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Arfah Afaqi Zia
Pakistan    " Go after your dreams, no matter how unattainable others think it is...." Well, this is exactly what I am doing. Lets start by my ...
27/M    I am Safana, I doubt it's doubtless
Rafael Melendez
28/M/Austin, Texas    A writer in the dark, usually in bed. Thanks for stopping and reading my thoughts.
Sindi Kafazi
M/Egypt    I am a writer and have several; blogs at Google. I have also several books at Amazon, Lulu, and kobo. They are for children and ...
Leafar Mamede
Portugal    I'm a man of science with an alliance with art.
Ariel Jasmine Lafayette
21/F/Georgia    I write to quiet the storms from my past. To breathe a little easier.
Mohammed Arafat
28/M/Virgina    My name is Mohammed Arafat from Gaza, Palestine, living in Virginia, US, and I aspire to become “a voice for Palestine, expressing the people’s hopes ...
39/M/Virginia    Cur Non?
canada    illhueminati
Rabiya Zafar
Maybe I'm not ready for this.
Rafael Emilio Diaz
Miami,FL    ''True success cannot be attained if you cannot help others become successful''
Mustafa Mars
California    Writing in a world that would never understand.
Love is the motivation. Depression is the influence. Writing is the escape. Although Depression sadly exsists, writing exsists to free one's mind from pain and ...
Vafa Batool
Brian Tafanji
M    Sadness is essential. Happiness will come. Depression grows. You are my soil.
Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh
22/M/Srinagar    A young poet born on soil of martyrdom Kashmir. Mirza Sharafat is a noted name in English poetry. Though a romantic poet, filled with melancholy ...
karachi,pakistan    I'M actually 13 years old and follow me and comment because I've worked really hard on them but apparently some people didn't believe in me ...
Rafael Magat
Manila, Philippines    for more than three thousand years
Tonic for the seafarer
Put me on Like your tightest dress Take me off like A band-aid
Leandro Rafael Perez
I am a Carmen-Miranda-height guy living in a São Paulo City suburb since always and on. The more the poet freely and crazily work images, ...
Morrigan LaFaye King
I am just a girl , with ideas that she wants to share with the world. You could accomadate me by leaving comments and feedback ...
Rafael S Lasala

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