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Her skin
Soft like a newborn.
Her legs wrapped around my waist.
Her eyes are staring into mine
I see the stars forming.
In her cornia.
Her body heat
Slowly elevating mine.
Her lips tight against mine.
She is all I've ever wanted
And here she is
Upon my waist.
Upon my body
upon my mind
Here she is,
Her muscles tightening
Her breathing rapidly quickening
Her soul flying
Her lovely sighing.
She is all I've ever wanted
She looks so perfect tonight.
She seems to always know
just what I like.
Her chest up against mine
Her heartbeat strong
Her breaths now so long.
And it is everything for me
Not to lose myself.
She is all I've ever wanted
She is the one for me
And she cried the day
I got on one knee
Here we are
Alone tonight
My hands on her curves
Her hands gripping tight
She is
But my, I dont mind
She can have her way
After all
She is all I've ever wanted
After the smoke clears from this room.
Will question why.
As you push ME into  the depths.
As I lifted you from your self appointed gloom.

So take his hand cause happiness has another
You can close your eye's.
but it's never the same.

Can we ever forget that which we did
not understand.
you hide the pain.
But secrets dig into your soul
like barbwire in hand.

She ran with what wasnt supposed to be.
Sweet suduction it was in such devlish fun.
To bad it was so very clear to all but me.

Under covers bodies without thought collide
locked in the passion of night.
Taking flustrations out in plessure.
You appear as a vision get your fix then vanish from sight.

Cheating the heart fractrued given to two.
You question  with lies.
As I yern to hold the woman I belive is you.

And so I exist in a mystery only you can
im the ***** secret across the tracks.
The dirt underfoot  in which my heart does revolve.

If only the feeling could last.
I question while off to another.
Would you stay it was you fading with the past.

Worn from it's trappings you crawl.
Wash away the truth.
Confession of pillow talk that
seep into the wall.

So is the story of the confussed woamn who
fractured her heart over two.
And the man who only did thirst for the
one he thought he knew
Quentin Briscoe  Jun 2012
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2012
Sweet.....Sweet Drips of syllables...dripping in your ear lobes..honey....slipping through the wax...Till You brain is under attack...Yummm...makes you Hummm...Old hymms of glory...cause the sweet sweet sounds write your story....You subdue to the pleasures of the words...As they tell you things you have never and out out then in...This suduction as only started to begin...Cuz i can eradicate the old thoughts...and fill the holes with sweet spots...tasting better then before...So you wont think to want no oooo's and my ahhh's turn to your oooo's and lala's ..cuz I can have you screaming out Oh My GODs and Allahs...But Just from sweet nector...That I drop into your flower...Cuz With me I'll help you grow...With my sweet words in steady flow...
Rachel Giudici Feb 2014
written: July 13, 09 sunday (of course)

simplicity just isnt me
intricate intamacy
leaves me breatheless

don't leave me here naked
stripped of all i am
don't leave me here now to die in my shame
and give into my concioius screaming my name
this is where you take away the pain
you inflict on me
help me breathe

and i broke
though i swore i wouldn't
and i only blame myself
and they tell me i shouldn't
i should hate you
for only wanting this from me
but i couldn't stand too make you unhappy

your miserable
and i pity your insanity
and i'm terrible
for trying to make you happy
at least that's what they think

i'm torn
and i don't want to do this anymore
but i can't stand to let you go cuz it'd hurt you,hurt me more then you know

you help me breathe
the only thing keeping me sane while pushing me over the edge of insanity
the pain oh the pain

let me pull up my pants
i can't unless you tell me your satisfied with me
finally happy
ive given up fighting agaist your hands
someday they'll understand why i can't live without them

your invisible touch
suduction that inspires my ****** lust
for you
this is all i have to do
to prove to you i'm true  

pocessed by you
obsessed with you
undress for you
because you asked me too

pocessed by you
obsessed with you
undress for you
because you need me too

it's the least i can do
for someone so upset
for someone who needs me
i can't hold regret
for you, i'll never forget
though remembering makes me sick
a lifetime of this uncurable illness
a sacrafice i took to try to save you from your disease
and i'd willing die naked to save you from your suffering
and i'd willing die naked to save you from your suffering

Johnnie Rae Jan 2013
I stand in a pit of my own despair,
my mother close by,
the very person who made the problems arise,
yes, she gave me life,
one I didn't ask for,
one I've many times asked to end,

But I live on,
fighting every second, everyday,
to keep the crimson lines from reappearing,
afraid that one day, I may give in,
to the suduction,
of a blade so sharp, it calls my name,
the way it says my name is metallic against my ears,

But no,
I mustn't give in,
This is a battle most won't fight,
but I fight it to win,
maybe be beaten and battered in the end,
but standing just the same, wrists clean,

Whom do I have to blame?
for my reoccuring depression,
Built for blame (but doesn't take it well)
Laced with shame (but puts on a smile for show)
maybe its because I was born drunk,
and probably damaged,
yes, alcohol syndrome was my chosen fate,

Thanks Mommy Dearest. You're the greatest.
Milton Robertson  Jul 2018
Milton Robertson Jul 2018
Peace a pressure release. When troubles seem not to cease it becomes imperative that you find your inner peace.

Even if you have to consult a priest for peace is like the golden fleece.
Peace will stop your continual fleeing and promote wellbeing, it's all freeing

Putting you back on course, for it's an excellent resource. Peace goes beyond measure, it's an invaluable treasure.

Whereas, we are quick to ignore good instruction while being easily lured into the world's seductive, suduction and find ourselves on the path to imminent destruction.

Then your path looks distance and distorted, with life making you so mad you feel you want to abort it. Still you fight your way clear to the junction, instead of relief, there awaits disorder, dysfunction.

But before you have a malfunction at the junction, seek your inner peace, it's increase in health, in wealth and it will align body, soul and mind.

All worries will cease through peace. So why isn't this a press release?

— The End —