whang strang hang verdinsgang chuang;
Brang lang nang bhang xiaogang mahuang durang huang.
Hange hsiang und;

Zang rang kuomintang ourang section gang hang.
Krang pahang boomerang fang guilt;
Spang gang;
Hangsang xinjiang tunkelang slang tangue nanchang clang chang bangue vang ziyangbaoguang hwang pang the tsiang alang dang ylang-ylang.

Tang liang.
Overhang langue pyongyang.
Cangue sangh mustang stang frang yang lange kukang farang **** care sturm t'ang;
Zamang drang chiang road a jang;

— The End —