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435 · Jan 2015
fire fox
Ranger Jan 2015
Fox so bright, fox so bright your eyes a blaze with true delight. Your fur a flame a brilliant bronze. Your smile a  cinder the source of my flame. You light up my world. The light of my life. Tho you may be ground out or smothers in gray. I know you will burn brighter in the coming day. No one can take it from you. No thief or the cold of night because they never see your source the place where it starts. This light that you shed from a spark deep in your heart. You light up my the sky like apalo you see. Your passion a pillar a glow from this fox so bright. Unmatched in beauty of soul and of sight. Good night fire fox who chases the moon. In my dreams I will see you soon.
432 · Jan 2015
Keep fighting
Ranger Jan 2015
Keep fighting
Nothing worth it was easy
Life is hell

You want heaven
You got to push on through hell
And what ever you do

Keep Fighting
427 · Dec 2014
Sanitys lace
Ranger Dec 2014
Sanity's lace
Holding me together
It's ribbon stained with the tears of time
Sanity's lace wrapping around me
To the point I can not breath
The thing that binds
I feel its threads
Slowly slipping

Leaving you to what you are
When it is all gone in the wind
And your mind comes undone
And your heart mind and soul
All fly in different directions
When the only thing that lays
At your feet is a silk memory

What will you be with out your

Sanity's lace
421 · May 2014
When Foxes...
Ranger May 2014
When foxes run wild, chaos races free
414 · Jan 2015
Fight dirty
Ranger Jan 2015
If you can't do, Teach
If you can't teach, teach gym

If you can't win, fight
If you can't fight, fight *****
413 · Sep 2016
11 am
Ranger Sep 2016
It's 11 am
I'm fighting depression
I'm loosing...
409 · Mar 2015
blossom tree
Ranger Mar 2015
Meet me under the blossom tree
The moon light shining
In the dead of night
Soft whispers
Dancing under the stars
Where no one will see
So won't you meet me...
under the blossom tree
402 · Jun 2014
soft whispers
Ranger Jun 2014
Parting lips
Secrits unfolding
The truth coming to light
Shared between two
So close
There Bond
In this Life
The next
394 · May 2014
All the little things
Ranger May 2014
I don't really know how to say, I don't know where to start

All the little things you do make me smile and warm my heart
Its simple, but a simple truth
393 · Feb 2015
sleeping whisper
Ranger Feb 2015
Soft silent nights

Slumbering sweetly

Your head resting on your pillow

As if on my chest

softly you cuddle your wolf toy

Dreaming of better times to come

I would lay there watching you

Wanting to know what you dream

I hear you whimper

Softly I whisper

Dannys here

Grinning in your sleep

You fall back to sleep
So.. Cell broke. Have to use an old one. Found my fav pic of all time of my ex as she slept. Made me smile remembering how she slept so well with me.
Ranger Apr 2014
There is no such thing as a hot dog doughnut

Doing it fast might be needed
Doing it right the first time is worth it

It will make you feel better

Never back down
There is nothing you cant do if you have the will to stick with it

Never take no for an answer
There is a better answer out there just got to find it

Nothing worth it was ever easy
If it seems like the easy ways.. its probably way

Your first reaction is often the right one.
You might be worn down but don't forget what you felt

You get knocked down
Get up and keep swinging, you can rest when your dead

Its not going to stop until you fix it
Don't sit there and wait for life be what you want.

There is a way back form almost any mistake
You just need to find where it went wrong and find your self

Battles are fast
Wars take time

Never let some one else tell you you can't have some thing
Who are they to decide.

Calm and planning are key
But remember some times you need to do it. Dive in

The day will come when it will be ok
Might not be today or tomorrow but it will come

If it hurts to do it... Don't
If it hurts after you did it undo it

Grass maybe greener on the other side
But you got grass under you now

There are no stupid questions
Only stupid people who don't want to learn

Learn as much as you can
The world is a more interesting place when you understand it

Be open to believe
But don't back on a belief

Trust others as far as you can throw them
Those you can put in orbit won't betray that trust

Love with your heart
Not with your junk.. it doesn't work like that

Work first
Play after, it makes the play all the more enjoyable

People come and go out of your life
A few are worth holding on to, don't loose them

Not every "friend" is a friend worth keeping
It's hard to see some times but they will show who they are sooner or later

Don't be afraid of loosing
Be afraid of not playing

Don't let love go
No matter how hard it is to hold on to

Love comes back.
Don't force it. Don't rush it. If it was love it just needs time

