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Rebecca Sorenson
19/F    I’m no longer a poet, if I even was one in the first place. This world I stumbled upon, like Heaven to a sinner, I ...
talaina sorensen
Soren Knight


Patricia Drake  Mar 2013
Patricia Drake Mar 2013
Still sensing
Still sore
                                     From scratches
Still sensitive

To sound
Like shockwaves                                  E    D   N
                                                          S    N    I     G


******* ******* ******* *******

Sensations of


                                    Tongue torn
From tickling licking
                                          Skin with sharp
                                                                           D stubbles
Sore *******
        ******* sore from
                              From bites
                      And from
                                       Fingertips fondling

And sore muscles
Aching from f

                     Repeated contraction contraction
CONTROL                                                            A
                                     of      C


Sore sensitive
Sore from oscillation
Still soaked
In saps
             D  R
                             Devilish desire

The mind's eye
From mimicking
                                Mo ve ments
                  In memory
                                       Driving me


I want more...
Noandy Jan 2016
Laut Anyelir*
Sebuah cerita pendek*

Apa kau masih ingat kisah tentang laut di belakang tempat kita tinggal? Laut—Ah, entah apa nama sebenarnya—Yang jelas, itu laut yang oleh paman dan para tetangga disebut sebagai Laut Anyelir. Kau mungkin lupa, sibuknya pekerjaan dan kewajibanmu jauh di seberang sana sepertinya tidak menyisakan tempat-tempat kecil dalam otak dan hatimu untuk mengingat dongeng muram macam itu. Tapi aku ingat, dan tak akan pernah lupa. Hamparan pantainya yang kita injak tiap sore setelah bersepeda selama 10 menit menuju Laut Anyelir, angin sepoinya yang samar-samar membisikkan gurauan dan terkadang kepedulianmu yang terlalu sering kau sembunyikan, dan bau asinnya yang busuk seperti air mata.

Kau mungkin  lupa mengapa Laut Anyelir disebut demikian.

Kau juga mungkin sudah lupa ombak kecil dan ketenangan Laut Anyelir kala malam yang terkadang berubah menjadi merah darah saat memantulkan bulan serta arak-arakan awan dan bintangnya.

Iya, pantulan bulan dan bintang yang lembut pada air Laut Anyelir pada saat tertentu berwarna merah,

Semburat merah dan bergelombang,

Seperti rangkaian puluhan bunga Anyelir merah yang dibuang ke laut lambangkan duka.

Biasanya, setelah terlihat berpuluh bercak-bercak merah melebur di Laut Anyelir, akan ada sebuah duka nestapa yang menyelimuti kita semua. Mereka bilang, laut bersedih dan melukai dirinya untuk hal-hal buruk yang tak lama akan datang. Menurutku itu kebetulan saja, mungkin hanya puluhan alga merah yang mekar atau ada pencemaran.

Tapi aku masih tak tahu mengapa semua hal itu selalu terjadi bertepatan,

Dan, sudahlah, laut itu memang cocok disebut sebagai Laut Anyelir. Aku tidak berlebihan seperti katamu biasanya.

Kau sangat suka cerita sedih, mungkin sedikit-sedikit masih dapat mengingat kisah sedih dari paman yang juga tak percaya soal pertanda Laut Anyelir, cerita soal kekasihnya yang hilang saat mereka berenang di pantai sore hari ketika kemarin malamnya, air laut berwarna merah.

Benar, hari ulang tahun mereka bertepatan, dan pernikahan untuk bulan depan di tanggal yang sama juga sudah direncanakan dengan baik. Kekasih paman sangat jago dalam berenang, ia mengajari paman yang penakut dengan gigih, sampai pada sore hari ulang tahun mereka, paman mengajaknya untuk berenang di Laut Anyelir sekali lagi,

Sebagai hadiah,

Untuk menunjukkan bagaimana paman mengamalkan segala ilmu yang diajarkannya, sebagai pertanda bahwa mereka dapat berenang bebas bersama, kapanpun. Mereka memakai pakaian renang sebelum mengenakan baju santai dan berbalap sepeda ke pantai seperti yang biasanya kita lakukan. mereka langsung berhamburan ke Laut Anyelir tanpa memperdulikan desas-desus tadi pagi bahwa kemarin malam airnya berubah warna. Kekasih paman sangat terkejut dan bangga melihat jerih payahnya selama ini terbayar. Berbagai macam gaya yang ia ajarkan telah dilakukan oleh paman, dan sekarang ia akan mencoba menyelam dengan melompat dari sebuah karang tepat di tengah laut. Paman mendakinya—Ia handal mendaki, dan sekarang handal berenang—Lalu menatap kekasihnya dengan rambut kepang dua yang melihatnya begitu bahagia. Ia melompat dengan indah, dan meskipun sedikit kesusahan untuk kembali menyeimbangkan dirinya dalam air, paman akhirnya muncul dengan wajah sumringah, memanggil serta mencari-cari kekasihnya.

