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Apr 2017 · 505
The Birthday...!!!
Saujan Gyawali Apr 2017
Whom I never saw
Whom I never feel
  still, everything exists!
Trust to Love
Faith to Happiness
And connected in dots after dots

Days to Night
text to voice
feelings after feelings

I never thought
I never Dream
I could add small happiness in your smile in your lips
I could add something in your feelings

Life is up and down
It doesn't matter,
The age that you've turned
These candles and memories,
you certainly have earned

Another year,
I hope that it's kind
With warmth in your heart,
and peace in your mind

Happy birthday,
may another chapter begin.
Follow your heart,
and always you'll win.
Saujan Gyawali Sep 2016
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

I remember the first day of my class, when my teacher taught degree is part of your bright future!
I wonder how sheet of paper could define my life
How 3 hours of exam tells me who am I?
I wonder why life is all between GPA and Grades

I forget to laugh, Things left unsaid,
Experiences not lived,
Friends not much made.

Class were between accountancy and theory,
Derivatives to Risk
Is all what I had supposed to believe?

Again I was puzzled,
Difference between a classroom and a plantation of time
Struggle between patient and constellations
Aspiration to Inspiration
Trying to connect the dots
After dots
I was failure

When my teachers taught in the classroom about calculation
Mom she was there saying me son failure are huge success of engine of innovation

Each day that passes
I only see more darkness

Too many feel the need to suppress
Anger, lies and distress

Seasons never change
this cycle comes with age

Here's to a new beginning
Pasts don't matter

Become who you want to be
Leave it all behind

Go live your life
Go find happiness
Be what you truly want to be

But don't forget
Generation with Generation needs us with Education is no equalizer
Raise your voice
Sky is not the limit. It is only the beginning.
Oct 2015 · 5.2k
If I Could...
Saujan Gyawali Oct 2015
If I could sing, I’d sing a song
Filled with love and praise,

Using notes and melody,
Musical bouquets...

If I could paint, with brush strokes I
Could show you how I feel;

With colors, light and texture,
I'd prove my love is real.

If I could fly, I’d soar so high
Grazing heaven above,

Trailing a giant banner:
You are the one I love!

I can’t do those, but I can do this:
I can hug you tight and say,

I hope your birthday is the best,
A joy-filled pleasure buffet!

Dedicated to you!!!
20 October 2015
Apr 2015 · 572
You Me and Poetry
Saujan Gyawali Apr 2015
You Me and Poetry

When I saw your face
Then I read you
Since then
I am your dream
And you are my Imagination
Creation, fabrication
And birth of poetry with invention

I have been trailing you behind
Following your footsteps
And stepping on your footprints
Knowing that you

You remain so do I
Poetry remain so do we

©Saujan Gyawali
14 April 2015
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
मेरो देश
Saujan Gyawali Jan 2015
मेरो देश अस्त ब्स्त
यही देशले भविषयको कर्णधार भनेर सम्बोधन गर्ने युवाहरु
WhowillbemyValentine भन्दैमा मस्त
Jan 2015 · 765
Letter to my God….!!!
Saujan Gyawali Jan 2015
I’ve heard
You exist thousands and thousands miles away from me
Somewhere in the Universe
So, I prayed you last time
You! Listen it

Created a beautiful person to me
Happiness was precious gift
Smile was best part
Feeling was Amuse
Moments were Incredible
That you gave it to me

But Today,
I am writing you a letter
Instead of praying

Dear God,
Please change the whole solar system to,
Not a day after Night
Weeks after Month
Months after Year
Years after Decade
Decades after Century
Which I’d suffered a lot

Change it to
Happiness after Satisfaction
Smile after tight Hug
Feelings after Love
Moments after Moments

You had already given me 3 words
“Distance” “Missing” and “Tears”
as a gift with Her!!!

