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Thomas P Owens Sr
M/New Market, Va    Lover of poetry, film, comedy, the paranormal, OBX, Rush and women named Eve
Theia Gwen
New York    “Hatred is so much closer to love than indifference.” Marya Hornbacher
WendyStarry Eyes
Life to me is a never ending change! "Whose walking down the streets of the city, everyone knows it's Wendy!" —-██—— Put this on ...
Sara Went Sailing
Gwen Johnson
Minnesota    I'm just a girl who writes, but that makes me a writer.
Katrina Wendt
I write what I feel- it's how I'm most comfortable expressing myself because there are always the right words. I have a blog at ...
Mfena Ortswen
Somewhere on Earth    In form of words, I breathe My voice is in the symbols I create My choices are in the lines I make If you ever ...
Amber Bowen
Locked away in my mind.    I write until I can write no longer, because with each word I feel a little stronger.
Ella Gwen
F/England    As Ella, my will shall remain.
27/M/Ft. Campbell TN    Life is a balancing act. Instagram: owenakeys
Wendell A Brown
67/M/Ga    I am a disabled veteran, who enjoys sharing the poetry I write each day, for God and my wife, and many other life events. Words ...
Gwen Pimentel
the best way to get over someone is to turn them into literature // where my unsaid things go
Loewen S Graves
where it rains a lot    If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one ...
29/F/Ohio    Simple country girl
Owen Phillips
I'm from Raleigh, North Carolina, but I was born on a distant planet in outer space. I'm finding trace amounts of everything in everything else. ...
Bronwen Griffiths
F/Southern England    I write flash fiction, novels and poetry. My new novel, Here Casts No Shadow, came out in May. Also published - short stories and flash ...
poetic ambedo    sculpting words to fill empty spaces.
14/Fantasy    Proud Filipina
Andrew Owens
Sandpoint Idaho   
Kaila Wenker
Welcome to the inside of my mind.

— The End —