Tapi ia tak ada di sana,
Ia tak ada dimanapun.

Itu kali terakhir paman melihat kekasihnya, melihatnya tersenyum, sebelum akhirnya ia menemukan pita merah rambutnya terselip diantara jemari kakinya.

Malam menjelang, semua warga dikerahkan untuk mencari kekasihnya, namun sampai bulan penuh terbangun di langit dan dilayani beribu bintang yang menyihir air laut menjadi kebun anyelir, kekasihnya masih tak dapat ditemukan.

Itulah sebabnya apabila mendengar laut berubah warna lagi kala malam, paman tak akan memperbolehkan kita untuk mendekati laut sampai dua hari ke depan.

Kau bukan saudaraku—Bukan saudara kandungku. Tapi aku menganggapmu lebih dari sekedar teman, bahkan lebih dari saudara kandung atau saudara angkat. Kau bukan saudaraku, tapi paman begitu peduli padamu seperti anaknya sendiri. Sama seperti bagaimana ia menyayangiku.

Dahulu kami hanya rajin mendengarmu, tetangga pindahan, memainkan gitar di kamarmu sendirian, melihatmu dari balkon lantai 2 rumah kayu kami sampai kau akhirnya sadar dan tidak pernah membuka tirai jendelamu lagi. Mungkin kau malu, tapi kami masih dapat mendengar sayup-sayup suara gitarmu. Namun setelahnya, paman justru hobi melemparkan pesawat-pesawat kertas yang berisi surat-surat kecil. Mereka kadang berisi gambar-gambar pemandangan alam—Salah satunya Laut Anyelir—Dan surat-surat itu sering tersangkut di tralis kamarmu. Akhirnya paman memberanikan diri dan menggandeng tanganku untuk segera mengetuk pintu rumahmu, usiaku belum beranjak belasan, dan aku hobi mengenakan celana pendek serta sandal karet yang mungkin tidak cukup sopan dipakai untuk memperkenalkan diri. Tapi kalian tidak peduli, dan menyambut kami dengan ramah—Paman menceritakan bagaimana ia menyukai musik-musik kecilmu, dan mengajak kalian untuk melihat-melihat keadaan sekitar sekaligus berkenalan dengan para warga,

Paman mengajak kalian ke Laut Anyelir,

Kalian menyukainya;

Dan paman mulai bercerita soal kisah Laut Anyelir yang menghantui, serta ketakutan-ketakutan warga. Tapi ia belum menceritakan kisahnya.

Namun kalian, sama seperti kami yang menghibur diri,
Tidak peduli, dan tidak takut akan semburat merah pertanda dari Laut Anyelir.
“Benar, itu mungkin hanya kebetulan!”
Sahut kalian.

Hampir dua tahun kita saling mengenal, dan pada hari ulang tahunmu, paman mengajak kita semua untuk berpiknik di pantai Laut Anyelir pada sebuah sore yang cerah. Aku memakan lebih dari 3 kue mangkuk, bahkan hampir menghabiskan jatahmu. Tapi tidak masalah, orangtuamu juga tidak menegurku. Kau sudah menghabiskan jatah klappertaartku, dan menyisakan hanya satu sendok teh.

Apa kau masih ingat betapa cantiknya Laut Anyelir saat matahari tenggelam? Seperti sebuah panggung sandiwara yang set nya sedang dipersiapkan saat-saat menuju lampu menggelap. Matahari sirna dan berganti dengan senyum bulan di atas sana, bintang-bintang kecil perlahan mulai di gantung dengan rapih,

Dan air laut yang biru gelap berubah menjadi lembayung,

Sebelum akhirnya mereka menderukan ombak, dan terlihat bercak-bercak merah pada tiap pantulan cahaya bintang. Sekilas terlihat seperti lukisan yang indah namun sakit. Kalian tidak takut, justru takjub melihat replika darah menggenang pada hamparan lautan luas dengan karang ditengahnya. Paman langsung menyuruh kita semua untuk bergegas membereskan keranjang piknik, dan berjalan pulang diiringi deru angin malam. Ia tak memperbolehkan kita mendekati pantai esok harinya.

Esok lusanya, kedua orangtuamu pergi ke kota untuk melapor pada atasannya, kau dititipkan pada paman. Mereka berjanji untuk pulang esok harinya,

Tapi mereka tidak pulang.
Mereka tidak kembali,
Dan kita masih menganggapnya sebagai sebuah kebetulan saja.
Kau bersedih, namun tidak menangis.

Aku yang sedikit lebih gemuk darimu memboncengmu dengan sepeda merahku dan mencoba untuk menghiburmu yang terus-terusan memeluk gitar di Laut Anyelir. Aku yakin saat itu aku pasti sangat menyebalkan; terus-terusan berbicara tanpa henti dan menarik lengan bajumu dengan erat sampai kau memarahiku karena takut akan sobek.

Tapi akhirnya aku berhasil membujukmu untuk memainkan gitarmu lagi, kau tersenyum sedikit,
Dan entah kenapa aku cukup yakin kau mulai tidak menyukaiku karena terlalu memaksa;
Namun menurutku itu sama sekali bukan masalah.

