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Coventore  Feb 2018
The Morrighan
Coventore Feb 2018
When the moon rises and the sun gives way,
The shadows creep forth as She enters the fray.
The strike of her spear will end your day;
The Morrighan's ravens will take you away.

She who darkens the battlefield skies;
She who listens to the soldiers' cries.
She flies over the fields on black wings,
Vigilant of those ready to hear how Death sings.

But She is protective and nurturing, should She choose,
Just as easily as She decides who will win or lose.
Glory and defeat, life and death,
She is The Morrighan, praise under your breath.

When the moon rises and the sun gives way,
The shadows creep forth as She enters the fray.
The strike of her spear will end your day;
The Morrighan's ravens will take you away.
Now this is something that, for once, is not inspired by my emotional state at all. It is merely something I randomly came up with. Glory to The Morrighan. The Old Gods will be remembered once more.
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Hailed by your power.
Beside Bhafel the ill,
Cause chaos and fire.

Beyond a shaman,
Only power of the Falcon.
Shall save Erinn,
From the War of the Fomors.

Will await her arrival.
Precious Triona's dead knight.
Move on and reconcile.

He will fight,
Ending the fire.
Ending the hell,
But destroying the Goddess.

Thy Falcon,
Thou must saveth Morrighan.
To keep balance,
In Erinn.

The soul stream call,
To its Guiding Hero.
Man and Woman,
Will Save this world.
Any who play or research Mabinogi will know who the two Dragons are and the Black Knight. Triona was a Fomor.
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Thy dark jewel of beauty.
Eyes of mischief,
Wings spread.
Onyx Death.

Red eyes of Blood,
Dark Jewel has awakened.

— The End —