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 May 2014 Narayan
Suits (10w)
 May 2014 Narayan
Perfect suits
Soul mates
I'd rather search my soul  !
 May 2014 Narayan
somewhere in corner
Like roses waiting for dew
I wait for your warmth
Soaked in rain
Your memories run down my spine
(Morning Nostalgia)

Pashupatinath temple*
The rain drops on the golden roof
the mountain breeze to pacify my soul
The life can be beautiful
When serenity surrounds to bind us
(Afternoon Divinity)

Crying strings, the music of life
White smoke in air
The sound of cheers
Wish the time stopped here
(Evening Bliss)
 May 2014 Narayan
home (10w)
 May 2014 Narayan
There's no place like home
And my home is you
 May 2014 Narayan
Concept !
 May 2014 Narayan
I saw your picture today
realized that i  loved  the concept of loving you
my heart isn't broken
its the concept of sadness that  I'm addicted to !
 Feb 2014 Narayan
 Feb 2014 Narayan
How I wish I could swim in the lake of your words
bathe in the spring with your floating lyrics
those  dew drops of fresh morning
reflecting thousand suns
how I wish I were the only audience of your poetry book
your words  pouring over me like old french wine  
addicted  to your ink  than  personal ******* !
 Apr 2013 Narayan
Ayaba Babe
I am going to make love to myself, to remind myself of
What I feel like.
I will hike
To the summit of my
And entirely
On the ****** of my
 Mar 2013 Narayan
Ayaba Babe
I've been trying to imagine what you'll feel like
Once you've hiked to the peak of my
Tell me how many times you've envisioned that expedition
-Dreams and Reality
Fantasies and Actuality-
Lets make the transition.
I want you to feel what I feel like.
I want you to feel me.
 Mar 2013 Narayan
 Mar 2013 Narayan
The sweet of your lips are my only delusion
the idea of love becomes just another illusion
fantasy at its best is pulling me through
insanity taking me near to our world so slow
drugs ,the poison blockin ur voices so clear
labels they printed still fresh on my head
outcasted I am but I still shine
in the etopian realm you are still mine
I am not sleeping with eyes open like you do
our song still pierces my ears through
the urge i control to question my god
coz idols of holy ghosts are just piles of mud
the chill runs down my spine in the road of rope
I deny burning in the warm fire of hope
the portal I have to the new sane world
the world of my thoughts the world in my head !
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