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Sometimes I imagine myself
strolling through a museum
of my love life.

My soles click on the cold stone
and it reverberates
through the grand halls.

My relationships are there.
Stuffed to mimic real life,
and safely behind glass.

The idea is that I can study them.
Learn from them
in a detached kind of way.

But I never do.
I stroll, and I pause, and I admire,
but I never learn.

We're breaking ground
on a new annex
next month.
I pulled the curtains aside.
Laser sunset.
Clouds crimson through
Orange peel lit mists.  

Some city-in-the-clouds-
Sci-fi-scenery. Phiew.
Then, my focus shifted
To the crown of the much closer

Cherry tree;
Insects swirling in dance.
One score of Tinkerbells dancing
With one miniscule Peter Pan each.

One loving one
Loving another.
I smiled into the detailed sunset.
I smiled at the whirlwind

Of insects.
I smiled out of
My own everyday

How silly is the
Poet... Feasting from eyes
To heart. Tears, trembling hands
And all. At "nothing."
 Jul 2015 Rather Not Say

Bright blue iris skies
shimmering down
upon sweetly scented
honeysuckle meadows,
welcome us this warm
early Saturday morning
as we stroll hand in hand
between soft pastel colors
and enchanting aromas
decorating our world
in a beauty enhanced
only by our love

and there is
no place else
*we would rather be
Good morning beautiful
You didn't know
that I hold
in my head
in my chest.
You didn't know
that I would've
a thousand times
just to see you smile
for a second.
You didn't know
I would've cut the throats
of tigers
just to keep you safe.
You didn't know
I kept the darkness
so you only saw the
You didn't know
I would've loved you
as much as
my wasteland of a heart
would allow.
If you had,
you never
would've let me go.
I see poets,
And read poems,
I can't understand,
Why I understood,
In words I wished to write,
Yet never once I truly wrote;
But darkness and brightness,
Are honestly meaningless,
Because I'm surviving,
And not living.
I don't understand.

— The End —