It's not always love.
God knows what it is but it's not love

If some one says "you would if you loved me" to get there way
Bash them up side the head. Love is not leverage

Every one deserves a second chance
No one deserves a third  

If there going to leave for "not loving them" or giving them there way
Let them.. they would endure for you if it was

Take time out for little things
The big things are nice, but its the little things that get you there

Money is not easy to get
If some one is offering to give you a quick method don't take it

Its a trap
Or is it, don't get scared to find the truth

Money is nice but if you need to go through hell  then its not worth it
Find some thing you love doing to make cash. Even if its less

Don't be afraid to shoot to high
Just know it takes time to get there

Leave home, grow up, be your own boss
Its Freedom and its sweet

Know when its not worth it.
It's not quitting. Its knowing when its not worth it

Rome was not built in a day. But it burned in one night.. and its not gone
You might loose things fast but you can recover even if its not easy

Love with your heart. Don't hold back even if its going to get broken
That box, is a trap of its own

Life is worth living
Do things your scared to do things.

When a choice to change some thing because you want it. say yes
Looking back after years and being able to say i did that is worth it

Let it go.
If some one hurt you and there is nothing you can do let it go

Rage is a fuel but it will burn you out. My heart is failing because of it. Find some thing better worth living for

When you find some thing worth living for.
Never let it go, its like loosing your life

Life is special, and it may seem hard
Never throw it away

Never put off tomorrow what you can do today
Tomorrow will have its own task for you to face

Go to school. Yeah it *****. Do it
School affects options later on in life, you can get there but its not easy

Take care of your body
You only get one and replacement parts are hard to come by

Brush your teeth
There harder to fix after there destroyed

Don't lie
It will catch up to you one day down the road

Make piece with your demons
There there because you let them be

Enjoying some thing is fine
Enjoying to self destruction is not worth it

Fight when you must
But don't look for it

Don't bet on seemingly random things
Good bets are done with math and facts

Dose not matter if there is a god or not
You should answer to your self for what you did

Don't fight back feeling
That little voice is there to help you

Don't be afraid to change for the better
and question your self

....maybe there is a hot dog doughnut
387 · Jun 2017
Nerd rant
Ranger Jun 2017
My sabina my love my little spoon. I hope you are having wonderful dreams of a sweet loving wolf and an innocent little girl he takes in to his dark den and keeps as his mate forever. I want to tell you about tonight. How I saw wonder woman and how I wish you where there. How they have these seats that drop the arm rests and we can cuddle the entire time. No I want to tell you about wonder woman and more importantly I saw you in her. She's kind humble brave talented speaks multiple languages and all those things are you.. it's the fact she saw good in men kind of the way you see the good in me.. and she fights for love. I see so much of you in her. And when I saw my self.. I relate the best to superman.. even tho I often get compared to batman. Superman has no home. Can't talk to any one about his past. He's alone. He does the best he can but no one can know him. Other then wonder woman and they fall in love. He inspires hope in her and she inpires love in him. I wonder do I give you hope babe? Do I make you feel strong and proud? Because honestly you make me feel like I can fly. That I can carry the world on my back and that what I do matters. You take that lonely man in a cap and you make him proud to say he is your superman. And you are my wonder woman. The most wonderful woman I have ever met and I love you. I hope my nerd rant made you smile I hope it made you blush and I hope it tells you how much of my world you mean to me. My love
378 · Apr 2015
Ranger Apr 2015
Falling apart
Reaching as the ground falls
From be ninth your feet
I fail they fall
Slipping away in the dark
Reaching out I watch every
Disappear in to the void
Crying for help
Never seen
Unheard the dark took them
Is this my hell
To watch every one I know vanish
Friends fallen away
Family dead
Is this my torment
To stand my ground
To test me
Seeing how long it takes
Before I through my self in too
This pit
Where it all crumbled
Is it more
Am I the reason
It all fell apart
So here I stand
Looking in to the pit
Of discard
And wonder
Is this the moment I
Been dealing with alot recently. Feelings of lose and trying so hard not to let depression take me.. and tonight my friend is thinking of suicide and I feel so.. Helpless
Hang in there sweety. We love you
377 · Jun 2015
Ranger Jun 2015
Screaming in pain
No ones listening
Echoing in my head
The agony that is
And people watch
And people see
But no one is listening
I feel my flesh taring
My soul breaking
Mind is rushing
To dark places
Calling for help
But no one sees
Or no one cares
This razor dances
Across the skin
Lines of red liberation
To let out the pain
Is this a cry for help
Or maybe my  only
Way out
Now I bleed
Maybe now they will
See me screaming
Been holding back alot of pain lately and it  all came out at once.
I don't cut never have but I can understand why people do
369 · Apr 2014
The Sword and Shield
Ranger Apr 2014
I am your sword
I am your shield
My pride in those words
My honer to have my place
My Queen
My Goddess
The only thing to matter
The reason I exist
My Blade cut through the dark to show you a path
My Body bearing the strikes so you could stand
My Steel, My Will to stand by you Unbending
Never Breaking
Never Bending
Never questioning my place at your side
Until I was taken from you
Stolen away
You hurt
You could not fight for me any more
You let go
The weight to much
You let me go
Falling in to the Darkness
Without a hand to hold me
With out the strength to move i could not fight
The pride, the shine fading in the black
The honor to fight for you faded
I am a Sword.
I am a Shield
I am Alone
I am Here
I am Waiting
366 · Jul 2015
The doll
Ranger Jul 2015
Laying here my mind a blaze
What is real and what is fake
The answers never coming

