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rose14195 Jul 2014
My heart still may beat

but im no longer living
rose14195 Mar 2014
Dear bully*,
I dont cry because you don't like me
I dont cry because you lied
I dont cry because I'm hurting inside
Even though I should
I cry because you aren't happy
I cry because you cant love yourself and so you hurt others
I cry because of the little kids who look up to you
I cry because I see your future if you stay on this path
I dont cry because I'm sad
I cry because no one has cried for you
and told you they love you
because if they have you wouldn't try and hurt me
but your hurting yourself
So when you see me crying
and you start to laugh
call me weak and cowardly
and act like your all "bad"
just remember one thing
I will remember it too
I dont cry because I'm sad
I cry because no one has ever loved you

The Victim
rose14195 Aug 2014
I was never quite good
enough for you  I never made you happy
I never did anything right I always was left in the dust of your
life no matter how hard i tried to become
important to you I was
always left in the dust, I was always left out
I could never be the most important thing in your life why are
you still screaming at me to be better, cant you
see im trying to make things perfect cant
you see that i am trying
to hold our family together, cant you see I'm
trying to make your life better, havent you noticed I forgot
about me, but focus on you,
have you noticed that i never eat, that i never
ask you for food, that i dont cry when you scream at me, that
I always work with you even when you wont
pay me, havent you realized
that i love you , havent you realized I hate myself
havent you realized it hurts when you push me, but not as much
as you telling me im a mistake not as much as you
taking you food and refusing to
eat with us because you have work to do, havent you made
me sad enough do i hurt enough for you yet? Have i worked hard
I'm sorry I'm not enough, I'm sorry I couldn't help
you, I'm sorry I cant look you in
the eye with out
wanting to
rose14195 Nov 2014
I heard you where suicidal
we should talk

I know im not your favorite person
you probably dont like me at all
but we should speak

cause in some ways we are the same
but i might be wrong
maybe im completely off

if i am ignore this
forget this
but if im not

realize you dont have to live with it

You dont have to say anything
just know that there are people like me who care about these things
so please
if im right
realize that you are strong enough to make it through this fight
rose14195 Jul 2014
I really wanna fall asleep right now

And not wake up
rose14195 Nov 2014
Isnt it funny?
I have thrown up about 5 times in my life
3 of them are pills that wont do their job

why is death easy for everyone to find but me?
isn't it funny
death avoids the people who want to stop living
take cancer from that girls mom
or that boys sister
and give it to me
I would love to take their place
because dieing is something I want to happen to me
stop avoiding
rose14195 Dec 2015
Death is funny in a way
Knowing it is coming makes you wanna live
no matter how many times you asked for it
the reality of death
makes you want life
rose14195 Feb 2015
Death is not freedom
Death is the option where you no longer make choices
rose14195 Dec 2014
Dont you wish death could **** the people who want to die?
A man walks infront of a bus and survive
But a kid on his bike hits a rock
Hits his head and instantly dies
Am i the only one who thinks it's not right?
It confuses me
rose14195 Aug 2014
Death is the only thing that has always been there for me
rose14195 Apr 2014
If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?
Ok guys I am going to post one of these everyday and I want you to write your answer in the comments. Thanks!
rose14195 Oct 2015
Define me
put me in a box
and tell me who i should be
if i can't fit in **** me
please **** me
this acking
from being different
of feeling whole
then being left in pieces
its left me weak
its left me more than empty
its left me a black whole
******* in the joy of whoever wants to be near me
now everyone fears me
so define me
because i don't wanna live this life of dieing
do you get it?
rose14195 May 2016
No.. I think you have the wrong soul
because I no longer take that as my identity

I'm sorry are you talking to me?
I have been healed and will never let a disease be my reality

