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1.2k · Jun 2015
Identity Crisis at 17
Sav Spinks Jun 2015
For a long time I was trying to be something I’m not.
Then again for a long time I didn’t even know who I was.
I kept trying on different skins to see what I liked best
but nothing fit quite right. Either too big or too small,
or itchy like wool, or so thin I felt too exposed for my own comfort.

It took me a long time to realize my own bare bones
suited me better than any stretched out,
over used idea of any person ever would.

Now I am raw and slightly confused, but at least I can claim this  skeleton as mine and no one else’s.
Sav Spinks Jun 2015
You were tender kisses and soft touches.
You were neck kisses and premature I love you’s.
You were late night calls and me always wanting more.
You were bodies intertwined and almost getting caught in the back of my car.
You were the good morning texts I stopped getting.
You were walls being built no matter how hard I tried to climb them.
You were an endless stream of lies always telling me what you thought I wanted to hear but all I wanted was the truth.
You were “I’m going to do stupid things but I still love you”.
You were distant.
You were head over heels and then nothing at all.
You were two months of my life of me not feeling comfortable with myself.
You were the embrace I never wanted to end but the one I couldn’t seem to hold on to.
You were not supposed to be any of these things, but you were always surprising me with who you weren’t.

— The End —