Kau mulai tinggal bersama paman dan aku sejak saat itu, dan menjadi kesayangannya. Ketika kita sudah cukup dewasa ia selalu membawamu saat bekerja di toko jam—Kau sangat handal dalam merakit jam serta membuat lagu-lagu untuk jam kantung automaton dengan kotak musik—dan aku ditinggalkan sendiri untuk mengurus pekerjaan rumah. Tapi tetap saja aku tak dapat menghilangkan kebiasaanku untuk menyeretmu bersepeda ke Laut Anyelir saat senggang dan tidak bekerja; kau akan memainkan gitarmu dan aku akan entah menulis surat untuk teman-temanku atau menggambar, dan terkadang menghujanimu dengan berbagai pertanyaan yang tak pernah kau jawab.

Begitu kita kembali, paman yang biasanya akan menggantikanmu untuk bercerita dan bercuap-cuap sampai makan malam dan kita pergi tidur.

Kau orang yang pendiam,
Dan aku yakin paman kesepian.
Orang yang kesepian terkadang banyak berbicara.

Seiring usiaku bertambah, cerita menyenangkan paman terkadang berubah menjadi cerita-cerita yang pedih dan menyayat hati. Kau tak mengatakannya, tapi aku dapat melihat dari matamu bahwa kau sangat menikmati mendengar cerita seperti itu. Aku tak menyukainya, tapi aku tak akan menyuruh paman untuk berhenti bercerita demikian. Kalian berdua membutuhkannya.

Saat itulah paman menceritakan kisah tentang dirinya dan kekasihnya saat kita akan menyelesaikan makan malam. Aku kembali tidur dihantui cerita mengenai laut yang melahap kekasihnya itu. Dalam mimpi, aku seolah dapat melihat ombak darah menerjang dan melahapku. Aku tidak ingin hal itu terjadi padaku, padamu, atau pada paman. Aku mulai menghindari Laut Anyelir pada saat itu.

Bunga Anyelir,
Dalam bahasa bunga, secara keseluruhan ia menunjukkan keindahan dan kasih yang lembut, seperti kasih ibu, kebanggaan, dan ketakjuban; namun kadangkala kita tidak memperhatikan arti masing-masing warnanya—
Anyelir merah muda berarti aku tak akan pernah melupakanmu,
Anyelir merah menunjukkan bahwa hatiku meradang untukmu,
Anyelir merah gelap merupakan pemberian untuk hati yang malang dan berduka.
Kurasa semua itu menggambarkan Laut Anyelir dengan tepat.

Setelah itu paman mulai makin sering bercerita soal kekasihnya yang hilang di Laut Anyelir. Aku tidak tahu mengapa, namun sore itu kau begitu ingin untuk pergi ke Laut Anyelir dengan gitarmu. Kali ini kau yang menggeretku menuju tempat yang selama beberapa hari kuhindari itu, kau tahu bagaimana aku menolak untuk pergi, kau yang biasanya tak ingin repot bahkan sampai menyiapkan sepedaku dan mengendarainya lebih dahulu.

Aku tak ingin kau pergi sendirian, aku mengikutimu. Kurasa tidak apa, tidak akan ada apapun hal buruk yang terjadi. Lagipula kita tidak akan berenang atau berencana untuk pergi jauh setelahnya.

Aku mengikutimu menuju Laut Anyelir. Kau duduk tanpa sepatah katapun, hanya menatapku. Dan mulai memainkan Sonata Terang Bulan oleh Beethoven dengan gitarmu saat matahari menjelma menjadi bulan. Saat itu barulah aku tersadar bahwa itu hari ulang tahunku, dan kau sengaja memainkannya untukku. Malam itu kita menghabiskan waktu cukup lama di tepi Laut Anyelir berbincang-bincang, meskipun aku lebih banyak berbicara daripadamu. Aku tidak membawa surat-suratku, jadi aku hanya bisa memainkan dan memelintir rambutmu sambil berkata-kata.

Kita menghabiskan waktu cukup lama di tepi Laut Anyelir, dan tidak menyadari bahwa air lautnya berubah menjadi merah. Aku terkejut dan berlari seperti anak anjing ketakutan ketika menyadarinya; kau berganti menarik lengan bajuku dan berkata bahwa tidak apa, bukan masalah. Aku, kau, dan paman akan terus bersama. Mungkin Laut Anyelir berubah merah bukan untuk kita namun warga pemukiman yang lain, pikirmu.

“Jangan berlebihan, kau manja, selalu bertanya, dan terlalu membesar-besarkan sesuatu.” Katamu, sekali lagi. Itu hal yang selalu keluar dari mulutmu.

Pintu rumah kuketuk, paman membukakan. Aku terkejut ketika tahu bahwa paman sudah menyiapkan banyak makanan kesukaanku termasuk klappertaart; kali ini aku tidak memperbolehkanmu untuk memakan klappertaartku. Ternyata ini rencana kalian berdua untuk membuat pesta kecil-kecilan di hari ulang tahunku, merangkap ulang tahun paman keesokan harinya.