Not exactly
I found myself a long time ago and decided
Other people will no  longer define me
rose14195 May 2014
They scream for me
They want me back
Their claws tug at my back
and you where holding me
pulling me away from them
but then you left
And now I don't have a chance against my demons
rose14195 Jan 2015
We live in a world of denial
Forget things to vile
We leave them to dust like songs on vinyl
Hope it will go away its to foul
Now we'll smile
Happy as it always were
We live in a society sick with denial
And no one has a cure
rose14195 Aug 2014
They say i am depressed

but im not

my life

just lacks motive
rose14195 Jan 2015
We are all depressed
Just admit it
No one in this world sends to fit it
Forget happiness
Grow a pair and live with it
rose14195 Aug 2014
Where have you been all my life
smoking by a river side
getting high
spending the hours on your maac laptop
tweeting about how your family is just getting byw

Where have you been all my life
Trying to clean up the messes other have made
Making a path for your brothers or sisters to take
trying to achieve fame

Where have you been all my life
Looking up **** on internet sites
texting pictures to a girl you just met
hoping that the next one willl be the best
and you will finally have a chance to get rest
becuase nothing is fulling enough to keep you from waking up at night
hoping that was the last time

Where have i been all your life

i have been dieing
rose14195 Sep 2014
I wish I could write happy poems

to bad everything in my life is sad
I cou
rose14195 Oct 2015
I dont want to be alone
i cant stress that enough
i hate being depressed
i.hate not having love
the only being that loves me is God
shouldn't that be enough
why am i awake crying about somone
who gave up on us
i thought i was better
but it keeps running back to me
i would be watching tv
abd realize i have no one who would want to watch it with me
i want to die
but i can't leaves this world knowing
i would hurt somebody
because people only show you they care after your die
my death might cause somone to die on the inside
and that's not right
but im lonely
i hate this depression
rose14195 Aug 2014
Hopefully one day you would realize its not that easy to"just be happy"
rose14195 Feb 2016
Depression can be dark
And the darkness is an illusion
It can seem as if it is never ending
Stop you from seeing all the light around you
As if there is no hope at the end of your tunnel
As if no hope can be found anywhere
Ignoring all the opportunites around you
Depression is a blindfold
Pressed on to your eyes
Depression is a whisper
Saying the world wants you to die
Depression is a lie
Depression is an illusion
And i pray that you stay a live long enough
To see that
rose14195 Jan 2015
Did you know there are 12 year old kids in America who can't spell the name of the teacher they are having *** with?
Just wanted to point it out.
rose14195 Dec 2014
I will scream

I will die

I will jump off a building to make it all right

to fix everything that is wrong

but i cant

i cant help you

I cant do it a lone

I kills me from the inside

when i start to see your pain on the outside

and now the only thing i can do is cry

I cant make it all right

like you did for me

your a natuaral therapist

while i am nothing

I will scream

I will break

I cant fix you

with all my might

I cant make it alright

Im sorry i cant make these wrongs go out of sight

Im sorry i cant give my life to save yours

Im sorry i cant save you like you saved me

I want you to find help

No matter how hard i try

and i plead

to God

you see i stopped praying about me

a long time ago

but i have been praying for you

since we where kids i have wished you alright

you see i told u i barely knew your name

but thats i lie

since the first time i saw you

I hoped what i saw in your eyes was lies

but as i always do

when i see pain i run the other way

i hate it when i love someone

who i cant save

instead of helping people

all i do is watch as they break

there are people i have tried to save

but no matter what happens i cant make it ok

I never stopped praying

I pray that you are ok

but when you need someone to comfort you

i dont know the words to say

and its horrible for me

to watch people break

when i know they could of been saved

but not by me

im sorry

im draggin you down with me

I dont wanna hurt you

but i dont wanna die alone
rose14195 Apr 2014
Don't try to tell me what I can do
my whole life people have told me things about myself that aren't true
Don't tell me who I am because you don't know
You dont know the troubles I face or the places I go
Don't tell me you hate me
because you don't know me
and I dont know you
Don't try to confuse me
I know that is what you're trying to do
Just shut up
because I'm done listening to you
rose14195 Oct 2014
Maybe there is someone who can make you happy
Maybe there is someone who can show you love
Maybe there is someone who will love you enough to save you

