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Jason Paul Klenetsky
50/M/Florida    I write poetry. It flows out of me. I’m also an Artist, Writer, and Creative Thinker. Twitter: @GonzoJ40
JA Doetsch
St. Louis, MO    Pretending to be a writer in my spare time. DFTBA
False Poets
how oft in life do we presume, take for granted grants so extra-ordinary that we forget to remember the extra and see only the ordinary. …
Deborah Sweetsilverbird Birch
67/F/Vancouver    ..a Canadian writer and published poet for many years; my poetry sometimes says much with just a few words. On the internet I have been …
Betsy Garris Segui
have a little faith. |b.g.|
Taetso Tshegofatso Makutu
Nelspruit ,south Africa   
south africa    holding onto something, only that something is nothing.
17/Gender Fluid/somewhere    sometimes i make things sometimes i put them here
Hidden Secrets
F/No where    There are poems inside of me that paper can not handle and as a result I burn like wild fire deep within, fierce and bold, …
18/F/No where Safe    For the books Ive read that introduced me to poetry
southern africa   
chuck a stetson
I’m a music loving, distortion crazy, thick compressed tonal poet. The world is a I- IV- V7 change waiting to happen. My poetry is created …
Flor Boetsch
Argentina    I love art. Sometimes I´m afraid of many things, even my mind.
One of the Tortured Poets
26    I will write till the last metaphor ran out its life, till the silenced be heard.
Not much to say about me, just a normal person with a gothic soul. No one special who hides away in the shadows, afraid of …
Alex Sheets
Mt.Pleasant tn    Never surrender, its true you will suffer, fall prey to madness, wander the plains of your personal hell, but if its worth all that pain …
Julie Roland Spets
Oslo    I´m a walking cliche of an adolescent midlife crisis. Sue me.
Secrets Are Made To Hide
Originally on Wattpad:

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