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 Apr 2014 awegkjh
There are limits; and I have them.
People become different sapiens
against the wall and under duress.
You've pushed me, releasing the demons oppressed.

In me you've bred monsters.
So hateful and am hating you.
Let it bedevil you how my malice grew.

What is your plea? What is your plea?
You've killed me with the care you never gave.
The old me now rested on blood-layered grave.

In me you've bred monsters.
I loved you too hard
and now i'm turning monsters.
*******. This blood will stay wet for as long as I dare love you.
 Apr 2014 awegkjh
melodie foley
Today was the windiest day
of all the days
street lights swung hard
like children trying to get high enough to touch the clouds
skirts flew up
hair was pointed in every direction
I usually hate the wind
I have said before that I wish we lived in a world without it
but the cold brisk air kissing my ankles
and ears
were love letters
being delivered from a long ways away
from a city I have longed for
and belonged to
without noticing
I suppose the breeze was so light
until today
I suppose Chicago needed to get my attention
and sweep me north with the wind
In this endless onward,
I will lose my name.
In this forgotten battle,
I'll inherit shame.
Suns set,
But rise behind us.
We forget our place
And the meaning is lost.
 Apr 2014 awegkjh
Emma B
 Apr 2014 awegkjh
Emma B
i love

even mighty man
cannot halt the flow
of molten earth
the plume
of ash and fury
no roads, no condominium
will be constructed
on the pile of
untouchable mountain
I love volcanoes because they stay virtually untouched in a world where humans have touched most everything

— The End —