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 May 2016 robely reyes
She wanted to fly away
She felt she was not free
He always had his way
He took his mistress to the sea
She felt the urge to leave
She never had the guts
He never had some time
He was a very violent man
She accepted all of his flaws
He thought he had no flaws
She never left the house
He would not let her anyway
He said he loved her before ***
She thought she loved him too
She knew of all his ways
He payed for hookers anyway
She knew nothing was ok
He always had his way
 May 2016 robely reyes
I wake up and think of you
but I fear you do not do the same

it's been like this for weeks
waking up from the same old dream,
the dream that makes me teary eyed and weak
controlled by you.

but please don't think i'm trapped
for this is not the case at all
you see, it's only because i love you
that i have the nerve to speak

i love you, my dear,
but I fear you do not feel the same.
this is one of my first poems so any constructive criticism is welcome :)

— The End —