Paman, tidak kusangka, ingin mengajak kita untuk berenang di Laut Anyelir esok. Ia ingin mengingat masa mudanya ketika menghabiskan banyak waktu berenang bersama kekasihnya di Laut Anyelir, dan kata paman, kita adalah pengganti terbaik kekasihnya yang belum kembali sampai sekarang.

Aku tidak ingin mengiyakannya, mengingat barusan kita melihat sendiri air laut berubah warna menjadi merah darah. Tapi aku tak ingin kau lagi-lagi mengucapkan bahwa aku manja dan berlebihan. Aku menyanggupi ajakan paman. Namun aku takkan berenang, aku tidak pernah belajar bagaimana caranya berenang, dan tidak mau ambil resiko meskipun aku percaya kalau kau dan paman akan mengajariku.

Esok pagi kita berangkat dengan sepeda. Kali ini paman memboncengku, dan kau membawa keranjang piknik yang sudah kusiapkan sejak subuh serta memanggul gitarmu seperti biasa.
Begitu tiba, kau dan paman langsung menyeburkan diri pada ombak biru Laut Anyelir dan berenang serta mengejar-ngejar satu sama lain. Aku duduk di tepian air, menggambar kalian yang begitu bahagia sampai akhirnya kalian keluar dari air untuk mengambil roti lapis dan botol minum. Setelah menghabiskan rotinya, paman berdiri dan kembali ke air sambil berkata lantang,

“Aku akan mencoba menyelam dari karang itu lagi.”
Tanpa menoleh ke arah kita.
“Jangan, paman. Kau sudah tua.”
“Sebaiknya tidak usah, paman. Hari makin siang.” Kau juga mencoba menghentikannya, tetapi paman tidak bergeming. Ia bahkan tak menatap kita dan terus berenang sampai ke tengah. Kau mencoba menyusulnya dengan segera, tapi sebelum kau sampai mendekati karang,

Paman sudah terjun menyelam.

Setelah tiga menit yang terasa lama sekali, kau menunggu ditengah lautan dan aku terus memanggil paman serta namamu untuk kembali ke tepian, paman tetap tidak muncul.

Kau menyelam, menyisir sampai ke tepi-tepi untuk mencari paman, namun hasilnya nihil, dan kau kembali padaku menggigil. Aku membalutkan handuk padamu, dan meninggalkanmu untuk kembali bersepeda dan memanggil warga yang tak sampai setengah jam sudah berbondong-bondong mengamankan Laut Anyelir dan mencari paman.

Malam hari datang,
Hari perlahan berganti,
Bulan demi bulan,
Tahun selanjutnya—
Paman masih belum kembali, dan kita tak memiliki kuburan untuknya.

Kita tinggal berdua di rumah itu, kau bekerja tiap pagi dan aku memasak serta mengurus rumah. Disela-sela cucianku yang menumpuk dan hari libur, kau rupanya tak dapat melepaskan kebiasaan kita untuk bersantai di Laut Anyelir yang sudah lama ingin kutinggalkan. Aku tak dapat menolak bila itu membuatmu senang dan merasa tenang.

Dan aku bersyukur,
Selama hampir setahun penuh, sama sekali aku tak melihat air Laut Anyelir berubah warna lagi menjelang malam. Memang beberapa hal buruk sesekali terjadi, namun aku sangat bersyukur karena aku tak melihat pertanda kebetulan itu dengan mata kepalaku sendiri.

Pada suatu hari kau memberiku kabar yang menggemparkan, ini pertamakalinya aku melihat senyuman lebar di wajahmu; kau terlihat semangat, bahagia, penuh kehidupan. Kulihat para pria-pria muda di sekitar sini juga sama bahagianya denganmu. Mereka bersemangat, dan mereka bangga akan adanya hal ini karena ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk berkontribusi kepada negara. Katamu, tidak adil bila yang lain pergi dan berusaha jauh disana sedangkan kau hanya berada di sini, memandangi laut.

Kau memohon untuk kulepaskan menjadi sukarelawan perang, dan aku menolak.
Kau memohon, aku menolak,
Kau memohon, aku menolak,
Aku menolak, kau memohon.

Dan karena aku sepertinya selalu memberatkanmu, atas pertimbangan itu, aku ingin membuatmu lega dan bahagia sekali lagi—Aku akhirnya melepaskanmu untuk sementara, asal kau berjanji untuk kembali kapanpun kau diizinkan untuk kembali.

Kau tak tahu kapan, dan aku akan selalu menunggu.

Aku akan selalu berada di sini, dengan Laut Anyelir yang berubah warna, dan hantumu serta hantu paman
Gitarmu yang selalu kau rawat,
Untuk sementara waktu aku takkan bisa menarik ujung lengan bajumu,
Dan tak akan mendengarmu memanggilku manja dan berlebihan.