But that person is not me

Yes I have tried
Trust and believe
This is the truth neither of us want to face
Don't shed a tear
No need to cry
Im just not that guy
I don't want to force it
Because when I say I love you
We both know I lie
I don't want to make you pretend you love me
When I can see in your eyes that's one thing you don't do
Im not breaking up with you
In showing you our love has already died
Don't cry
I hate to see your tears
We have tried to make it work for all these years
You are an amazing woman
I want you to be Happy
And with me
That will not be
I tried to love you
Trust me I tried
But this is goodbye
Just trying to see it from the other side...
rose14195 May 2014
I hate to see you cry
I don't know why
my feelings for died
a while ago
but i hate to see you cry
So wipe your eyes
for me
rose14195 Oct 2015
don't forget i was your first kiss
the first girl you wanted to be with

don't forget how you couldn't keep your hands off me
that there was a time when you loved me

don't forget we rediscovered love together
dont forget the smiles we believed
or the demons we pleased

dont forget the trials we had
and don't forget they were not all fails

and if your gonna remeber me
don't forget
what we use to mean
rose14195 Jul 2014
I dont like poetry
as if its all under one catogory

as if its all the same

I dont like poetry

once a few years ago
a teacher asked me if I wrote poems

I dont like poetry

I was so young

I didnt know that shakespeares words

actually meant something

I thought it was all the same

All rhyms
nothing more

but then I wrote my first poem
and it opened up a door

I could finally
see what all the hype was about

I saw what it does to people
did to me

I wasn't looking for poetry
but it found me

and now
I wouldn't be alive
if it wasn't for poetry
rose14195 Jan 2015
Do you care about life?
No not at all

So why are you alive*
Because I have a best friend who does
Love you bae
rose14195 Apr 2016
I don't think people get it
they don't understand their own nature
see themselves in the mirror
but they can't really picture this

what if I told you your beautiful
you would say thank you
but would you believe me

you see
society has a thing with low self esteem
we make ourselves shine and gleam
but don't believe a word we are saying

we say everyone is beautiful
yet hate our reflections
people just don't get it

I've been saying this for years yet no one understands it
do you get it?
does anyone understand this?
hating yourself isn't a trend
its a plague
and we are all slowly dying
hoping for someone to cure us
but we wont even admit we are sick

do you get it?
I need society to get it
because our downfall is not going to be pretty
do you understand this?
if i said you where beautiful
would you get it?
rose14195 May 2016
I feel as if you are playing me as a fool
As if I'm pretending to be something
but everyone can see through my disguise
like everyone is laughing
and I don't know why
I'm the punch line
and it makes me what to cry
do you notice all that's wrong with me?
Do you see the scared little girl?
Are you laughing?
rose14195 Jul 2014
All I wanted to do was sleep again


I miss the rest

the escape

that 8 hour break

from my so called life

turns out

monsters dont get a break

monsters dont get a break

sleeping isnt an escape

its only a nest

to hatch more monsters

you dont get to wake up

and say

It was just a dream

we dont get that

all we get

is a rude reminder

that our nightmares

do come true

they already have
rose14195 Jun 2016
Everyone is drifting away from me
and I don't know what to say
I keep feeling the distance
the space between us is growing
and I'm stuck confused as of why

What am I doing wrong
am I to annoying?
or mean?
please tell me
I cant bare to lose everybody

rose14195 Nov 2014
Her father walks up the stairs with a new ******* his arm and yells, "Georgia, get me and this young lady something to drink!" Georgia grabs her walking stick and fumbles her way to the kitchen.  She feels her way to the refrigerator, and opens it. She sticks her hand inside and pulls out the cold cans, with plastic over the rim. She uses her cane and feels her way into the living room where he father usually is. She holds out the can as her father takes one. “WHAT IS THIS? YOU KNOW I DONT DRINK LIGHT BEER! CANT YOU READ!?”  She cries and stares at him with pleading eyes. She replies, “No.” He throws the beer back at her and she falls and starts trying to get her stuff together. The girl with her dad laughs. “Can I try?”
Her dad looks at her face and start chuckling. Georgia picks up her stuff and starts to leave. “No no no, stay here and play a game with us.” He takes the loose change from his pocket and starts throwing them at Georgia. He gives some to his new girl and she joins in. Georgia lays on the floor and cries as the quarters bruise her side. On the stairs her friend Garry is video taping.

