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6.6k · Dec 2021
my wildflower
Mikey Dec 2021
i have grown flowers out of the marrow of my bones
i have harbored seeds from the blood that flows
i have created skies from the pain in my eyes
and i do it all for you,
my wildflower
2.3k · Aug 2021
moon phases
Mikey Aug 2021
i’m just a phase.
to you i am the moon
the gentle light that caresses your cheek in the darkness
the one that revolves around you.
but as the moon is known to do, i’m just a phase
a phase of your love i fight to earn
i’m slowly fading,
and you’re doing nothing to stop it.
i’m soon to be a new moon.
1.3k · May 2021
a simple song
Mikey May 2021
im searching for you
in the clouds
in the streets
in the breeze.
searching for a hand,
a laugh,
a whisper,
a song.
but youll only sing for her
968 · Aug 2021
emotional motion sickness
Mikey Aug 2021
i miss you just like a little kid,
a little kid with no sense of direction
no sense of new found love
no sense of the world around them.
i miss you like a sailor misses the ocean
lost without the sea
i miss you.
i miss you mom,
please love me
i need you
Mikey Oct 2021
i refuse to believe you.
i refuse to believe that you have laid your hands upon someone elses skin.
i refuse to believe that the treads that touch your skin have also touched hers.
i refuse to believe that your pillow soft lips have made hers fall apart into a melting *** of love.
i refuse to believe that your gentle voice has cooed her to sleep.
i refuse to believe you, for if i did
i fear i would go mad
769 · Apr 2022
Mikey Apr 2022
i have been eroded.    
slowly chipped away by the flood of others love.
years of words and tears stored in the layers of my skin.  
my erosion has exposed a side of me,
of sedimentary rock composited of dry heaving and silent cries.
my erosion isnt pretty, but people will admire it and study it
thinking it will reveal beauty.  
when in reality, it never will.
i used to love science so, heres the only thing i remember from middle school science class. the rock cycle :)
768 · Jan 2021
toxic love
Mikey Jan 2021
id let my life filter through your fingertips, leaving remnants of me on your palms.
ill kiss you the most beautiful of ways, letting our lips slowly touch and our tongues entangle gently.
ill hold your hands as if i was bonding my sweat with yours.
ill break you in the most angelic ways, making everything that was once stunning remind you of me.
and youll come crawling back to the storm that is my heart.
760 · Sep 2021
Mikey Sep 2021
just the very though of you
has my legs spread
like an easel with a canvas
begging for art
743 · Sep 2021
Mikey Sep 2021
i will never love one the way i loved you.
713 · Apr 2021
Mikey Apr 2021
till death do us part.

i guess it wasn’t  death that could undo us.
616 · Jul 2021
Mikey Jul 2021
i find myself longing to remember the day you fell in love with me,
rather than the day you fell out of it.
588 · Apr 2021
Mikey Apr 2021
oceans wash over me.
obliterating my sin,
purifying my soul,
making me clean.
they wash over me coming
one after the
after the
washing away their hands,
their smile,
their voice.
washing away the peices of me that once belonged to them.
these oceans of mine will simply wash me away
535 · Nov 2021
Mikey Nov 2021
you always called me angel
so maybe its my time to spread my wings and fly
526 · Oct 2023
i’m a good dog
Mikey Oct 2023
I’ll be noble. Loyal. Valiant.
I’ll follow you around at your convenience.
I’ll keep my canines hidden.
I won’t snarl. I won’t bite. I won’t bark.
As long as you promise me that I can sleep on the foot of the bed rather than the floor.
519 · Feb 2021
im not gonna do
Mikey Feb 2021
im not gonna do what you think im gonna do.
im not gonna say what you think im gonna say.
im not gonna yell like you think im gonna yell.
im gonna stay,
and say to you
ill always love you
509 · Mar 2022
Mikey Mar 2022
i cracked a smile and told a joke
just to make you happy.
even though my heart was breaking
and my legs were weak.
490 · Apr 2021
Mikey Apr 2021
i want to be ripped to pieces
shredded to oblivion
by your love.
love me dangerously,
slash my lungs
poke out my eyes
break my bones.
love me poisonously.
478 · Sep 2021
Mikey Sep 2021
and you left,
after endless promises of staying.
that yet again, you broke.
but its okay, because when you get tired of the next person ill be here for you to love again :')
472 · Jan 2021
Mikey Jan 2021
i feel like im drifting
through the clouds searching for you.
for the heart you laid in you open palm
for the bright eyed smile.
searching, prodding, scratching.
for the person i so easily fell in love with
453 · Feb 2021
Mikey Feb 2021
we could be the couple of centuries.
425 · May 2021
Mikey May 2021
and to think i would never break my own heart.
422 · Aug 2021
esc key
Mikey Aug 2021
i wish there was a key, for life of course.
that could take all your pain away,
erase you from humanity.
i wish there was a key for me to press,
to make you forget me.
i need a key,
an escape.
391 · Apr 2022
Mikey Apr 2022
what can i do
when one half of me is torn from my side
separated from my being
walking along the halls without me by their side
388 · Sep 2020
loving at a loss.
Mikey Sep 2020
intertwine your heart with mine,
submerge yourself in the waters of my love.
allow this feeling to take you over, and bring you home to me.
i find the entanglement of ones love for eachother to be a breathtaking thing.
if only, the love you so delicately placed within her was shown to me.
so intertwine your heart with mine, so i can take your broken pieces and use them to make me whole for him again.
383 · Apr 2021
my heart
Mikey Apr 2021
my hearts yours forever and always.
my love resides in your hands.
my heart will continue to beat for you.
and i’ll wait until your heart comes back home
376 · Nov 2021
toxic love pt.2
Mikey Nov 2021
oh my love,
i will bring you to the most beautiful of places and kiss you desperately so everything once beautiful will remind you of me.
i will adore you so tenderly itll feel as if youll never be loved again.
i will make you crawl back to me,
and the storm that is my heart
i was told to write about power
374 · May 2022
daily reminder
Mikey May 2022
the world isnt out to get you.  
it will not swallow you into everlasting darkness if you take a break.
rest my love
remember to breathe
373 · Aug 2021
Mikey Aug 2021
one day ill die
and the world will continue to turn
it will not halt
it will not stop
it will turn
so when i do
i hope you look to the sky
and know its alright
368 · Mar 2021
Mikey Mar 2021
why love something you cant have?
when you can cause yourself your own pain
365 · Oct 2021
Mikey Oct 2021
you left me surrounded.
surrounded by the lies you filled my pretty little head with.
surrounded by broken promises you swore to keep.
surrounded by the harsh words you played off as love.
i’m surrounded, yet i still apologized.
i still think you’re good..
345 · Feb 2021
Mikey Feb 2021
"ill always love you"
say it again my darling, that was a beautiful lie.
344 · May 2021
Mikey May 2021
what happened to us
what happend to the late night walks and the cookies made at 2 am
that happened to the stolen kisses and secrets whispered in the moon light
what happened to us
we are shells of people trying our hardest to love
what happened my love.. where did we go
342 · Jan 2023
till winter
Mikey Jan 2023
i hope that the last hug you gave me
can continue to keep me warm for all these cold winter months to come
i fear, if not
i will freeze
340 · Sep 2021
sore muscles, aching wounds
Mikey Sep 2021
my knees are bloodied
my eyes are sore
my throat is raw.
im tired of begging
allowing you to drag me along
just tell me what i am

