One night
two souls met
at the old bridge
to debate the differences
between men and women.
"i prefer
being a woman,"
said one. "They're born
as princesses and live not by
suggestion but as the heart determines."
"Sheesh," said
the second. "That's
all pretty and nice
but men have power.
Will always run faster, lift
more, protect the population."
"Impressive," the
first soul said.
"Still, ladies have compassion
even when they've lost will. When
we've had our fill we stop eating and place
the rest of our food in a **** box like a sane person."
The second
soul yawned. "We
eat for energy so
we'll always be able
to guard and protect, you.
Admit it, your attracted to tough guys."
"I've always been a lesbian."
(awkward .."oh..")
The first
soul retorted the
silence. "Because women need
protecting. You've placed us under
your big toe and refused to ever let go.
But I've been back just a day, and I've got some info."
"And what would that be?"
"Gender is irrelevant but women run the show."
(awkward .."oh..")