After about 3 minuets of them laughing, drinking and throwing Georiga’s dad said, “ Sweetie its getting late Georiga should ger her rest she has school tomorrow.”
“Your no fun.” she replied, her words mended like Emma’s.
Emma. Georiga was wondering what her friends where hearing, what they where doing, as they hid in her room. She wondered if they would still be her friend, or if they would tell the police, or would they realize what messed up piece of trash she is and treat her like they relize she should be treated.
rose14195 Apr 2014
One upon a time there was an eagle in a chicken pen
All his life the other chicks teased him over and over again
they told him he was nothing and he believed them
so they keep on teasing him
He stayed trapped in his pen thinking he couldn't fly out
If only they didn't fill him with doubt
He had the potential and possibility to fly to the skies
but he was held back by their bullying and lies
They covered his eyes
so he couldn't see
all he would grow up to be
Because he was an Eagle
Even though he didn't live that well
He was an eagle and the world he should tell
rose14195 Sep 2015
because plugging in earbuds
and pretending the people you love
or dont know
dont exist
is easier than realizing your alone
better than explaining why you exist
to people
who couldnt care less
better than explaing why you exist
to yourself
and hiding in a song you know all the words of
in a melody you can replay in your mind at anytime
because we as humans hide
so run from your own presence
because plugging in your earbuds
is easier than learning
how to survive
rose14195 Jan 2015
I have never been so empty
rose14195 Oct 2015
have you ever been empty?
truely empty
to the point when you could walk into traffic
and wouldnt feel the car hit you
to the point that seeing thier picture doesnt make you feel anything
when whispering their name has lost its effect
when you dont think of them
when you stopped thinking
when you cant even fake a smile
you cant even fake a laugh
when you touch your eye and there are tears
when you cant feel the sadness that comes with crying
at this point you're just leaking
over flowing the nothing that is filling you
and all because
your reason to live
got tired of you
got over you
stoped wanting you
stopped loving you
hates you
and leaves you
e  m  p  t  *y
rose14195 Feb 2015
I wish you where enough
To give oxygen to my dead lungs
To teach my heart how to beat
To show me how to give love

I wish you where enough
To show me what real
Make me feel whole
Teach me how to feel

I wish you where enough
To give me hope
Make me wanna live with myself
Help me throw away my rope

I wish you where enough
To give me enough strength
To send my demons away
So we can be happy

I wish you where enough
To save me
Enough is a really weird word.
rose14195 Mar 2015
Once upon a time there was a princess  and a peasent. The princess went to a ball and was screamed at by the tourmentor of a king infront of the whole kingdom. She had forgotten to finish her dinner. Soon tears where streaming down her perfect face and she ran into the stabels where she knew no one could find her.  She sat down on the hay bale and cried. Then a stable boy came in and said, “My fair princess what painful harm is pulling at your precious heart?” He sat down next to her and held her hand until the crying stopped. They stayed like that for hours, “ I should really get back to the ball.” He took his hand and wiped her tears. “Same time in the ‘morrow?” the peasent asked. For the first time she saw what perfect eyes he had. “ Sure same time in the ‘morrow.” He smiled and nodded. She soon stood up and he walked her out the barn. He watched her as she left.
rose14195 Mar 2015
When the princess got home the King was furious. His screams echoed throughout the kingdom. She broke down and told him about her peasant boy. The King was appalled, “HE IS A MONSTER! HE IS NOTHING COMPARED TO YOUR EVERYTHING!” They were forbidden to speak ever again. When the princess didn't arrive, the peasant boy worried so he went to her room. He saw her screamed at by the furious king and he waited till night to go after his beautiful princess. When night soon came the boy threw pebbles at her window, “My fair princess! Please come down.” He stayed there all night. It wasn't till the sun rose that he lost hope. He slowly made his way back to his barn where he would always remember the night the princess graced his home.
rose14195 Jun 2014
I was staring into the night watching the time click by
Right then you walked into my life
that was the last night
I watched the starts alone