©Saujan Gyawali
7 January 2015
#Distance #Missing #Tears
Saujan Gyawali Jan 2015
मेरी आमाको हात

मेरी आमा
मेरो बाबाको सबेरै उठाउँने
Alarm Clock

बिहान्भरी भन्सामा नाचेर
धुप बालेर
घन्टिको टिन टिन आवज सगै
छोराको हातमा मोबाईलको साथमा
बाबाको पत्रीकाको साथमा
चियाको कप पुराईदिने
मेरी आमा

मिठो काउलिको तरकारी
घिउले झानेको दाल
हरियो पोशिलो साग
अनी तातो तातो माम
तयार गर्ने
मेरी आमा

मिनेट र घण्टाको सुई हेरेर
अली अलि सिरिङ्गगार गरेर
दुई गास माम
टप्प टिपेर अफिस जाने
मेरी आमा

हप्ताको शनिबार
कुम्भकर्ण सँग चयालेन्ज गर्न ग्वार ग्वार सुतिराखेको म
आमाको त्यो हातको रातो चुरा छन छन
गरेर बज्दा ब्युजिन्छु
फेरी आर्को हप्तालाई थाती राख्छु
कुम्भकर्ण लाईहराउने सपना

लम्पसार परेका लुगामा डल्लो सबुन लाई
नाथे टुक्रा टुक्रा हुँदा सम्म रगडेका
मेरी आमाको हात
अनी मेरो बाबालाई मन  नप्र्ने
मेरी आमाले Vaseline Intensive Total Moisture Careले चिल्लो परेको हात
मेरी आमाको हात

©सौजन ज्ञवाली
1 January 2015
Jan 2015 · 783
My Flashback Twenty 14
Saujan Gyawali Jan 2015
A year was started with facebook status
“2014 please be good”

Quite excited
Quite happy
Quite nervous

Journey started with January
Purposed was rejected on February

Wrong date was marked on March
Achievement of doing great work was celebrated on April

Movies, Music and Learning poetry on May
Coffee coffee and after coffee
It was called a day
Unexpected girl purposed me for date on that day
June was remain silent completely silent
I was wonder with beautiful sound of violent

Fiction story, poetry and music
Enjoying **** at middle of the night
That was what I managed sight by sight
Simply a great
Awarded by United Nation
Called as public speaker on the Nation

Twenty First birthday celebration
She was there for my
A word heard “I love you”
I still remember
Thank you September…!!!

Cried cried and cried
Finally understood value of tears
Afraid about affairs
Lots of pressure
Questioned about
Will you be with me forever…???
Its fuckng October
I’ve mention ever

One evening rain on November
I was wonder
With glimpse of beauty of nature
Suddenly looked into my mom face
Found it
She is the most beautiful creature
Never seen ever
How could I forget?
My Mom’s birthday
On that November

In the last days of December in these cold and darkened nights,
My mind still finds its way to you,
Looking for the light.

©Saujan Gyawali
1 January 2015
Dec 2014 · 548
December 22
Saujan Gyawali Dec 2014
Today’s Universe marked as
Shortest day on this planet
And longest night
That I’ve been waiting to be with you

Because it’s my longest night
After I am in love

Today’s my love is disappear here
Sweet voice is soft and appears in her ear
The Beatles songs are on
Finally love is in air!!!

My emotions reached to top
And stop at anxiety
Because I am already naked

Night become darker and darker
Wow December
Love is immortal
we're alone in this world
and we develop our own code.
#Love is immortal
Dec 2014 · 1.8k
Poem by Sarah Kay
Saujan Gyawali Dec 2014
If I should have a daughter ...

If I should have a daughter, instead of "Mom," she's gonna call me "Point B," because that way she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me. And I'm going to paint solar systems on the backs of her hands so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say, "Oh, I know that like the back of my hand." And she's going to learn that this life will hit you hard in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air. There is hurt, here, that cannot be fixed by Band-Aids or poetry. So the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn't coming, I'll make sure she knows she doesn't have to wear the cape all by herself because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers, your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain you want to heal. Believe me, I've tried. "And, baby," I'll tell her, don't keep your nose up in the air like that. I know that trick; I've done it a million times. You're just smelling for smoke so you can follow the trail back to a burning house, so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire to see if you can save him. Or else find the boy who lit the fire in the first place, to see if you can change him." But I know she will anyway, so instead I'll always keep an extra supply of chocolate and rain boots nearby, because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can't fix. Okay, there's a few heartbreaks that chocolate can't fix. But that's what the rain boots are for, because rain will wash away everything, if you let it. I want her to look at the world through the underside of a glass-bottom boat, to look through a microscope at the galaxies that exist on the pinpoint of a human mind, because that's the way my mom taught me. That there'll be days like this. ♫ There'll be days like this, my momma said. ♫ When you open your hands to catch and wind up with only blisters and bruises; when you step out of the phone booth and try to fly and the very people you want to save are the ones standing on your cape; when your boots will fill with rain, and you'll be up to your knees in disappointment. And those are the very days you have all the more reason to say thank you. Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away. You will put the wind in winsome, lose some. You will put the star in starting over, and over. And no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute, be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life. And yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting, I am pretty **** naive. But I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar. It can crumble so easily, but don't be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it. "Baby," I'll tell her, "remember, your momma is a worrier, and your poppa is a warrior, and you are the girl with small hands and big eyes who never stops asking for more." Remember that good things come in threes and so do bad things. And always apologize when you've done something wrong, but don't you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining. Your voice is small, but don't ever stop singing. And when they finally hand you heartache, when they slip war and hatred under your door and offer you handouts on street-corners of cynicism and defeat, you tell them that they really ought to meet your mother.

