Dear H-----,
We were such a scandal -
in their schooling mouths
our names were broiled to ash
by raw rumor and we reveled in it.
We blitzed your blonde bedroom
naked and sugared with sweet steam
& reciprocal obsession.
Each night was a fresh first date,
we measured each other with miles,
with syrup sorceries, with dizzy eyes,
until we crashed under beetle-brow
linen piles, romance shooting inside us
as the rain pooled in drum slopes
on the clay court outside the window.
But it couldn't last. You were sailing
into harbors of high privilege,
a world of guest rooms where
I had no station. When your sister
played the green glass game with me
in your mom's kitchen she hinted
at clouded designs of friction.
She was right - when Oma died
you retreated into verdigris,
atoms decayed into smaller atoms,
& we slowed and watched in wonder
at ghost-flurries of new spring between us.
It was done, but I miss you nonetheless,
& send my best; yours, Evan.
These letters to people of my past are very cathartic for me, so here is another in the series.