Kita tidak pergi ke Laut Anyelir sore itu, begitu pula esok harinya. Kita sibuk mempersiapkan segala hal yang kau butuhkan untuk pergi, aku memuaskan menarik ujung lengan bajumu, dan menyelipkan harmonika pemberian paman yang tidak pernah bisa kugunakan untukmu.

Ia akan lebih baik bila berada di tanganmu, dan ia akan menjadi pengingat agar kau pulang ke rumah, kembali padaku.

Kita tidak melihat ke Laut Anyelir sampai hari keberangkatanmu, di mana dengan sepeda kau akhirnya memboncengku untuk pergi ke pelabuhan. Kita tidak melihat Laut Anyelir, aku tak tahu apa airnya berubah warna atau tidak.

Setelah kau naik ke kapal d
almat011 Feb 2019
With each step, the heat of passion of love and excitement only intensifies. I burn with fire from the love of passion, he can fill the whole world. And the sky turned pink. The sky glitters with glitter. The air is filled with the fragrance of love and the world is more beautiful and you are becoming more and more divine in my eyes, I bow to your extraterrestrial beauty and belong to you alone, the goal of all my lives for all eternity. You are the one that I will always dream of and my heart will forever love and want you alone. The goddess appearing to me in ****** thoughts and depraved dreams of passion. Up close you are beautiful to tears - these are tears of sincere happiness and admiration.
You are more beautiful than the most beautiful. Merge together forever and ever with the spirit of yours, and your inner world, my lonely soul dreams. See the depths of your amazing me. To give you your eternal devotion: you are my life, eternity and my destiny, you are my only right choice, you are everything that I love and want. Both my heart and my mind are open only to you. You look so romantic and beautiful, your charm, your spell beckons my mind to you, it is useless for them to resist you, they can only fully obey, surrender to you alone. My legs go only to you, my eyes look only at you, and I focus only on you. Everything in me is overwhelmed with you. And inside, from the love of you, is incredible, absolute lightness. And from the fact that you are not with me, my heart hurts almost to a heart attack. Epochally, I fell in love with you totally, beyond ******-poetic, overly ****. Yes, truly, you are my empress, and only I worship you, look at this temple of my love, dedicated to you, on this great altar, look around, you are everywhere, sit on this throne of love, my great and beautiful goddess. Each your kiss is indescribable and priceless, it is vital. Every your look, fantastically-romantically-touchingly beautiful. He kindles the fire of love and passion in men. Your charm is a powerful force that attracts everything and everyone to itself.
Awakening true, sparkling love for you, of universal scale. This throne of eternal praise and worship is only for you alone, and the chorus, singing about your beauty only for you. In you, every millimeter of your perfect, hot, hot-**** body is beautiful. My world is in your uniquely beautiful eyes, in your feelings and emotions, and I’m not tired of talking about your perfect proportions. Only your caresses give such feelings as love and happiness. Striking, powerful, attractive appearance. The magnificent grace of your body has no equal. Only your divinely beautiful body is worthy of the highest praise and points. I am only waiting for you. You're all I think about. The empress of my subconscious, in my inner world, dreams, and memories, you are everywhere. I always wait only for you. You are my only eternal thought that helps to live in this world, my beautiful emotion, and an amazing feeling. Only, like you, can excite with a look and fall in love with yourself forever. Life without you is unthinkable, impossible. Believe me, I know this for sure, your beauty shines gently with honey, golden light and brilliance. Your beauty is powerful hypnosis.
You are tremendously in love with you totally. You are the highest goddess: beauty, love and erotica. For me, you are the supreme being of all universes. You rule and command over male minds and hearts. Please do not be offended by this truth, but you are so beautiful that you don’t even need cosmetics, only you can look so natural and beautiful, but you are also very powerful ****** attraction, arousal, my only hobby, I’m madly obsessed with you. Your voice sounds sleeker than a violin, more touching than a piano, lighter than a harp, thinner than a triangle. So amazing, your beautiful skin glitters sexually, it is perfect, sweet, juicy. And your perfect figure, perfection itself. You are not replaceable and priceless. You are the most important, most valuable thing in my life. Your infinitely amazing, impressive, external and internal beauty sets you apart from all living and nonliving. So stunningly passionate, your beautiful body is a powerful magnet attracting a huge amount of affection and passion. You are perfect, your beautiful figure is so perfect that you don't even need clothes. I am struck down on a feast, and I bow deeply, taking off my hat to your royal authority, for me it is a great honor and a great honor to be with you by your side, you are my idol and autograph, I take it from me and keep it from my heart, exposing it to the honorary a place in your altar of love, where only you are everywhere, I am your eternal, devoted fan. You have no equal, I adore everything in you. You are the highest, absolute aerobatics. You are a beautiful and perfect image that you can imagine. This is what a beautiful goddess looks like. You are the highest good, pleasure and pleasure in this universe. I put a madman of points and a sign of infinity to boot, your unique beauty. You are so beautiful that you immediately want to marry, and live with you all eternity.
