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ren Aug 2019
they say love isn't real if they don't make your heart ache at some point,
but with you, it ached as much as the sea storms into the shore and goes back out—again and again, it never ends,
it ached when you lifted your loving gaze and smiled to me from across the room full of people around us,
and we were slow dancing in a burning room.
dusted this from my 2 year old draft box
ren Aug 2019
I can’t come to your wedding. Because you will stand there looking so perfect⁠—I mean perfect. There will not be a single flaw on your face. You will stand in front of the aisle with such excitement and happiness you’re waiting for her to walk down the aisle. And you will marry someone who loves you. But if I went, I would sit there, loving you too.
3 weeks later, it still ached
  Aug 2019 ren
We chased a feeling
not a reality

We both wanted someone
So desperately
that we found each other

Even though no part of

Our pieces didn’t fit together
so we pressed and jammed them
until they were stuck
and stayed that way
we broke

-red flags
ren May 2019
it was like we had our hands tied together but,
you were finding out your way out of the threads first,
wanting to get away like my skin was getting too hot to touch,
but you didn't know my knots were already loose,
i got away first.
this is the part where i fell out of love
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