The night slipping away
Hours seem to tick by
The sun slowly setting

Life feels so plastic now
Is this the way I was before
Cold and isolated feeling lost

I remember this chill
Pain feeling so cold
The cut and burns

Simple marks to my flesh
Offering no thrill no rush
Next to the screaming pain

Deep in my soul crying to be heard
Is my world. No life no death.
Just the cold chill of what ever this is

I remember now what I am
A doll heartless and tortured
In a heap on the floor

My strings cut
My place forgot
Kicked aside

My world lifeless
A plastic doll
With nothing inside

But a cry wanting to be heard
My spirit is breaking again
363 · Jun 2014
Soul Mates?
Ranger Jun 2014
“I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I was beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.”

Lisa Kleypas
361 · May 2014
Ranger May 2014
Revolt when
I ask you for
356 · Jun 2015
game of life
Ranger Jun 2015
The game of life
Go fish or poker
We come to the table
Not knowing how to play
No rules but the ones we make
But the hand is in front of you
Kings and queens rule
Giving and taking
Maybe we find a partner
Some times you loose it all
The games not fair
You need to cheat to win
The game never stops
And eventually every one looses
Because the dealer is
So play for fun and play for as long as you can because in the end life's all fun and games
Ranger Apr 2015
I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
'Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here?

So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest, leave out all the rest

Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating
I've shared what I made

I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you

So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest, leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Pretending someone else can come
And save me from myself
I can't be who you are

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest, leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Pretending someone else can come
And save me from myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are

Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest Lyrics
all creative credit and rights go to linkin park and the studio and publishing company.

I just like the song and think that it really applys to some one I know who I hope sees it and remembers all the good times and not all the bad things. I hope in some way my dear I left you with some thing good. A found memory that will stay with you. Some thing to make you smile the way I remember. I know I have good memories and I dont regret the years we shared.
355 · May 2015
Run stallion run
Ranger May 2015
Embracing who I am
I step forward
nerves and scared
but excited for what wonders
the future holds
blinded by the light
by my first day
I stumble
I fall
But soon
I stand
Ready to run
this is me
this is who I am
A spirit on the wind
A stallion
Wild and free
Just needing to remind my self
Never stop fighting
Never stop believing
So life update time. I have decided to fallow a passion of mine. Graphics design and the arts. I have set up a business I love. I make web pages and create art for company's now. Soon as it is stable and secure I will be able to quit my 9-5 job and do this full time and make more money. I have taken a new name online and in real. Sort of a pen name. When this is more secure I will have more freedom to work from home or travel as long as I can get online I am all good. I am finally doing some thing I love. I thank the people who gave me the courage to do this. I will never forget how they told me to do my art and fallow my passion. I don't know if they will ever read this. But thank you for believing in me.
351 · Apr 2014
Unbreakable Wolf
Ranger Apr 2014
His Eyes glitter  in moon light.
Like amber, Golden. Unmoving. Dry and cold. Unfeeling
They will not flinch from where they look. He will not hide his face

There is no pain

His form is a wolf, Alone in the shadows
His body powerful. His will relentless.
He will not move, He is carved of stone. Grey and solid

There is no pain

He is alone as his claws dig in to the soft earth.
Alone, this is his home. In the dark
His  Claws are as razors as they paw at the dirt

There is no pain

He parts his lips, his fangs glitter in the glow of the moon like diamond
He wants to fight, his heart as a Iron
A heart that was for a time Gold

There is no pain

He does not need a pack, he is one of a kind
He does not need another. He can stand for him self
He will survive to fight another day

There is no pain

In the shadows he calls home, they wrap him like an ice blanket
He welcomes it, to hide his scars
The night will not end, and that is the way he likes it.

