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i am miss brightside
In my Father's Kingdom    I am a princess. Not because I believe in fairy tales, or has a prince. But because my Father is a King, and He is …
Miss Havisham
Missy Beminio
Lakewood    Simple
Miss Kiss My Bliss
Down Stairs    Artist- Painter -quilter-poet-photographer-maker..artist in all I do
Miss Honey
California    Sea glass cuts me in pastoral dreams I wish to be peaceful, away from all this
17/Pangender/Phelan ca    positive vibes only
Miss Grim
31/F/Rhode Island    What you perceive is what you'll receive.
50/F/Texas    Always feeling between HERE and THERE where ever that may be
Miss Tabitha Devereaux
Finding modern life altogether too frenetic and demanding, I seek solace in poetry, cosset myself in tableaux and dream only of the past. I prefer …
Philly    Super dooper rhymey soup
Used as space holder for miscellaneous unfinished, rough writings. Excuse the raw, rough, haphazard and messy. I never could figure it out. Enjoy at will.
Texas    I don't think I'm really alive
Wisconsin    Colorful tales of a achromatic life. Words spoken influenced by only mind, heart, body, and soul of the one of a kind poet.
no where    HI there umm i joined this site in order to show people my work and i have....Everyone on here is so nice and caring.... I …
Miss Ana
28/F/Texas    I am so sorry.
Miss Masque
The wise words of Socrates follow me as I publish my work, "An unexamined life is not worth living". I hope that my writing will …
Miss Clofullia
Miss Rea
“You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” ― C.S. Lewis
Miss Dan
Iligan City, Philippines    I'm a mess, as is my poetry.

— The End —