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 Jul 2014 S Mia
Priyanshi Dass
I wasn’t born to write
With every bent petal,
and every fallen leaf,
my ma’s sweet kisses
And papa’s gentle smile
I learned to write

A five year old me was once fascinated
by the loop of an ‘e’
and the playful swing of an ‘m’,
The wide smile of a ‘d’ delighted me
Words were powerful and mesmerising,
now they lie discarded and ignored
in broken stanzas of self proclaimed irrelevance

I watch the black ugly marks
That taints countless sheets of paper
They surround me in a sea of ink
That once flowed carefully and slowly
A thousand thoughts with each single word
Drained lies my mind, my breath’s not a whisper but a plea
My heart pumps blood not ink, I’m not a poet, it says
Incoherent scribblings mock me with their existence

As a child, confined spaces scared me
But now, a confined mind petrifies me with just a glimpse
A pen stays gripped in my hand
I wonder what it fears more
My inability to let the ink flow coherently
Or my arrogant ramblings, regardless
And fearless of consequences
While I stumble on disjointed verses

A paper aeroplane is my best accomplishment
In my two hour search for freedom and thought
Who cares for pretty words and mystifying couplets?
When the idea of a paper boat seems much more exciting

-പ്രിയാന്ഷി ദാസ്‌
Written on 19 June 2014
 Jul 2014 S Mia
 Jul 2014 S Mia
i close my eyes
and find relief where it may come
in silver soldiers that dance across my skin
and leave red rubies on my bedsheets

i close my eyes
and find relief where it may come
in fairy dust that promises eternal happiness
still more rubies drip to my pale lips

we all need something
to keep us numb
 Jul 2014 S Mia
Its frightening how
being alone and being lonely
are not the same.

A wise Greek spoke of a cave
and a fire in the back of our minds
with lips pressed to our palms
casting shadows of false reality
and puppeteers with hidden strings
and chains that sit
comfortably on scathing skin.

We were born in the cave.

I've come to realize
I am not the same person
at three o'five AM
and half past eight.
Reference to *Allegory of the Cave* by Plato
 Jul 2014 S Mia
Alicia Scott
 Jul 2014 S Mia
Alicia Scott
I'll leave the window ajar
each night before I sleep
in case there's ever a chance
of you crawling back into this bed with me.

I'll walk through our memories with precaution
and try not to fall
as I tread water over spilt feelings
and an ocean worth of empty,
yet somehow still entirely full.

I just wish my hands
had something other than
to hold again.
I wish they had yours
to start a fire with

I wish my bed didn't have your
carved into it in braille
because I'm not blind,
and I don't read what I can't see
but ****
I wish I did.

I wish the ocean was a friend
rather than the inevitable enemy it poses as

I don't like the atomic bomb
that sets off
when reality hits back
even though I know you love
the mushroom cloud
that follows.

My room echoes something only you
and I
can hear and
replying to my own voice
is getting tiring.
The earth will still turn
but I don't know how long I can stand
I don't know how long I can bare
to stare at a world
without your eyes.

I don't know how I can stare at a world
that isn't mine.

I guess I'll go back
to kissing my own hands
and screaming echoes to a bed
that isn't warm

because I know what I've had
I know what I have
and I know I haven't lost
but I have loved
and I love
and I will
I do
A piece written for my love. It has only been 25 hours since she departed, but God, it feels like an eternity already. I think what I am feeling right now will last for a while and this poem is me attempting to be less pessimistic about it all. I know that what I feel is love, and I know that love knows no boundaries, especially something so absolute as an ocean. I know that I will see her again, but seeing her again isn't my problem. My problem is I am impatient, and greedy, and that I want her now. But I've had a sweet taste and **** did it feel good. I will love her forever, may she love me the same way too.
O WHAT to me the little room
That was brimmed up with prayer and rest;
He bade me out into the gloom,
And my breast lies upon his breast.
O what to me my mother's care,
The house where I was safe and warm;
The shadowy blossom of my hair
Will hide us from the bitter storm.
O hiding hair and dewy eyes,
I am no more with life and death,
My heart upon his warm heart lies,
My breath is mixed into his breath.

— The End —