We where up there dancing
The two brightest stars you could see
With smiles that where brighter than the moon

We where beautiful

Then you left me
We ended up being nothing

That night I went to watch the stars
and remebered us dancing
us shining
but now all i have is memories
because we became nothing

Nothing but fallen stars
rose14195 Jul 2015
I never realized you could fall out of love
i thought it was just an excuse
for divorced people
who never loved in the first place
did we love in the first place?
I didnt know you could stop caring about me
I didnt know I could stop caring about you
did i stop caring about you
Have i stopped caring
since when did i ever want to not talk to you
since when did we not want to be together
since when did your presence scare me
when did we scare eachother
when did us become a we
when did we seperate
I dont understand why we didnt stay with eachother
why we couldnt understnad eachother
why we couldnt be
but even that was a lie
because Im not sure
you where ever really my friend
my friend
are you my friend?
are you still there for me?
maybe you wont be
maybe we arent
maybe you still love me
but only if i could believe in that lie
because you told me
you no longer care about my fragility
you no longer care if im broken
you no longer care im hurting
you no longer
want to be next to me
we no longer will be
I'm sorry
but why
I'm the only one crying
when you are smiling
because you told me
the truth set you free
but it captivated me
now im stuck in a rut
stuck in a cage'
when i cant escape
I cant stay
in this charade
you broke my happiness
I can no longer last in this
you kept me in the shade
only to bring me to light
at the worst time
tell me im not wanted
when you where the only person i thought wanted me
as soon as i accepted I wasnt alone
you left me
you see
you made me get better just to send me back where i came from
what type of love
and you have the audacity to act
as if this will hurt you
as if you didnt do anything wrong
as if im over exaggerating
as if your better than me
your not better than me
just because i learned how to take down my walls in front of you
does not make me weak
It makes me stronger
than you
just because you saw the sad side of me
thats not all there is
I showed you I was fragile
but thats it
you wont see past what you think I am
to see thats not me
you wont see
Nina see me
you keep yourself in the dark
pushed us apart
so you can be alone
its not me its you
its not you its me
its not us anymore
there is no longer us
your just another person who took advantage
of my weakness
your just as bad as them
sorry nina lol I had to get upset and rant
rose14195 Jul 2014
I am looking around this car

at my mom

my sister

my father

and no matter how much I complain

I am realizing how much I really love my family
rose14195 Apr 2014
Being over a size 2
Doesn't mean you are fat
rose14195 Mar 2015
I'm fat
My stomache stretches out of its place when i eat
Don't eat
I want to look in mirror and be happy
People shouldn't tease me because I'm not skinny
be skinny
Who cares if I'm unhealthy
As long as I'm pretty
rose14195 Jun 2015
I'm lost for words
I don't know how to describe the feeling
Of not feeling
Do I feel?
Do I live?
Does my soul still survive inside
I feel like it left me
Just an empty vessel
Do people still love me?
Do I still love?
I haven't felt love in years
I haven't felt in years
I look at a situation
And wonder
How should I be feeling?
Shouldn't I be feeling?
Shouldn't I be
Should I be at all?
Why am I here?  
Why don't I care if I die?
Why don't I care if I loss her?
Why don't I care if I lose him?
Why can't I feel?
rose14195 Sep 2014
Hoplessly waiting

Carelessly flaunting

All i want to do is feel something
rose14195 Apr 2014
Our diffrences aren't reasons to be jealous but God's fingerprint
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