No Matter the Wreckage: Sarah Kay in Kathmandu
She will be performing her poem in my country Nepal on December 27
Dec 2014 · 2.9k
Letter to my Future Daughter
Saujan Gyawali Dec 2014
Dear Future Daughter
Don’t worry about making right choices
After you born on this planet
Because choices are what you are gifted

Do remember courtesy of love
And give it to your Mom
Who open your eyes
After she kept in you in her warm womb
Nine months and Nineteen days

Dear Future Daughter
I don’t want your favorite colorist must be pink
Like any other ordinary girl
It could be anything
Which symbolize you a real astonish bold amazing girl

I don’t want you to be normal girl
Who live under someone else life
And trapped by dogma
Live for you
Live for your happiness

Dear Future Daughter
I won’t worry about what your hairstyle is
I won’t care what your fashion is all about it
I won’t stubbed you
Because you are the outcome
Of my amaze marvelous *****

No matter what life is up to you
No matter how many boys fallen in love with you
Not a big deal how many Purpose you would be going to rejecting it.

Dear Future Daughter
I promise I will love you with all of my heart
No matter what and your smile will be the upside of my day
I don't need you to be perfect, although you will be perfect in my eyes.

©Saujan Gyawali
15 December 2014
Saujan Gyawali Dec 2014
खोटांगको सानो गाउँमा हुर्केकी
ठुलो मान्छे बन्ने सपना बुन्दै
अनेक कस्ट गरि एस . ल. सी
उत्किर्ण गरेकी
आकृति शर्मा

छोटो कद
बाटुला आखा अनि
रसिला गुलाबी ऒठ
४ दसमलब ६ फिट उचाई
अनि काल्कलौदो योवानले लिप्त भएको  
चन्चले बानी
भनौ आकृति सबैका नजरमा वाहा वहा...!!!
गाउको हरिले हात काटेर प्रेम पत्र लेखेको
तिमि विना मर्छु भनने केटा त
उनले आफ्नै नजरले कति हो कति देखेको

उनको सपना डाक्टर बनेर
आफ्ना गाउमा सेवा गर्ने
अनि देशको कुशल
नारी भनने रहेको छ

मिठा मिठा सपनालाई पछाउदै
शाहास र हिम्मत दुई मुठी
हातमा कस्दै
उनी राजधानी छिर्ने
आन्तिम निर्णयमा पुग्छिन

उनका बाबु पशुपति शर्मा
काजीसंग केहि रकम
ब्याजसंगै पियाज दिने सर्तमा
अनि उनी पनि सपना देखछन्
छोरि डाक्टर भएको
बाबुको मन त हो
दुखै दुख भएपनि
सन्तानको खुसीमा रमाउने
कति आमुलए छ
शब्दमा कुनै लेखाजोखा नै छैन

राजधानी जाने दिन आमाको
आखाबाट बरबराउदै खसेका
आशुका थोपा
अनि हात काम्दै उनका निधारमा
लागेको त्यो रातो टिका
केवल छोरिको खुसीको लागि
केवल सन्तानले चुचुरो चुमेको देख्नका लागि

आमाको नह्यानो माया
बाबुको सपनासंगै
वाकक लाग्दो, मान्छेको मुटु र मन हराएको
राजधानी भन्ने नाथॆ नाउ
झुनडीएको काठमाडौँ छिरछिन्

दिन रात दुख गर्दै
आनेकौ चुनौतीसंग जुद्दै
उनि आगाडी बडिरहेकी छिन्
केवल उनले देखेको लक्ष्यलाई

सहरका हुने खाने देखिएका
सुकिला मुकिला भनिएका
कतै कपाल रंगाएका
जिउमा छेडेर ढकढक हिड्ने
चिया, चुरोट अनि चुइगम पडकाउदै
केटि जिस्काउदै आनद प्राप्त
देशले भविषयको कर्णधार युवा भनेर
सम्भोधन गर्ने
राजधानीका केटाहरु
अनि तिनका नजरमा आकृति
आकृति शर्मा!!!