338 · Sep 2021
Mikey Sep 2021
but youre the only one that kept me together.
334 · Feb 2022
happy valentines day
Mikey Feb 2022
i can tie a beautiful silk ribbon around your heart
mend our souls together with a diamond ring
kiss your lips with all the passion of roman warriors
bless you in the waters of athens
yet that still wont prove the undying love i have for you.
324 · Apr 2022
Mikey Apr 2022
im begging you
to pull me out of the fire
can you see me through the ashes and the smoke
come quickly
im burning up inside.
322 · Dec 2020
pathetic princess
Mikey Dec 2020
i always ask you why you treat me so good, and you always say the same thing.
"because im in love with you"
if youre in love with me why do you treat everyone else like that too..

god that sounded pathetic
309 · Feb 2021
all i know
Mikey Feb 2021
all i know,
your heart is mended with mine.
your dna resides in the bottom of my stomach.
youre mine.
and all i know,
im yours.
304 · Nov 2023
subtle reminders
Mikey Nov 2023
when i look at the trees i think of you,
how are you not reminded
303 · Jan 2021
my sun.
Mikey Jan 2021
youre the sun to my moon.
you make me shine bright and gravitate around the ones i love.
you give me equilibrium.
youre the sun, and im merely just the moon.
296 · Jan 2021
pretty girls
Mikey Jan 2021
i want to be the pretty girl you see on the back of a train.
with long golden hair, and emerald eyes.
with the seemingly softest pillow lips youve ever laid eyes on.
i want to be the pretty girl people on the street fall in love with,
with my image imprinted in the back of their minds while they fall asleep at night.
i want to be the pretty girl everyone dreams of.
i wanna be a pretty girl.
290 · Apr 2022
Mikey Apr 2022
this is it my friends
the finale line of my book
as you flip through the pages, take in me
my soul
live for me
when i was to much of a coward to do it on my own.
282 · Mar 2021
little fires everywhere
Mikey Mar 2021
words get stuck in my throat
like fire waiting to be splashed out
this fire that roars within me
seeps out into my words, puts a sour hit on the tip of my tongue
this fire that rages within me
that sadly wont go out
278 · Nov 2021
Mikey Nov 2021
you promised me forever,
and all i got was a chapter in your book.
274 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
Je t'adore.

Et je continuerai à t'aimer jusqu'à ce que la terre cesse de tourner et que les étoiles tombent de notre ciel

I love you.

And I will continue to love you until the earth stops spinning and the stars fall from our sky
271 · Aug 2021
Mikey Aug 2021
you’re beautifully written.
the perfect story made of angelic construction.
you’re the greatest story i’ve ever heard.
god you’re beautifully written.
270 · Jan 2021
i love you.
Mikey Jan 2021
i love you,
more than anything.
you remind me of freshly pressed linen, or of the sunrises that cover october skies.
i love you,
every part of you.
till the end of time.
forever and always.
254 · May 6
mourning birds
Mikey May 6
its time for me to say goodbye
to spread my wings and fly far from this place.
ill graze the oceans
and whistle into canyons.
ill feel the flowers ruffle my feathers
and the breeze lift me higher than my wings can carry me.
its time for me to let go of this place,
ive been here long enough
246 · Jan 2021
you promised me.
Mikey Jan 2021
you pinky promised.
you promised to keep my heart protected.
you pinky promised to heal me with you.
but here i lay, on my bestfriends bathroom floor.
my heart in shambles, my head turning in confusing spirals.
you broke your promise bubba..
i’m not your princess anymore..
am i.
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