Your teasing sexually exciting figure keeps my mind completely under your control. You are a thermonuclear *** bomb-boom babe. You are all my eyes want to see. Your gently saldko-**** voice is all that my ears want to hear. The smell of your skin is all I want to breathe. I breathe only because you are near me. When you're near the heart of love knocks more. And the level of excitement from your beauty reaches the highest degree. About how beautiful you are and how I love you, that's all I want to tell you. Your gorgeous flesh and soul is all that your flesh and soul wants to feel forever. Your love is all I want to feel forever from you. You're so beautiful, just a sight for sore eyes. You are much higher than blue blood. I am only obsessed with you. You are ****. Cool babe. Unreal beautiful. Drooling flow in men only from you. Resist such as you are simply useless. Your sweet laugh, your **** smile, soft look, impeccable outfit, battles everybody in a row. You are the most juicy relish, sensual, tender, feminine passion. You are my love and soul outlet.
You are absolute, the highest *****. Eternal novelty. It is unbearable, excessively, supremely, beautiful, and only you look overly ****. You are in the highest stage of evolution, you are the most ideal, you are my idol, my ideal, the most true and authentic embodiment of beauty. You are the sexually ****** heat of love and passion. Your body brings you to the highest level of arousal. You yourself tenderness and femininity. You are 1 000 000 000 percent luxury, priceless, the only, eternal value. All the pleasant moments in life are associated only with you. Your sweet caresses and kisses are a very powerful drug. You are the most valuable gift of the universe. You are gorgeous in any kind of image frame, everywhere, always and in everything. You feel a surprisingly soft, sensual, tenderness. The beauty in your eyes is something amazing, uniquely beautiful, it is very beautiful fascinating magic. Very beautiful and indescribably pleasant feeling. Your amazingly beautiful image touches the most delicate and barely visible strings of souls easily and gently. By causing a special vibration of the true love melody, he finally falls in love with you.
So beautiful and bold, spectacular. 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 likes you alone and a sign of infinity to boot. The ******, ****** heat of love and lust emanates from you. You set a new world record for beauty. Which is impossible to achieve. You are a beautiful, socialite. You are synonymous with beauty. The eternal standard and *** symbol in the history of mankind. Absolutely beautiful. Every millimeter of your beautiful body is beautiful in you. The jaw drops and the gift of speech from such incredible beauty is lost. Just do not be offended, please forgive me if something is wrong. But from such a beautiful appearance as you have in men, a powerful ******* of the *****, guys and men end up in their underpants. Unlimitedly beautiful. Sexiest in the whole universe. So **** that you don't even need clothes. You are for the happiest and luckiest man in the world. You are a jackpot. Flash, full house. *** symbol.
You are synonymous with beauty and ideal. You are so beautiful just amazing. you have a direct view of a ****, sultry predator. You are the sweetest. From you comes a powerful, ****, ****** energy. you are indescribably beautiful. You're spectacular, juicy, ****. M, You sound cool, like a mega cool, percussive, lyric rap beat. As a platinum and gold vinyl record, you are a super hit. You are a bestseller of poetry and prose. You're my princess. Queen. The Empress Goddess. The ultimate creation of all universes, spheres and dimensions. I think so. To doge to what extent a girl can be beautiful. Just amazing. The queen of my mind and heart. Your tender image overwhelms my soul with light, beautiful love and lust. You have such a soft pearl skin. Your beautiful appearance forever and ever conquered my heart and my mind. You are the most beautiful of its kind. You are endowed with the rarest beauty at all times. Fashion model. Just the thought of you excites and falls in love. You are a masterpiece of nature and of God himself. Your infinitely amazing beauty, the rarest and most amazing, the most beautiful in the history of mankind.
The most desirable, silk, velvet skin, gorgeous, beautiful, always and everywhere. Strikingly beautiful, your **** body as if calls for kissing and licking, caressing, satisfying you again and again. You're too ****, hot flame of passion. You are the best prize, a gift that can only get a man, the best among all his lives. You are perfect and perfect. The more I look at you, the more I fall in love with you because you beat all the beauty and mind records, my super **** top model, everywhere in the first place in beauty and mind. In you, every millimeter of your body is perfect, with you all seconds are beautiful. The body shines brilliantly: luxurious chic, beautiful. The title itself is a beautiful girl in the world. The supreme creation of all universes. The finest children are born only with you. Aerobatics. Girl high hummingbird.
Your charming charm is a super **** mega power that is simply impossible to overcome. The sweetest gourmet, I adore your gorgeous body, when I see you, only one word sounds in my head: yum, I will completely give myself to you. I will always love only you unconsciously, unconsciously, your gently ****** image sat in the depths of my mind completely. From your amazingly contagious beauty, your mouth opens and you lose your voice. Dizzyingly, stunningly beautiful, you are like a giant tornado, from which everything attracts you. And the heart and soul yearn all the time only for you. It doesn't matter if you love me or not, the main thing is that I still love you, and in my subconscious mind, I will only love you forever. Your luxurious appearance of the highest quality, this is a workshop, the filigree work of Mother Nature, this is just a masterpiece that constitutes a unique example of true beauty, you have no equal, you are a girl of high caliber. You are absolutely beautiful to such a degree, so beautiful, so exotic, ******, and your image sounds poetic like very beautiful music of love that I’m just afraid and shy to come to you, I’m afraid to talk to you, as if standing next to a goddess, or with a super mega star, a world scale model that even aliens probably know. My heart beats more often, I can’t speak normally, from excitement, goosebumps all over my body, and it just shakes.