राजधानीकै हुने खाने
हेर्दा ह्टाकट्टा
बाबुले राखेको पर्काश नामलाई
प्रिन्स भनेर चिनाउने
बानेश्वोरको काय्फेमा चुरोटलाई
चुम्दै धुवा उडाउने
अनि २-४ जना केटाहरुको समूहमा
"ड्न" को उपनामले चिनेने
अनि प्रिन्स को गद्दे नजरमा
आकृति शर्मा

निकै पछच्यायो निकै सपना देखायो
अनि पबित्र प्रेमलाई
तुछ बनाउदै
प्रेम-प्रस्ताब राख्यो
बिचरा आकृति
उनका लागि यी सहरका सबै मान्छे बिराना
मात्र उनको आफ्नो कोठाको भिता र शिलिंग
उनको आफ्नो यो सहरमा को छ..?
आफ्नो मन बुजाउने को छ..??

प्रिन्सको जाली प्रेम- प्रस्ताब

केहि हप्ता निकै हराभरा
भएको आकृतिको मन
सपनासंगै जोडिएका छन्

एक आध्यारो रातमा उनि यो सहरको आन्धकरमा
उनका शरीर चुम्बन र स्पर्सले
अनि सम्भोगले धाकेकछन्  
आन्तिम चर्मोत्कर्षमा पुग्चिन उनी
लामो शास तान्दै आफुलाई
भाग्येमानी ठानछिन्
प्रेमको नह्यानो सन्तुस्टी
यौनको प्यास पाएकोमा

आज उनका आखाबाट
प्रेमको त्याग तपस्याका
आशु तपतप चुहेका छन्

उनी नागीन येही शहरमा
उनको अस्मिता लुटियो येही शहरमा
उनी धाकेकीछिन्
प्रेमलाई धिकारेकीछिन्
वहा राजधानी....!!!
वहा प्रेम...........!!!

© सौजन ज्ञवाली
12 December 2014
Saujan Gyawali Dec 2014
मिती २०७१ साल
मङ्सिर २० गते
ठीक दिउसो १२ बजे
भर्खरै घामको  न्यानो स्पर्सले
धर्ती मा कस्तो मजाले चुमिरहेको छ

अनी उन्का ती साना साना आँखा
परेलाका झिमिक झिमिक्
सौदर्यलाई निहलिरहेको छन्  
तर सौदर्य एकचिन्न मौन भएको छ
उन्को त्यो कल्कलाएको जवानीलाई देखेर
मानौ सौदर्य लिप्त भएको छ

संसार अड्किएको छ
निला निला आकाश छटपटाई रहेको छन्
उन्का ती रासिला ओठले
शब्दका गुन्जमान छरीरहदा

प्रफुल्ल, निस्चल प्रेमको  आवास आकन्क्षा
अनी म टकक अडिरहेको  छु
उन्को छेउमा
उन्का आँखा सँग मेरा आँखा जुध्न खोजीरहेका छन्
उन्को हात थाम्न
मेर हात कपिरहेका छन्

© सौजन ज्ञवाली
Dec 2014 · 478
With her....!!!
Saujan Gyawali Dec 2014
Clear blue sky
Sun had just kissed on Earth!
A cold winter, turned out be warm

My embarrassed face, little shyness
We stand on the top, top of the hill
To explore and to expand beautiful amazing little adventure we did
It’s Unexpected !
It’s Unforgettable !
It’s Undisputed !

Wow !
Journey of life starts here
Catching her hands
Down to up
It’s Awesome

Her beautiful small embarked eyes
Give me nostalgic
And it’s turned out to be everything to me

Her smile makes me smile
Her care made me shy
Her expression made me to be determination
This is my life starts with her

I pray to god
Thank you for everything
Thank you for creating her on this planet

©Saujan Gyawali
6th December 2014
Dec 2014 · 631
Looking Into your Eyes
Saujan Gyawali Dec 2014
I stop for a while
And ask you an Authority
Authority !!!
To describe your derisory magical eyes

Your embarrassing face
Red little chic
Muse for me a while
To find whole beautiful worlds in your eyes

I wonder, amuse and bold
Describe the beauty of your eyes
But, you simply mystifying me

Now I have no words left in my mouth
Put it my eyes into your eyes
To find you on me
And me on you

Incredible! Innocent, and Ironically
You made me little shy
To describe beauty of your eyes
That’s what everything
Is everything is your eyes is
It’s wow!!!

