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Kristo Frost
The Moon    Poet first, lawyer later, plenty in between.
David Nelson
Missouri    IT Big Box coder, analyst, manager. Sports of all sorts Musician, writer, singer. actor. Professional Dreamer, many if not most of my poems are songs ...
Anastasia M
Dallas, TX    Tickle and dance and tickle and wiggle.
...displaced into being    Merely some words here... If upon reflection they become something more...all the better.
Traci Eklund
Northern Mitten, USA    A women bursting with wanderlust and a passion for catching the words within her head and harnessing it upon the page.
North Carolina    The words you wish you’d said dance around my head. Full Work of all Poetry Coming January 18th
Started writing poetry in the military. Full fledged Insomniac, which is where my ideas and poems reside. Warning; lack of sleep will cause crazy babbling ...
Life's a Beach
John M Douglas
Tilden, Nebraska   
Anderson M
Hillary Shepheard
I am a Texan born and raised. My dream is to change the world, or at least someone's world. Writing has been my form of ...
A mesmerizing medley of mind-states mingles with the shingles on the roof of my mouth. Two of my biggest inspirations: Dax Riggs of Acid Bath ...
The Whisper
24/M/Los Angeles    An aging "old" soul; a bound freespirit, searching for a purpose while caught in the rat race, constantly contemplating life's daily ethical and existential contradictions. ...

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