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DieingEmbers Dec 2012
Harry hedgehog in the hedgerow
saw a tasty treat
Harry hedgehog in the hedgerow
thought the taste so sweet
Harry hedgehog in the hedgerow
licked his sticky lips
Harry hedgehog in the hedgerow
spitting out the pips
Harry hedgehog in the hedgerow
looked around for more
Harry hedgehog in the hedgerow
ate an apple core
Harry hedgehog in the hedgerow
rolled into a ball
Harry hedgehog in the hedgerow
loved the fruits of fall
there was a little  hedgehog of the pilot sort
to fly an helicopter was his only thought
flying in the sky all along the sea
an helicopter pilot he just long to be.

he booked some flying lessons at an airport near by
so he could get his wings once he learnt to fly.
hedgehog past his test now he could fly alone
in an helcopter flying on his own

now hedgehog he was ready and headed for the sky
high above the clouds he began to fly
suddenly he saw what looked like a flare
flying past his window gave him quite a scare.

hedgehog circled round to see what it could be
there he saw dinghy floating in the sea.
it was his friend the badger he was in distress
badger was in trouble and in such a mess
hedgehog he got closer he was very brave
and his friend the badger hedghog he would save.

he dropped down a line to his little friend
badger  he grabbed hold and hung on to the end
hedgehog pulled him up and pulled his friend inside
then in his helicopter hedgehog began to glide.

he had saved the badger he was safe once more
flew him back to land to the safety of the shore
hedghog waved goodbye then he flew away
and his still a pilot to this very day
there was a little  hedgehog of the pilot sort
to fly an helicopter was his only thought
flying in the sky all along the sea
an helicopter pilot he just long to be.

he booked some flying lessons at an airport near by
so he could get his wings once he learnt to fly.
hedgehog past his test now he could fly alone
in an helcopter flying on his own

now hedgehog he was ready and headed for the sky
high above the clouds he began to fly
suddenly he saw what looked like a flare
flying past his window gave him quite a scare.

hedgehog circled round to see what it could be
there he saw dinghy floating in the sea.
it was his friend the badger he was in distress
badger was in trouble and in such a mess.

hedgehog he got closer he was very brave
and his friend the badger hedgehog he would save.

he dropped down a line to his little friend
badger  he grabbed hold and hung on to the end
hedgehog pulled him up and pulled his friend aboard
then in to the air hedgehog quickly soared

he had saved the badger.he was safe once more
flew him back to land to the safety of the shore
hedgehog waved goodbye then he flew away
and his still a pilot to this very day
M L Evett Feb 2017
There once was a hedgehog who sang the blues,
And every day he'd sing his lonely tunes.
I asked him if he'd sing a happy song,
But he said not since he'd been wronged
By a certain red-hatted gnome
Who had driven him from his home.

That bad gnome, you see, had stolen his dreams,
And absconded with a mistress of seams.
With this seamstress the hedgehog had fallen in love
After she had sewn him some quite dashing gloves.
And while they then had a nice picnic,
In the rose garden, a place thought quite chic,
The gnome had more money
So she called him honey.

Then off they did roam, the seamstress and gnome,
Around the world, calling all places home.
The hedgehog ran off away from that place
Hoping to never again see Gnome's face.
But sadly Gnome found a job on TV
And every day he the hedgehog would see.

All this the hedgehog told me that night
As he sang in the pale moonlight.

Later that week I was back in that place
Where I found him with a smile on his face.
I asked him why he was so full of cheer.
And he told me that the seamstress was near.
She had left the gnome who was a rascal.
She had found with him naught but a fiasco.
From the hedgehog she had run,
But now to him she had come.
For she knew he did love her,
And he would be her lover.

Thus ends this story of seams and true love.
They lived ever after making their gloves.
For my wife, because she loves hedgehogs.
there was little hedgehog he just long to be
a little Sherlock holmes and solve a mystery
he bought himself a fiddle and a pipe and hat
then off to solve the puzzle of the missing cat
searching for some clues to where the cat could be
looking for some evidence sherlock holmes was he
he took along his spyglass to see what could be found
searching everywhere in the forest ground
he searched for while along the forest floor
there and back again and again once more
suddenly he heard a little purring sound
hedgehog he decided to take a look around
there he saw the cat he had trapped his paw
he was very stuck and couldnt walk no more
hedgehog dug him out now the cat was free
no longer was he missing he solved the mystery
hedgehog played a tune upon his little fiddle
just like Sherlock Holmes he had solved the riddle
there was a little  hedgehog of the pilot sort
to fly an helicopter was his only thought
flying in the sky all along the sea
an helicopter pilot he just long to be.

he booked some flying lessons at an airport near by
so he could get his wings once he learnt to fly.
hedgehog past his test now he could fly alone
in an helcopter flying on his own

now hedgehog he was ready and headed for the sky
high above the clouds he began to fly
suddenly he saw what looked like a flare
flying past his window gave him quite a scare.

hedgehog circled round to see what it could be
there he saw dinghy floating in the sea.
it was his friend the badger he was in distress
badger was in trouble and in such a mess.

hedgehog he got closer he was very brave
and his friend the badger hedghog he would save.