All these are symptoms of true love for you, well, just: oh), wow). To be your boyfriend and husband is the greatest honor in the world, he knelt in front of you with flowers in his hands. Your appearance is perfect just like Barbie. You are so beautiful that only you want to have *** forever, countless, infinite number of times. You are unattainable, you are like a star whose light of the soul, like a searchlight, illuminates me in the deep darkness of solitude. In love with you thorough. You are simply amazingly beautiful. You are the best of the best. Goddess of all goddesses, empress of all empresses, queen of all queens. More beautiful you just can not imagine a girl. Sexier than you just can not be anything. Beautiful soul just is not found. There was nothing more perfect than you and never will be, simply because I think so. Laponka, I am your faithful fan, you are my only idol, idol, icon of beauty. It doesn't matter who you are, I will accept you any. Because in any case I am eager to be only with you. You have a **** smile, and your sensual look is just awesome. And from your voice and look a pleasant shiver all over your body. You are special, the best that is in all worlds, universes and dimensions. You're just a sight for sore eyes. To you I feel the most powerful, love and ****** inclination. You're cooler than any ****** and afrodosiak. From your beauty just cling to the constraints and embarrassment.
**** Barbie, fell in love with you powerfully for sure. Wow. God, how beautiful you are, God, hell, let me see you, wow, this is just super, just super, my God, it’s necessary to what extent a girl can be beautiful, you're just awesome, just awesome, you're beautiful. My Goddess. About you, I will dream of all eternity, desire and crave only you alone. You're high, ecstasy. In your eyes there is some special fairytale beauty. Lady of my heart. You are the continuation of my soul. Billions of suns of joy, happiness, and love explode in the soul and this every time you see. With you every second is overflowing with the warm, divine, sunshine of true love, happiness and joy. You are like hypnotic sitar music. I would kiss your hands and feet every day. I want to constantly have *** with only one you. You are the embodiment of ****** and ****** passion. Only your skin color is infinitely exciting and falling in love. Your **** voice excites, and intonation falls in love. In you, literally everything excites. You are beautiful in any form, place, dress. If I see you, then the day is not in vain. Your image is powerfully falling in love. Oh meamor, goose bumps run through when you touch me, your breath stops when you look at me.
You're too beautiful. You are a **** lioness. You are the flame of sensual passion. You are a thermonuclear *** bomb. I admire your amazing beauty. You are amazing, perfect, you are perfect. I think so. Your flesh is sweeter than sweet. In bed, sultry lioness. The color of your skin is so ****, ******, and very attractive and beautiful. You have a rare and amazing beauty. You are the most beautiful in the universe, all universes, dimensions, all worlds. You are the supreme creation of nature and of God, the highest, perfect being. This is true because I think so.
Your charming charm is a super **** mega power that is simply impossible to overcome. The sweetest gourmet, I adore your gorgeous body, when I see you, only one word sounds in my head: yum, I will completely give myself to you. I will always love only you unconsciously, unconsciously, your gently ****** image sat in the depths of my mind completely. From your amazingly contagious beauty, your mouth opens and you lose your voice. Dizzyingly, stunningly beautiful, you are like a giant tornado, from which everything attracts you. And the heart and soul yearn all the time only for you. It doesn't matter if you love me or not, the main thing is that I still love you, and in my subconscious mind, I will only love you forever. Your luxurious appearance of the highest quality, this is a workshop, the filigree work of Mother Nature, this is just a masterpiece that constitutes a unique example of true beauty, you have no equal, you are a girl of high caliber. You are absolutely beautiful to such a degree, so beautiful, so exotic, ******, and your image sounds poetic like very beautiful music of love that I’m just afraid and shy to come to you, I’m afraid to talk to you, as if standing next to a goddess, or with a super mega star, a world scale model that even aliens probably know. My heart beats more often, I can’t speak normally, from excitement, goosebumps all over my body, and it just shakes. All these are symptoms of true love for you, well, just: oh), wow).