There is no pain

There is no more pain
There is no chains
There is only shadows

There no pain

I will not break.
I will not fall.
I will not fail.

There is no pain

I am this beast of stone
I am this animal of darkness
I am the unbreakable wolf

There is no pain...
351 · Sep 2015
drifting - where I belong
Ranger Sep 2015
The nameless shadow
Watching but never seen
Ghost of man
His heart

Where do you go
And what do you seek
Does any thing hold you
To this world
Or the next

No more he cry
No more will I be
Simply with out purpose
Alone in the dark

This world
May not have a place
Or reason for me to simply be
But no more will I be
Just a ghost

With these hands
And with a heart of stone
I will chisel a place in the earth
For me to be as I am

This feeling
What I have done
The rush of pride as I see
This life I have made
I have it.. finally

A home
So all my life been a military brat and a drifter. Moving every 6 months or so. I finally bought my first house and working on it really hard to make it mine
349 · Jun 2014
what are you dreaming
Ranger Jun 2014
Watching you sleep
I see you hold your stuffed animal
You look so at rest
Free of the day
Lost in the moments
I look at you
And wonder
What are you dreaming of
A soft whimper
Crossing your lips
As you pull your toy close
I know
You whispered
My name and smiled
345 · Jun 2014
how much you are worth
Ranger Jun 2014
What is your worth
How much can I say
There is no way to tell you
Your eyes blue as the sapphires
glittering in the sun
Your lips catch my eyes
gleaming like ruby
Your skin so fine and smooth and fair
like the marble statues in grease
How I wish I could feel you
Your hair glittering as gold
Every single inch so perfect
There is so much to you tho
Your heart is solid and strong
like iron, but infinitely more rare
Your soul as pure as the finest diamond
Sparkling softly
But locked away from the world to keep it safe
You letting only the fewest in
And even less have touched it
And those who do want
And crave you
You are so perfect
wonders to behold
A treasure
You are who you are
And you are precious to me
I can not tell you in words
How much you are worth
341 · Feb 2015
Dreams of Summer
Ranger Feb 2015
Dreaming of sun
The loft warmth smiling
The most beautiful eyes
Glitter like stars of calm night
The soft wind a whisper
Telling me to be calm
Nurturing and pure
Inspiring the best to grow
This is Summer to me
A loving memory
The rest filled night
Soft touch of hope and joy

This is the Summer I remember
341 · Jul 2015
broken glass world
Ranger Jul 2015
On  this day
In some ways
I feel like a monster
Or maybe a ghost

Looking in on this world
Made of glass and light
Reaching out slowly
I touch it's delicate  surface

Entranced by its beauty
This glass figure I am draw to
I try and lift in to the light
The glimmer making me smile

Slowly it breaks
I try to stop it
Panic with heart racing I struggle
"No God please no"

What have done
I destroyed this beautiful world
That I held so dear
Is no more then dust

With blood weeping from shards
And tears from my eyes
I lay in the shadows
Looking at the world I once had

Made of glass and light
I held it to close
And held it to tight
Leaving it dust and shards

I am the destroyer of worlds
Of lives and of love
To be the monster
This is my fault...

...this is my fate
I told you I was a monster the day I met you...

Trying to explain how I feel
336 · May 2014
Ranger May 2014
I dig
You dig
He digs
She digs
We all dig

Its not a wonderful poem I know... But its deep XD
335 · Jul 2014
Internet Romance
Ranger Jul 2014
I love how your eyes glow
by light
334 · Jun 2015
My deepest secrete
Ranger Jun 2015
Have ever had a secrete
So darkest
Deepest secrete
The one you forgot
In the bottom of a box
Locked away in the depth of a soul
Come back to haunt me
This was why I am
The way I am
This is who I am
An yet I with all my strangth
Can not face it
Because I am affraid
It's slowly killing me
And contempt
All at my self
This was why I became strong
To hide it where no one can see
333 · Jun 2015
Tic Tok Drip Drop
Ranger Jun 2015
Watching the clock
The hands moves slowly
Feeling like time is running out
The hands like blades
Moving forward
Cutting away time
Tic Tok
Like the drip drops of blood
Every minute to every hour
A step closer to the grave
Tic Tok
Drip drop
The dark is coming
332 · Jun 2014
Define Insanity
Ranger Jun 2014
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results.