©Saujan Gyawali
3 December 2014
Nov 2014 · 4.5k
Dear Calculator
Saujan Gyawali Nov 2014
Dear Calculator
I am in love with you for no reason
My palm slowly touches you
Hardly press you
Again and Again
Again and Again

Finally you bring smile in my face
A smile that could give another smile
or no smile
If no smile is given
Literally I put you down
And face palm

if yes still catches you
Softly and gently
Calculation of taxation to Addition
Pain and sorrow with division to subtraction
My beautiful love with Interrogation

The Chemistry of Derivation is simply Awful
Equation of love is really useful
Yes! Calculator you make my life thoughtful
And the result is always Fruitful

©Saujan Gyawali
11 November 2014
Saujan Gyawali Oct 2014
It was simply murky evening
Amazing sparking stars has fallen down
Cold air had just kissed me
To remember you

And you give me reason to smile
You spark up my life, my world
Dear, with your presence I feel divine
Your amazine touch heals all my pain

I’ve seen a dream with you
To be around in all ups and downs
In this sweet journey of my life
And you give me a reason to smile

My beloved, a very happy birthday to you
Together we make awesome two
Together we make awesome two…!!!

©Saujan Gyawali
20 October 2014
Oct 2014 · 654
Dear Life
Saujan Gyawali Oct 2014
Dear life, I’ve spent 21 years of
Crazy, stupid, ludicrous
Undecided, Unmanaged
Ambiguous life

All are this I tag now...???
And all those *******
Fallacious people surrounding

I was Bamboozled

I was fallen seven times
Stand up eight
But I never lose my fate

Dear life
I am struggling for present
Not for past
That could always be with me last

©Saujan Gyawali
18 october 2014
Saujan Gyawali Oct 2014
संसारमै पवित्र मानिने चिजलाई
अंगालेको छु
अनेक बाधा संग्रस पछि
पाएको छु
एउटा छुटै संसारको आभासमा
परिवर्तित छ
मेरो प्रेम ।

न कुनै शब्द छ न कुनै वाख्या
मात्र भावनाका निस्पट
कुनै बेला एक्दमै  हसाएको छ
कहिलॆ नराम्री रुवाएको छ
यो कस्तो प्रेम
यसको रुप अनेक ।

आफ्ना मान्छे पनि विराना भएका छन्
विराना मान्छेलाई आफ्ना बानाएको छ
मा बिना तिमि अनि तिमि बिना म
बाच्न सकिदैन भनने  आभास
दिलाएको छ
कस्तो निष्ठुरी प्रेम ।

कति आनिदा रातहरुमा
सम्बन्धका कुराहरु खोलिन्छ
माया- पिरतीका कुराहरु
अनि मुटुको तिब्र गतिको दुक्दुकी संगै
संगै बच्ने कसम
वहा प्रेम कस्तो बनायौ ।

कस्तो थिए म
यस्तो बनायौ
एक्लो थिए म
हामीको आभास दिलायौ
सपनासंगै दौडिन सिकायौ
जीवनका हरेक मोडमा चुनौतीको सामनासंग जुदन सिकायौ
एउटा पवित्र चिजलाई अंगालन सिकायौ
संसारको भाग्यमानी वेक्ती भएको
भावाना दिलायौ
सलाम छ प्रेम तिमिलाई ।

वहा प्रेम…!!!
सलाम छ तिमिलाई

©सौजन ज्ञवाली
पेप्सीकोला काठमाडौँ  नेपाल
11 October 2014
Oct 2014 · 777
Awe to Her!
Saujan Gyawali Oct 2014
Suddenly I fall asleep
Image of her was appeared
That Caliginous night
She disappeared

I was alone for whole night
Thinking of her
Can’t wait at anymore
And peeped out from windows

Air kissed me
Nonsensical stars laughing at me
And I was lost for a moment
Because of Her

Her Crunchy Voice
Those Dazzled Eyes
And Fantastic Lips
It’s Everything to me

Again I lost thinking of her
I am in deep Love
Yes! I am in Love
It’s simply because of Her
Only her
Only her !
A great Awe to Her!

