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Blurry Vision
30/M/Johannesburg    With words, I overflow
indy    I write sometimes. Just to take away my lost thoughts and keep them somewhere else


Amaranthine May 2017
Carpet of chewing gum
Is stuck on my tongue
I am speaking fuzzy.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of  black hairs
Is blocking my sunlight
I am thinking hazy.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of spectacles
Is choking my vision
I am seeing muddy.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of earrings
Is grabbing all attention
I am hearing cloudy.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of tan
Is tarnishing my reactance
I am doing unclear.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Carpet of shoes
Is separating me & Earth
I am walking smear.
Oh it's a blur blur blur.... Everywhere...

Or is it
Carpet of negativity on my soul
Is stopping my good heart
I am living a blur blur blur......everywhere?
#blur #carpet
pookie  Apr 2014
Life's a blur
pookie Apr 2014
The blur of life,
It's quick,
It's silent in reality,

I sit and watch as the people go by,
Watch as people say hello and good bye,
Watch as they shed tears as they watch the other leave,

The blur of life,
It's quick,
It's silent in reality,

As I sit i see,
See the happiness,
See the joy in a young boys face as his mother buys him a ice cream,
And yet watch an old man cry Becauaes he rembered when his mum did the same for him,

Life is blur,
We never truly know when it will end,
Or what we will see in a day,
It's all a blur and when we sit,
We see it for what it is quick,
And in reality it's silent.

Don't let life pass you by, smile at a stranger, make a child laugh,
Help an old
Women across the road.

Because life is a blur and you never know when the end will come.
Kevin Eli  Mar 2013
Kevin Eli Mar 2013
I see you looking into the mirror
Look a bit closer, see a bit clearer
I see you lying, holding back from crying
Look at me now, look at me now

Cuz I see your reasons, you have your demons
look at me now, look at me now
I see you're dying, you're ******* lying
Look at me now, just look at me now

Just as I saw through all your fears
You're still here, standing in tears
Mention your name, tell me your game
Just look at you now, just show us how

I see you lying, you're ******' dying
Look at me now, look at me now
Holding back from crying, I caught you lying
It's all just a blur,
A blur

Cuz I see your reasons, you have your demons
look at me now, look at me now
I see you're dying, you're ******* lying
Look at me now, just look at me now

Blurred, Blurred, Blurred, Blurred, Blurred, Blurred, Blurred
I caught my ex in a lie several years ago. She was supposed to see me perform, and I wrote her this song to **** her off, but she didn't end up showing up. Instead she lied about coming and was getting banged by two guys that night.

Funny how ironic and true the lyrics were.
Sincerely for you, *****.