These joyful teardrops fall
Thousands and thousands of feet,
Falling through the shifting air currents,
warming as they approach the ground
That they are so determined to soften.
As these tears fall,
I dance.
Jumping and leaping,
Dreaming and laughing with no cares.
These tears fall on my bare skin,
Joyously painting their masterpieces
On my white canvas with translucent tracks.
Tracing the contours of my body,
Freely exploring these valleys and mountains,
For we are all free.
As I slide through the mud
No longer white or brown,
No longer Christian, Muslim, or Atheist,
No longer afraid or angry.
These tears wash away everything
As they fall to the ground,
From my cheeks and the sky.
Not a care for yesterday,
Not a worry about tomorrow.
As I lay still,
Allowing these tears to wash my body clean,
Mixing with the swirling brown water,
Telling a story,
It caresses my naked body.
It washes away my walls I have erected,
Laying bare once again my ever present
And as I look over,
I can almost see you lying beside me.
Your white teeth
Glinting as you stare back.
Not a moment of chagrin
As we lay here,
Bare ******* to the heavens.
Your deep brown eyes
Framed by a messy mane
Stare into mine.
But as I look back to the heavens
You fade away once more.
And as I lay there all alone,
I wish I could fall,
Thousands and thousands of feet,
Swirling through the air currents,
Onto your dancing and leaping body,
Caressing your cheeks,
Washing away your cares.
I fall onto your body
And as you look over
Your white teeth,
Glinting as I stare back.
Not a moment of chagrin
As we lay here,
Bare ******* to the heavens.
Your deep brown eyes,
Framed by a messy mane,
Stare into mine.
As you look to the heavens
I lay beside you,
Swirling around your body,
Washing the mud from your skin,
And the stains from your soul.