©Saujan Gyawali
10 October 2014
Sep 2014 · 580
Twenty one
Saujan Gyawali Sep 2014
When I was mid twenty
Unexpected girl purposed me for date
At the middle of night
I was embarrassed, shocked
Finally I turned on my light
She purposed me
I was confused…???
Again, my mind thought of her
And! I was confident
My heart says a name of her
I am in love
This was mid Twenty

When I was Eighteen and Nineteen
I wish to be like sweet Sixteen
But… my Mom says
Son do this and that
My Dad says
Noway Son learn this and that
I was completely feed up
I was unaccompanied
That was Eighteen and Nineteen

When I was Seventeen and Sixteen
I used to saw dream
It was much sweet as an ice-cream
Mom says Son you need to be a Doctor
Dad says no no Son you need to be an Engineer
Poor me I wanted to be a Writer!
Everyone laugh at me
Made a joke on me
This is how I made Now
This is how my society made me Now
That was Seventeen and Sixteen

When I was Fifteen and Fourteen
I was naughty Teen
Infatuation, Affection, Attraction
What made my study Distraction!
Curiosity of Love and ***
That what I was made to face
That was Fifteen and Fourteen

When I was Twelve and Thirteen
I lost my friend circle
Only because I couldn’t mingle
I was beaten by a teacher
And they said
You poor Looser you don’t have any future
I don’t know what’s right and wrong
Only used to saw to be Strong
That was Twelve and Thirteen

When I was Ten and Nine
Everyday was fun and last till twenty-four-seven
No more pain
No more gain
Life was simple as growing grain
That was Ten and Nine

When I was Seven and Six
My first Birthday celebration was fixed
Had bicycle as gift
Overwhelmed of joy when I learned
To ride it by sight by sight
That was Awesome!
That was Fantastic!
That was great Seven and Six

When I was Five and Four
I was afraid of taking shower
And! My Dad poured me into the drum
I was shouted as Crunched
That was Five and Four

When I was Three, Two and One
I don’t know who was I
My mind was blank
And I was medium
To those
Who wanna make a Prank
That was Three Two and One

When I was Zero
My Mom was Pregnant
She thought
Her baby Girl will be same like as her Mother
I was born as unexpected baby boy from my Father!
That was Zero

©Saujan Gyawali
11th September 2014
Sep 2014 · 881
I Never Thought
Saujan Gyawali Sep 2014
I never thought at the end I’ll be like this
With your perfect Love and Care
Finally I lost my fear
Now I found you near

I never thought you will be mine
You finally make my life shine
Your love is fine
Simply your love is fine

I never thought I’ll say this to you
You’ve won my heart and I love you
I never thought my heart now beats for you
Can’t explain how much I miss you.

I never thought you will turned like this
That forced me to fall in you
Ahh! This is sweet of you
You made me to think of you

I never thought I’ll fly in heaven
My love will be always for you twenty-four-seven

I never thought I’ll made commitment
I love you till my last breath
Till my last breath
Yes! Till my last breath

And! Yes this is me
When you are with me
And! Yes this is you
When I am with you

©Saujan Gyawali
1st September 2014
Unforgettable day of my life
Aug 2014 · 358
It’s You
Saujan Gyawali Aug 2014
That’s awesome when you came near
to erase my fear

Look into your eyes
I saw image of mine

My heart start to beat
When you came beside to seat

Your dazzling and sweet voice
That makes me too much shy

I looked down again and up
But I never gave up
Its love
And it’s true love

Now I started to look into your face
Look into your face I can guarantee that
This whole world is fraud and fantasy

Yes! This whole world is
Fraud and Fantasy
Fraud and fantasy

That’s my love
That’s my care
You are everything
So I am here.

©Saujan Gyawali
Aug 2014 · 540
Saujan Gyawali Aug 2014
Exactly you take a great time
to create her on this planet.

Her smile makes me smile
Her laugh makes me laugh
Her eyes are enchanting
I am crazy
My thoughts seem Daft.

I don’t even know her
I only know her name
Even hearing her name makes me shy
It takes me to a place I can’t even describe.

I know that we have been friends
She locked up into my heart
Displayed in my eyes
That’s what everything to me.

Just so we are clear
There’s a reason why you are here
You are here so I can have the greatest gift
I am so glad.

— The End —