To be your boyfriend and husband is the greatest honor in the world, he knelt in front of you with flowers in his hands. Your appearance is perfect just like Barbie. You are so beautiful that only you want to have *** forever, countless, infinite number of times. You are unattainable, you are like a star whose light of the soul, like a searchlight, illuminates me in the deep darkness of solitude. In love with you thorough. You are simply amazingly beautiful. You are the best of the best. Goddess of all goddesses, empress of all empresses, queen of all queens. More beautiful you just can not imagine a girl. Sexier than you just can not be anything. Beautiful soul just is not found. There was nothing more perfect than you and never will be, simply because I think so. Laponka, I'm your faithful fan, you are my only idol, idol, icon of beauty. It doesn't matter who you are, I will accept you any. Because in any case I am eager to be only with you. You have a **** smile, and your sensual look is just awesome. And from your voice and look a pleasant shiver all over your body. You are special, the best that is in all worlds, universes and dimensions. You're just a sight for sore eyes. To you I feel the most powerful, love and ****** inclination. You're cooler than any ****** and afrodosiak. From your beauty just cling to the constraints and embarrassment.
I am obsessed only with you, my miss universe, I put madness billion points of your beautiful appearance, and a sign of infinity to boot. No offense, my sweetest, but your beautiful body excites, your imagination completely amazes you, you are so beautiful that you do not need, neither cosmetics, nor clothes, such perfect, natural beauty, only your divine beautiful body is endowed. Merge together the whole with your body, soul, heart, and mind, for all eternity I thirst. You dominate in my heart, mind, and soul, you are deep in my mind and subconscious, everything is filled only by you my goddess, and I see you in my dreams and I am sincerely happy when I see you in them. If I saw you in reality, then it was a happy day that was not in vain. Be with me dear, as you decorate with you all the eternity that I want to spend only with you one-on-one. You are my beautiful goddess of love and eroticism, and only I worship you. Rare, beautiful beauty, natural gave only you. The closer you are, the more beautiful. Your delicate skin shines so beautifully in the light, you have a stunning perfect skin color. I am overly in love with you. You are super beautiful. I tirelessly crave you, you are extremely, infinitely beautiful, you are too, too attractive. You're cooler than any ******. Impeccably beautiful, like a doll. You are so delicious. You are the light of happiness, the light of love and happiness comes and goes with you. You decorate everything with you, everything suits you, because you are beautiful.
You are stunning, fantastically breathtakingly beautiful, the only unique sample of the true, pure form of beauty. You are the hottest, **** topic, about the beauty of which it is impossible to stop talking, so beautiful that you want to sing out of love for you, the girl from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off. So amazingly beautiful, perfect, ******, hot, passionately savory, juicy forms, your divinely beautiful, endlessly, stunning beautiful, seductive body sound so captivatingly beautiful, sweet, gently voluptuous. Who wants to caress and caress, kiss, lick, stick to intimate places all the time, and give your tenderness with your hands, and bring it to ****** so that you feel the heat and tremor of your heated body, and kiss a satisfied body and kiss. Each cell of the soul and body is supremely filled with only you, love and excitement. Truly I am thirsty to belong only to you and to spend all eternity only with you alone.
I will be frank with you. Oooh yes, it says heart and mind. Eyes are eager to see you forever. Your image throws on the highest stage of love. Without you, life is meaningless and empty, and you know that for sure, so why are you torturing me. You know, I appeared in your life for a reason. That I was created only for you. You are special, I can not live without you. You are my obsession, my passion. Your beautiful image sounds so beautiful and sublime, the degree of love and arousal rises uncontrollably, leading to a higher dimension called love. When you stand next to me. Your ******, ****** image is the highest, divine, legendary *****. You are the sweetest in the whole universe. You are sensual, ****, ****** power. You are so ****** and **** to such an extent that when you look at the guys, it’s ironic that you guys, at the sight of you from excitement, end up in your underpants. You are the one whose appearance is envied by all people, gods, all higher beings, you are the only eternal value. You are a hipper, a turbo is ****, you are a hyperrealism of sexuality.
You have the most juicy **** skin color, it is so sweet, so beckoning and eager caress. You are the goddess of love, *** and erotica. Every millimeter of your body is just perfect and perfect. You are all that my heart and soul wants. Only your body and your kisses can excite me. Only to your body, I feel *** addiction. You are the highest value in my life. You are tempted and tempted, you want to have *** countless times. Your skin is the color of one hot, unforgettable night, your libido is the word lava in your hot body, burning passion, only your photos can excite me, only your beauty turns off my brain, you are a ****, ****** melody in my head, you are like a hot bath after a hard day, like an ****** massage, like a soft pillow with sleeping softness.
Every day I am drawn to you more and more and it can not be stopped because it is uncontrollable every day my ****** ***** wants you more and more aggressively he is waiting for endless *** only with you and I once again make sure that you are I will want forever and ever. Because I am truly in love with you in your body and soul. And this feeling is only enhanced with time on the mental and physical levels. Looking at you in the head is only one word Goddess, the empress of my heart, or one ***. It's just an ecstasy of excitement, every movement you take is so ****** and beautiful, burning your skin's passion and in your eyes so much ***.
You are a **** lioness. you are the flame of sensual passion. I admire your amazing beauty. You are amazing, perfect, you are perfect. I think so. Your flesh is sweeter than sweet. In bed, sultry lioness.
Author Musin Almat Zhumabekovich