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May 2015 · 284
Rebecca Queen May 2015
When I was a kid
I would play outside
And my mother would say,
“Be careful, you might get a permanent injury!”
And I laughed
Saying how
I could never get hurt
Because I would heal
But as I got older
I realized
That some injuries
Really are permanent
May 2015 · 346
Rebecca Queen May 2015
I don’t think you realized
all the time
I sacrificed for you
All the time
I could have spent
doing other things
But instead
I wasted that time
with you
When really
I wanted to spend my time
with someone else
And you never cherished
All the time
I gave to you
So I took it away
And gave my time
To someone who could
May 2015 · 228
Rebecca Queen May 2015
I wouldn’t go as far as saying
I pretended to be in love with you
but truly
I never loved you
like you thought I did
And at 3 am
when we were on the phone
half delirious from lack of sleep
and you would mumble that you loved me
And I would say it back
not because I really loved you but
because it was out of habit
I didn’t want to say it
but you said it so
I said it back
I think that’s the wrong way to love
And all I’m saying is
I wish I could have loved you
the way you loved me
May 2015 · 259
Rebecca Queen May 2015
You touched me,
and I let you
You told me you loved me,
and I foolishly believed you
You told me I was beautiful
and I never really believed you
You said you wanted to marry me,
and I laughed
You said all these things,
but I wanted you to take them back
I needed to get away from you,
because I didn't really love you
And you didn't really love me
You loved what I did to you,
how good I could make you feel
You loved me for my body
Your hand was around my neck,
and I was on your lap
Your fingers were in my mouth
and I loved it
We were teenagers,
forever confused by lust and love

— The End —