he dropped down a line to his little friend
badger  he grabbed hold and hung on to the end
hedgehog pulled him up and pulled his friend aboard
then in to the air hedgehog quickly soared

he had saved the badger.he was safe once more
flew him back to land to the safety of the shore
hedghog waved goodbye then he flew away
and his still a pilot to this very day
there was a little hedgehog and his name was spike
he used to ride a around on his little bike
riding through the woods and all along the lane
any sort of weather even wind and rain
while riding down the lane  one fine sunny day
he heard a little cry not to far away
he rode a little closer to see what it could be
it was a little shrew very sad was he
the poor chap was stuck in the muddy clay
no matter how he tried he couldnt get away
hedgehog he was clever and new what to do
so  he dug the clay away from beneath the shrew
little shrew was happy free from all the clay
he said goodbye to hedgehog and went along his way
hedgehog carried on riding on his bike
shrew he wont forget his little friend called spike
little eddie hedgehog a lovely chap was he

roamed around the country roaming wild and free

all around the fields he roamed every where

life so trouble free life without a care

oneday as he travelled along a country road

there along the hedge he met a little toad

the little toad was sad he had lost away

far from his little pond where he used to stay

dont worry said the hedgehog i know what to do

i will help you seach and find your home for you

they walked off together down the country track

to find the toad his home and help him to get him back

after quite sometime hedgehog heard a splash

to see where it was coming from  hedgehog quickly made a dash.

he had found the pond.  now toad was home once more

back to his little pond where he was before

toad he was so happy he had found his home

this time he would stay  and never ever roam

hedgehog waved goodbye and went along his way

feeling very happy for his good deed for the day.
there was a little hedgehog and his name was spike
he used to ride a around on his little bike
riding through the woods and all along the lane
any sort of weather even wind and rain.

while riding down the lane  one fine sunny day
he heard a little cry not to far away
he rode a little closer to see what it could be
it was a little shrew very sad was he.

the poor chap was stuck in the muddy clay
no matter how he tried he couldnt get away
hedgehog he was clever and new what to do
so  he dug the clay away from beneath the shrew.

little shrew was happy free from all the clay
he said goodbye to hedgehog and went along his way
hedgehog carried on riding on his bike
shrew he wont forget his little friend called spike.
there was a little bear he lived in the wood
he was well behaved and always very good
always used his manners just as he was tought
and for every body he always had a thought.

one day in the woods as he was passing by
suddenly from no where he heard a little cry
he moved a little closer so he could hear the pitch
there he saw an hedgehog who had fallen in a ditch

he was very sad and he began to cry
followed by a sniffle and a great big sigh
dont worry said the bear i know what to
i will get a branch and hand it down to you

bear he got the branch from a fallen tree
handed it to hedgehog to climb up and be free
hedgehog he got out to the forest floor
happy once again he was free once more

hedgehog thanked the bear and went along his way
now there the best of friends bear had saved the day.
Darren Scanlon Aug 2015
Have you ever heard the tale
about the hedgehog with no spikes,
such a sweet little boy
who all the other’s didn’t like?

A case of alopecia,
there was nothing they could do,
such a sad little hedgehog
who cried and cried, “Boo-Hoo”.

But soon the lad grew older,
he wanted to look more lush
so onto his back he tied himself
a little scrubbing brush.

His friends, well they just laughed at him
and bullied him all the more,
until one day, he'd had enough
and walked out through the door.

For years not much was heard of him,
his mother, she did fret
for she’d heard about the busy roads
and trouble, in which, he could get.

But life had turned out fine for him
and soon he’d found a place
where he could earn a little living
and put smiles on many a face.

Within the railway station
with his brush upon his back,
a jumping and a jiggling till
the queue would start to clap.

People travelled from miles around
just to come and watch the show,
their trips no longer boring
they would leave with faces aglow.

But what’s the hedgehog doing
to make the people come to see?
What makes them laugh and cheer
and fills their hearts with so much glee?

You've never seen a shoe shine stall
with such a special knack,
for the owner was a dancing hedgehog
with a brush upon his back!

Written by Darren Scanlon, 3rd January 2014
Revised 26th August 2015.
Artwork by Angie Caira.
© 2015 Darren Scanlon. All rights reserved.
there was a little badger a lovely little soul
his favourite thing of all was take his daily stroll
he would walk for miles every single day
strolling through the woods to pass the time away.

oneday on his travels he heard a little yell
where the sound was coming from he couldnt really tell
he moved a little closer to see what it could be
there he saw an hedgehog trying to break free.

hedgehog he was stuck the poor little chap
he became entangled in a poachers trap
caught up  a net very stuck was he
badger said dont worry i will set you free.

he began to chew. through the trap that had been laid.
chewing through the net till a hole was made
hedgehog he was free and was stuck no more
and strolled of with badger along the forest floor
harry was a hedgehog he loved the rodeo
a visit to america decided he would go
he boarded  on a plane to the U.S.A
way across the ocean so very faraway.

he headed for the venue to see the the rodeo
then he put his name down so he could have ago
harry was excited as happy as can be
now he could ride the rodeo for everyone to see

harrys name was called and mounted on his horse
now his time had come to ride around the course
he new all the tricks and new what to do
chasing after steer with his big lasso

people they all loved him shouted out for more
an hedgehog ride a rodeo they never saw before
hedgehog he was happy his dream it had come true
riding in a rodeo is all he longed to do

— The End —