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Roberta Day Jun 2016
Inspired enough to write a touch
about what’s been going on
To review, let’s hop back to when
I redacted my word, regarding the only one
who prompts me to bite my tongue
when I say something absurd
which is rarely, more like I never show
that unsavory side of me, though
I know I really should
Because he has little shame when
attempting to diffuse pain so he
dished it the easiest way he could
But my philosophy is some things
just aren’t meant to be,
but I am the only one who declares,
though it’s never that easy;
If you believe, things can happen
so I never lost hope on that one
and we tied that knot by our tongues,
crossed our pinkies and our legs
and fell for the diamonds
in the rough of rotten eggs
Finding happiness with each other while
finding happiness within ourselves
is what I’ve always wanted
but without the wedding bells
A stretch of land measures between our hands
and is the ultimate wall of separation
But life is paving the way for some kind of break
from all these trials and tribulations
I believe we’re on the right path so as
long as we don’t stray, the future will be
a full and satisfying plate
In the span of a year, we've come so far.
Roberta Day May 2016
Relationships are
codependent; Partnerships
are coefficient.
Roberta Day May 2016
Catching up on sleep
is a myth that nobody
can really achieve
Roberta Day Mar 2016
Have you heard about your hands,
how they’re the devil’s play things?
When entwined with my fingers
we cradle til numb, fine friction from
a twiddling thumb; graceful extremities
fondling every surface covering,
generating and extracting energies

With a hover they raise the dead
cells on my flesh and walk the sacred
space of nerve-endings with a trace
and trails of my racing heart
They’re smooth and soothe wounds
that can’t be spoke, knocking at
my teeth to wrestle my tongue
seducing me from the inside

Your hands are the tools
of your trade, skilled to persuade
and bade time--for it doesn’t exist
Unable to resist your palms upon me,
pockets of warmth radiating heat,
I relish in the sin of wanton skin
waiting to play with fire again
Roberta Day Mar 2016
In order to heal,
apply pressure to pain with
volition and strength.
It's been a while.
Roberta Day Mar 2016
Beware happiness;
It can be draining if you
delve in it too deep.
Roberta Day Feb 2016
shouldn't expire at the
cost of an alarm.
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