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     Laying here under this sapphire sheet of dreams,
No limits
No rules
       Nobody else

I dive into this non-aquatic azure sea of thoughts,
    No oxygen
    No wetsuit
             Nothing but faith

Psyche an oracle arena-in an undeniable Golden state,
         No fear        
    No higher

Soul searching for a sole purpose within,
       No answers
    No clarity

Awoken with a cleansed perspective,
          No questions
       No notions
'K U M O M I' •Romans 12:2 - "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Just a couple of thoughts I jotted down whilst chilling. Taking a pause from writing wasn't only necessarily to have break & focus on other things, but to also delve within for inspiration instead of around. I took time to just relax & reflect on how God has blessed me personally and was able to open my mind to ambiguous thoughts. Faith within ones self care & the Father will enable his/her confidence to soar on wings like eagles. Also, the piece is named Kumomi after the song produced by the luminary himself, Nujabes. The Japanese term loosely translates to "cloud watching" which helps convey the image of me "laying here under this sapphire sheet of dreams" and all that follows. A man/woman may look endlessly throughout life trying to find happiness, but once he/she are able to discover oneself - there is no such state as being 'lost'. God bless
I washed ashore on the ripples of my memory
Tipping on the edge on a mortal island
And my mortality seemed greater
The accosted sailor had saved me in a fit
He saw me with a nightlight
I call it a large lantern
Simple really if you wonder how many people
Would never find among the flora and fauna
Understanding the flow of the universe
And I found my peace already
Or I thought it was better than changing my rhyme each verse
That's why the free verse is like this
When you look at the things you observe
But, you miss something in them and the going gets tough
The lugubrious streets are something imprinted
So, I kind of glad that the sailor changed my mind about the reverse
And the fate I had was maybe changed by a Godly act
And my human luck
Or it was just the flow of the universe that I landed upon
And islands were just a part of the metaphor
That was lucidly my life
Liberating myself from these lintels and circumstances, it's hard to forget that ballad
The song of poetic device like assiduous alliteration of the streetlamps
Sequacious sundry of people and the contingent of the serried three
People on a lone boat occupied the place
And burned the forests down to an ashen pile
These sailors had come looking for old gold

As there was not much time to feel sorry
I held back my words and felt I had left the world without words
I discovered Seba Jun in late 2009 when I started highschool, kind of casually inundated this music but didn't learn of his death until a few years after. It made me sad then, but hearing this "new" release today made me tear up a bit. It gives me a feeling as if this was his final departure song.. an untitled, bittersweet little song left for us to remember him by. Rip Nujabes, you will never be forgotten.

— The End —