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CapsLock  Nov 2014
CapsLock Nov 2014
My soul is in angst,
craves writing desperate poerty.
To be ruled by chance,
love is hearts in anarchy.

I lust after a life that's full.
Emotion and mystery.
I'd hate it if it was dull
or ruled by destiny
Hanna Kelley Jul 2015
I thought that if I could
Walk away from poetry
Then I would be able
To stop looking at my
Life like it's broken..
I still see the wrong
That I have done
But now I see ways
To fix them.. :)
Thank you poetry
Glen Brunson  Oct 2014
Glen Brunson Oct 2014
when in doubt-i-hyphentate.

this-also prevents Microsoft-word
from capitializing my i-‘s when i-want them
to stay bite-sized humble pie,
but it still capitalizes

Microsoft word
big ‘m’ added by bill gates

misspelling it prevents this

micropoft word*
* i-am the best kind of rebel

i-refuse to be told how to write by anyone
gate-related or otherwise,
even if i-may occasionally **** myself
on paper, the rain will take it all off,
we shall all be healed.
we *will all be healed.

carried away from the squaggly
green/red/blue lines of a processor
which doesn”t understand: poerty so often is
sentence fragments and uncapitalized i-s
untied shoelaces in a dark boling alley,
my bad breath and watered down alcohol,
stains and the hours spent rubbing them,
sounds on a dead tv set, rubbing carpet in
your aunt’s living room,

i-can spell
things how
i-want to
poerty is fun
like this;