Albert Einstein
Why did I think any thing would change
322 · Dec 2014
Left behind
Ranger Dec 2014
I dreamed I had died
You standing over my stone
My lost crying bride
And my empty thrown


What have I left behind
In this wake that was life
Do I still linger in your mind
Do you regret being my wife


I dreamed you where so broken
I know that you hurt and lost
Good bye where never spoken
In the end what did our love cost


What have I left behind in the end
Do you remember all that hurt you hid so well
I was always there to help you as a friend
I hope I showed you how to save your self from your hell


What did I leave behind in my wake
Do you remember the good times
When we had no pain to ache
You where my partner in crimes


Did I leave a reason to be missed
All the love we shared
With those nights with a lasting kiss
With our hearts as one handling with care


What did you learn from me
How to be brave and fight
In the end what would I see
How you never gave up chasing that light


Do you know how much I dreamed
How I loved to watch you smile and blush
It was so perfect it really did seam
When you think of me do the butterflys rush


In the end what was I to my love
Was I easy to forget
Take every thing I was and give it a shove
Or did you sit there in silence and fret


I wish I knew what I could say
I hope you hold a happy memory
On those night with the cold waiting for the day
In the end I was never your enemy


Forget the wrong that was done
All the of the past
Smile bright when your walk in the sun
I hope love I showed you will last


Know that you are always in my heart
You where a my other half
My most important part
You where that one thing that let me laugh


We were Romeo and Juliet when all said and done
I wanted to take you as mine
Away we would be happy and far away we would run
But in the end you would not cross that line


Even know I wish i could hold you
Our bodys so tight
And whisper in your ear all the things that are true
Every thing will be alright


I wish I could have repaired the damage that was laid
Prove I was not what they thought and where told
I wish that I could show all the love that I paid
And I am more then a number more then just old


I never did try and make you hurt
And all the times I worked to make you strong
Never pushing you down in to the dirt
Was that really so wrong


Did I leave you with some thing good
What did you keep of it all
The courage to do all that you could
And to realize you really are not so small


In the end what was left behind
Writing this in memory of my love and best friend.
She sacrificed me to stop almost a year of abuse and anger
because they did not approve of me.

I wish I could have shown them I was not the monster they thought I was and that I hope when she thinks of me she can smile one day and think "I was loved and I am worth it"
319 · Apr 2014
Thank you for your words.
Ranger Apr 2014
Thank you you for the words...


I am sure you would have thought of a few more but oh well I am sure I can figure them out. They mean alot to me.. they do.. I thank you. They will be with me for a long time <3
318 · Jan 2016
My failure
Ranger Jan 2016
My failure
My fault
I never knew I could fall so far
And destroy my own world
Why and how's a blur
But the pain remains
The Pain worse then any other
Is the fear of loosing you
Your love and
My world
Sabina my love
I truely do not deserve you
316 · May 2015
new philosophy
Ranger May 2015
when life gives you lemons
you wait for life to turn around
and you ram those ******* lemons right up lifes ***
and teach some respect
314 · Jul 2014
Here we are
Ranger Jul 2014
So here we are
The day has come
We waited for it so long
The day I give it all
For you
For me
Most off all
For us
The day is here
Freedom of our our hearts
Escape of the will
And the right to love one another
Waiting so long
So much pain
Fear and hate
No more
And begin our new lives
Forever and for always
And happily ever after
Let me show you
Give me your hand
To hold in mine
True love is not just a fairy tail
Let me give you my world
and my heart
We can take our first steps in this new world together
My love
Trust in me
In our love
I love you forever
No one can take that from you
312 · Feb 2015
Can't sleep
Ranger Feb 2015
sleep eludes me
dancing out of sight
the promise of dreams
my mind betrays me
teasing me with thoughts
and memory
whispers from the shadow
telling me there is to much to do
but nothing can be done
wondering thoughts
lead me down a rabbit hole
a wonderland of possibility
touting I lay here  
tossing and turning
closing my eyes
only to see that which was
and the things yet to see
the echos of silence telling me
you can rest when you are dead
310 · Mar 2016
Ranger Mar 2016
Dark creature
How do I say
And cold
This thing
You have become
This is not you
Not what you were
Scared and in pain
Hurting every day
This was not life
Not your way
But lost
And alone
This was what you
Had to do
To get through
Day after day
I forgive you
310 · Jun 2014
metal hearts
Ranger Jun 2014
The strongest hearts are made of iron

