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Blue eyes that stare back
With pain and with hate
Pain I know well
Because mine are the same

I have made mistakes
But everyone does
All I can promise
Is I will always love


Whether or not
This feeling is returned
Is all up to you
That's one thing I've learned

So I'll give you some space
And plenty of time
But at the end of the day
The decision's not mine

Don't wait too long
We all change with time
And once more I'll say
The decision's not mine

So think long and hard
What it is that you want
I won't wait forever
At some point I'll stop

 May 2014 Saranghae
you held galaxies in your hands.
blades cut on your thigh and you bled stars.
the beating of your heart sounded a lot like the birth of planets.
and you kissed the world goodbye, giving me only the moon to remember you by.

you were the fabric of time and I swear when she left I could feel you ripple.
the tips of your fingers felt as hot as the sun.
the stares were as blinding as a solar eclipse.
and you kissed the world goodbye, giving me only the moon to remember you by.

I still remember the moon.
this is the first and only time I will ever write about him. he's still orbiting, he'll never come back down.
 May 2014 Saranghae
Lauren Nicole
kept inside,
full of fantasy & beauty
yet deep down
know them to be perilous
wishing for things
you can never have
or might never come to pass
because that person
you're daydreaming
about might not be
dreaming about you.
don't awaken love until the appointed time.
I knew the moment we touched
Things would never be the same
I knew the moment you smiled
My feelings could not be tamed
I knew the moment our lips met
That I was desperately in love
I knew the moment you came in
That it was too late to go Back to
Being friends
That it was too late to hide the feelings I had confessed
That i was too far gone
To ever return to what I was
What things were
Before you

For before you
Seems like an alternate dimension
That I had suffered and lost
Because there was no life before you
And there won't be life after
 May 2014 Saranghae
I want to be there
Next to you
So your whispers
And secrets
Fill my ears
So I can hug you
Kiss away your tears
 May 2014 Saranghae
I want to be scared
of how strong I feel
for you.
I want to love you
too hard.

Do you know how deep this root of
and desire
To the deepest of the suffocating depths
where gravity defies its purpose and
to a greater pull.

I love you
with nothing,
and I hurt with everything.

I love you,
once and twice.
I love you,
each by each,
all in all,
entirely and absolute.
it's a curse that's almost beautiful.
There's a devil in me
Her name is Marianne.

She's my impulsiveness
my scorn
my haughtiness
and, yes, my insanity.

If I'm the balloon the boy let go of, she's the one who murmured to let me go- convinced I could fly


It is a simple thing.

I am no bird.
I am no balloon.

or maybe i am.
but I'm a penguin.
or a thin-skinned animal balloon.

Perhaps I can run, jump, dance


So I must beg the boy,

*     don't
          let go
             of me.


i'll float too high and 
     P O P!

Ah, but panting into his other ear is 

I wants to try out my wings!

I want to 
kiss that boy,
slap those *******,
steal a car,
run away to Europe,
become a ninja,
ride a dragon,
and on
and on
and on.

Just let go.

Let's get this straight, Marianne.

The boy?
  doesn't love us
Those *******?
  are people too.
That car?
   is not ours.
   is expensive
Become a ninja?
   we're afraid of the dark!
Ride a dragon?
   they aren't real! and we're afraid of heights!
And on and on and on?
   where would you stop?
I'm a penguin!
I am charming
        graceful, even
  We will not live your dreams.

                       don't let go.

she gasps,
I want to dance!
I want to sing!
I want to shout!
I want to laugh!
I want to love!


Fling us free, up into the blue yonder!
Live fast and die young!
We'll live forever-ever-ever!


i whisper

   hang on.
   don't let me go.
   hold me close.

i can not fly
 May 2014 Saranghae
Andrew Durst
I watched my father kneel down on one knee over his parent's graves today.
      The stillness of the air
     was far greater than the few little
words that could have been spoken.
After a moment, he rose with a sigh,
wiping away several tears before
they could even leave his eyelashes.
     It was the first time I ever realized,
that one day,
  I too would be kneeling
over my parents,
devastated and speechless,
      leaving generations behind me
      with nothing more than
                   a faint
Been a while since I've cried, it was strange to me.
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