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21/F/England    Words can change your life. Words from your lover's mouth, lyrics from your favourite song, or quotes from a novel you thought was going to ...
unknown unseen unheard
17/F    this is where my word vomit resides


Alvin Jul 2019
When the calls of life go unheard

Are they ignored or just rehearsed?

When the calls of life go unheard

Are they too loud or plainly cursed?

When the calls of life go unheard

Do they echo so they sound fake?

When the calls of life go unheard

Do people laugh at tears you make?

When the calls of life go unheard

Don't people see the pain in you?

When the calls of life go unheard

Don't you feel the knives they threw?

When the calls of life go unheard

Is the cry for help not enough?

When the calls of life go unheard

Is addiction making you feel tough?

When the calls of life go unheard

Can they see your out of breath?

When the calls of life go unheard

Can they actually be calls of death?

When the calls of life go unheard

The family you knew, Are they still there?

When the calls of life go unheard

The alcohol and drugs show the scars you wear?

When the calls go silent is when they're heard

Addictions are real and should be feared...
Lizzie  Nov 2017
Lizzie Nov 2017
Unheard is a whisper in the wind,
faintly talking in your ear.
He's the figure hidden in plain sight,
He knows everything that goes on,
because he is unheard he is not seen...
His dark blue eyes, watch all, waiting, to finally be noticed...
Unheards dream is to be heard,
for his silent pleas for help to be met.
He spends his time at home listening to his music, full blast
to block out the constant fighting...
He finds peace at the roofs edge of tall buildings, inching
further each day...
Unheard hides behind a curtain of black hair, like the roses he carries
in his pocket as he climbs the stairs to the top,
leaving white roses as a trail behind him...
He steps that final inch...
Unheard fades to the darkness as the commotion rises...
He is finally heard,
But it's too late, his stories over now...