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 Mar 2015 Narayan
Unspoken words
 Mar 2015 Narayan
Angel comes on a paradise bus
I know our lines are aligned
Hours pass by
Nights after night
The fragrance of voice never cease to arouse my spirit
I dream you saying "Your tears my eyes
My heart your beat"
I would die hundred deaths for you
But I just cant "I love u"
Like Unwritten novel
Untold story
Fiction of mind !
 Mar 2015 Narayan
One fine day!
 Mar 2015 Narayan
Gentle spring breeze
Dripping ice cream
Cocoon of words
Caring sarcastic verses
Fingers glued to screen
Eyes vying for warmth
Ears tuned to rings

Meeting u on a journey
And you said chocolate it is !

Hours turns to jiffy
World seems jolly
life flows like river
Ocean you are
With crystal clear tides
u turn blues to pink

May be I am betraying myself
U chose mango flavor for me !

Hours of night
Calls for a new day
Innocent dawn
Heart of dusk
childlike smiles
Never ending words

I am still fond of tea
May be a cup with you !!
 Dec 2014 Narayan
Just Melz
I fell asleep
      with you
    on my mind
I woke up
And you
      were still there

**When's this gonna end?
 May 2014 Narayan
 May 2014 Narayan
the heart pounds
air pipe is choked
sweating  river
runs down the spine
trembling hands
something is not right
**** anxiety!
 May 2014 Narayan
Insight !
 May 2014 Narayan
He was a flower then
thorns is what he became
the diamond turned to coal
life ain't  a discotheque
lights are never real
darkness is absolute !
 May 2014 Narayan
 May 2014 Narayan
Who cares for black and white?
Start from the shades of grey
Sweetest of all surrenders
Believe in imagination.*

In an ideal setting the mind should rush form past to future  to merge  finally into something called  present . However the reality principles follow another path. The thoughts rush from all three domains and we can't make any distinction which comes first or which comes last. In our minds it’s the bizarre flow and rush in the synapses, the chemicals the receptors never in an unidirectional fashion but to and from every nook and corner like a web. I always believed that the imagination is nothing but the extension of reality. Just think how easy the life would be if we didn't have the power to distinguish the reality from imagination. It would be  the moment of bliss when every night the psyche would be in unison with the surrounding.Through some means if we could break that thin ice layer defining the boundary of real and imaginary; the mind would have a different face. What if the imagination could give the same intensity of the perception (like hallucination, the luxury of few lucky ones) in the mind of all the individuals with simple the stimulus of thought?  When I think about the dinner at French restaurant with the fine quality wine and if taste buds could  sense them then the world would be sane. Some say sanity is the idealized fiction. By all the permutation and combination, deriving from my insanity, I came to a conclusion that the world is waiting to end that fine line - tripod of mind in unison .I dun think it takes much to ask!
Well just a thought …
 May 2014 Narayan
Dreamless !
 May 2014 Narayan
The pangs of love
waiting to heal
eternity has passed
yet another lifetime to go
I thought we were almost there
But u lost me
Like blades of fan chasing each other
I chase our reality, I chase my soul  
life was never a merry go around
and will never be
suspended in purgatory
I sleep every night dreamless!
 May 2014 Narayan
 May 2014 Narayan
Broken shards of a broken heart-
Each piece composes a different line,
Then from the crevices bleeds out your poetry.
And then you ask me why it doesn't rhyme.

 May 2014 Narayan
My insomnia
Fear of waking up tomorrow
the sole reason
 May 2014 Narayan
 May 2014 Narayan
She wasted the words in the dust bin of her room
Every day that  bin became  heavier
May be the words have weight
Waiting for the perfect verse
She put her heart on the desk
And painted the blank paper blue
Red was the color she wanted
But this world refused to accept  
There was a prophecy  
One day her  blue will speak louder than all reds together!
welcome nnyaa..........
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