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Sammie May 2015
I want to fold you up and save you for a rainy day, so that when the lightning strikes my calloused fingertips it will ignite a spark that burns across the entire east coast and the thunder that follows will match our quickening heartbeats.
When I was a child I would cower under the covers until the storm blew over but now I welcome you like a dusty game of monopoly under a pounding tin roof and I don't care if the power goes out because there's enough energy between us to keep the skyline lit for days.
i wrote this on a night when the air was humid and the clouds were gray and i thought that i liked you.

-also, yes, i did use 'entire west coast' in a previous piece and i am so sorry-
Sammie Apr 2015
It's as if each night I toss and turn once more than the last.
      as if each night I contemplate and calculate the chance, the risk, and the hope of falling back into you.
      as if each night in my dreams I hear your name more than my own breath and it's as if each night is spent with your memory etched into my brain just as it is etched into this paper and I might sound crazy but I'd give anything to look into those shaky eyes and promise you the world one last time.
written december 2014
Sammie Apr 2015
Don't you dare fall in love with her.
Our love is what calms the seas; our love is what stills the earths crust; our love is what prevents flames from igniting the entire west coast and if you fall in love with her...
If you fall in love with her the skies will gray and the flowers will wilt, roads will crack, planes will crash and buildings will collapse - but only in my world - because you turn my clocks and you keep my time and I am going crazy without you here and I just hope she makes you happy.
written december 2014
Sammie Feb 2015
it all just keeps piling up.
have you ever been so stressed you can't write. usually it's my best time to.
Sammie Dec 2014
ten months
ten months wasted on a soul who
couldn’t care less if my last breath was drained
praying for forgiveness or speaking their name
ten months spent with a being who
would rather be the cause of tears streaming down my face
than shed one themselves

from the beginning i was warned.
but the caution signs and police tape that wrapped around your chest wasn’t enough to keep me out,
i had to see for myself.
it was only then that i knew, first hand, what it meant to be held captive.
i walked through fields of glass, tiptoed through bushels of thorns
and swam through eel infested canals
to keep your anger at bay,
but one misstep, one slip, or a breath taken too late
and i’d awaken the beast that lurked inside.

forty years ago a robbery took place in stockholm, sweden
and for six days four people were held hostage in a bank vault,
later rescued with no hatred held.
through threats they grew compassion,
through desperation they found trust,
and ultimately the kidnapped formed a bond with their captors.
there were no physical cuffs that tied me to you,
but the emotional torment you put me through
somehow didn’t compare to the drunken night
i stumbled through your doorway
only to find myself face-first on the ground, choking on my own vile.
apologies bound by spit were silenced by the washcloth you
ran down my spine, your eyes radiated nothing but love.
you haven’t looked at me the same ever since.

but for a while i didn’t care
because i could forget the bad to only see the good
and i could deal with falling asleep to the howls of my own sorrow,
strung along by the hope that tomorrow you would douse the burning bridges,
but the flames grew too high for me to handle,
and i decided it was time i run through the ring of fire to safety
because i’d rather suffer a small burn than be engulfed in your blaze.

take this how you will but just know
this is not an ode to my sadness,
to the heartbreak you put me through.
this is my way of saying that after i scoured through the barren lands known as your heart, i’ve finally made my way out.
this is my way of saying that after ten forsaken months,
i am free.
written by me from the perspective of a dear friend who just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship. we spent today writing songs about her ex-lover and i decided to write this spoken word piece.
Sammie Nov 2014
"i want my baby back
Sammie Nov 2014
spent the past three days out of my mind
how on earth were you still in it?
pretty rad halloween weekend
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