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 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
Gabriel burnS
sugar is bad for you
especially sugary thoughts
you cannot afford

like June is majestic
undulating ozone
from cumulus bones
in its flesh of light blue
masquerading airborne
around the skin
that breathes with beats
progressively arrhythmic
high from the feeling

but beware
for June hides its predators
beneath those waves
elating charm, its Siren song;
Because deadlines,
blood thirsty words
like “expiration”,“elapsing”,
and “due in”,
lurk with sharpened teeth
stalking the smallest of joy-fish

And all of this contrast
is masked with such skill
it remains underrated,
only frustrating to Juners,
for they know its extremes
and how smiles
cover anxiety

 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
Oskar Erikson
They say:
"You get what you've given."
but I'm afraid that's not true:

As you have all of me
And I have none of you.
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
Are you in love with your depression?

Because I sure am with mine. My life
Is a sunny day and ice water right now.
Yet I still see clouds touching the mountains.

I wonder what brought me to jump at every crack
On the sidewalk.

So I trace my steps back and reopen every healed scar along the way,
And laugh at the lies I told myself about life being okay.

I wonder how I got here, laying next to a 6'4" beautiful giant who is in love with me,

And I wonder if I love him for him or if I love him for loving me.

I can't ruin it this time.
Don't stay up past 1 am all alone, heart. You tend to wander.
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
kelsey bowen
my father is a fortified man 
with dark, verdant eyes 
that shame the forest moss
that burn harsh and cold
seeing through deception 
honest, stern, but fair

my mother is a gentle woman
with soft, cerulean eyes 
that transcend the clearest sea
that glow bright and warm 
always saying the right thing 
tolerant, caring, but unwavering 

and I was born with that azure gaze 
though mine is not same 
on half my left eye
a drop of my father's jade 
and so I see the world 
as an even balance 
through both my parents eyes
 May 2017 Itzel Hdz
Akira Chinen
You can chop the head off a snake and still be poisoned by its fangs
The lifeless body of a wasp with its motionless wings can still sting
A dead heart can still burn and love still dance in its flame
And in the silence of the ghost of its echo I can still feel your name

— The End —