The most beautiful hearts are gold

Gold breaks under irons might

And iron rots to nothing if abandoned

Gold will shine forever

With a little love and polish
You put gold in my soul
309 · May 2014
Ranger May 2014
My body shaking
I am still crying
The pain is real
my heart still racing
It was only a dream
But it's so frightening
I lost so much
There was no hope
I never thought I would tremble from a dream

This is my nightmare
307 · May 2014
Missing piece 5W
Ranger May 2014
A missing piece
307 · Jul 2015
Ranger Jul 2015
These red eyes
Crimson tide
A blood wake
Rage and contempt
Firing through my vain
A hunger
To fight
These red eyes
Ranger Mar 2017
Why is there hope
That thing that seems to linger
It ties me down and binds
It's warm embrace
Heaven to some
Hell to others

Why is there hope
When all seems lost
Like a dream of things to come
For the future and for life
Slowly decaying
Twisting in a heart like a knife

Why is there hope
A curse that can't be released
When hope becomes pain
A hot coal in my hand
When it's time will I be free
Cold and fades

Because hope dies last
306 · May 2014
the tower
Ranger May 2014
Atop this tower I stand
Atop this tower I stair
Atop this tower I see

The land
Your land


The bridge between us
The bridge joining us
The bridge tounting me

If only I could have crossed

Your flag billows
Your flag stands for hope and piece
Your flag stands for justice and chance

I have non.

So here I stand

On my tower
305 · May 2015
Song bird
Ranger May 2015
Song bird
why do you sing
Do you sing
Little song bird
Locked in a cage
Hidden away from the world
Holding your wings up
Singing your tiny song
Why do you sing
Looking through the bars
Seeing the world beyond your bounds
The wold seeming so big out there
But you don't know how to fly
And your not sure how to be free
But little song bird
Oh your song so sweet
How do you find the words to sound so happy
The cage
Space you have never left
But you dream don't you
The wind
Under your wings
Soaring high in the sky
The warmth on your vibrant form
Sore higher and higher
Not for the bars
Or the space you never left
Sing little song bird
For the hope
And the dream
Of spreading your wings
This is your song little bird
Sing for all you have
A dream
The hope
And a prayer
304 · Feb 2015
sound the bugal now
Ranger Feb 2015
Sound the bugle now - play it just for me
As the seasons change - remember how I used to be
Now I can't go on - I can't even start
I've got nothing left - just an empty heart

I'm a soldier - wounded so I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me - lead me away...
Or leave me lying here

Sound the bugle now - tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know - that leads to anywhere
Without a light I fear that I will stumble in the dark
Lay right down - decide not to go on

Then from on high - somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls, "Remember who you are"
If you lose yourself - your courage soon will follow

So be strong tonight - remember who you are
Yeah you're a soldier now - fighting in a battle
To be free once more - yeah, that's worth fighting for
In the end you just need to pick your self up and keep going
303 · Apr 2015
This hole to hell
Ranger Apr 2015
This hole to hell
Unable to see it
In dark and shadow
How many fear it
Spilling out in to the world
Screams from its depths
What can come of it
Do you know where to find it
I have seen it
The pit
Reach in and take its power
What does it look like
A frame of flesh
A structure of bone
This living hell
Is in the hearts of man
And know one knows
This is where the hole of hell is
301 · Jun 2014
True Love
Ranger Jun 2014
True love
You read about it in fairy tails
But never know what to do
when it finds you
298 · Jun 2014
All this time
Ranger Jun 2014
All This time
I have wanted so much
and yet only one thing

I remember them well
So long
Like a prison sentence
So painful
Every day counting down one more day

I wanted to hold you in my arms
To feel your body next to mine
And feel my lips against yours

We waited
Knowing the day would come
I never let you know my heart was breaking

I wanted one thing
Never giving up hope
It made me stronger

How much longer must this torment go on
The clock ticking slowly on
Tell me how much time is left before I see you with my own eyes

Then hours...

I can't believe it
So close
I tremble at the thought

My nerves cant take the excitement
Its almost here
Are you ready

Will you be there...
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