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297 · Feb 2016
scars and storys
Ranger Feb 2016
What does not **** you
Scars you
I lesson carved in flesh and soul
The pain fades leaving a road map
of life
Tales of adventure and broken hearts
And the memory of days long past
And I say
and no one can steal this
I am scared
I am proud of the failures I have made
and the mistakes I have gotten up from only
to make again
My Scars
My Story
My Life
In the end I smile
And remember the little things
That makes my life me
Sitting here thinking of my life. My past and my collection of storys written in my skin and soul and remembering little things. And even some days I miss little things I know I am on top of the world because I never gave up on my self and those who believe in me. I have scars. they will never heal but the pain is gone and honestly I am better for it
297 · Dec 2014
Ranger Dec 2014
Born to hell
Do you have a name
Did you have a dream
Demon in the shadows
You where human once
Beast of hell what makes you fight
Do the fires hinder or fuel you
Monster of the under world
What is your story
When was the day you had purpose
What happened to your soul
Twisted and black even the flames of hell warm it not
Heart of ice and hard as stone
What brought you to this place
Did you ever know love
Or hope
Not this pain
Oh Demon of the depths what holds you here
With binds so tight and scars so deep
What keeps you in that place of torment
Demon of hell who are you
And in a soft whisper he answers
I am me
And my binds are my own
This hell is home and is all I remember
These hallow walls are my friends
And the shadows my embrace
This pain my reminder
Of a sin I forgot
Of the name I have lost
This is me and all I am
So run, run and never look back
For the things in the dark
May reach to hold you in love
But there arms will smother you
There lips do kiss upon you
But the venom of there love does ****
A monster is a tragic thing
Reaching out with loves hand
Only to wither and rot that which they touch
The worst hell of all is one of loosing the thing you love
I am a Monster a Demon
Please run
Before I destroy you
297 · Jul 2015
dead inside
Ranger Jul 2015
This poison
I feed my soul
Like blood dripping
Burning my heart
Killing all that is weak
Making me empty
Dead inside
Tell all that is left
Is pain and darkness
This is me
Because when dead inside
Your world is not alive
295 · Jun 2015
When dreams die
Ranger Jun 2015
I think I have backed my self in to a corner. I'm not normal. I am not right. I am an outsider. I am alone. My world has crumbled. The things I love are lost. Or maybe like smoke and mirrors where never real. I can't see any more through these rose tinted glasses. But taking them off. I am the dream. I am the the one who fades. In the corner.  I am the dream that dies. And this is how the story of me ends.
290 · Jun 2015
The monster
Ranger Jun 2015
For years I thought me a monster
Hideous and cold
The creature deep inside I locked away
I fought it every day
I Know this creatures name and it is fear
Acting like it was not there
But that is the way fear is, justified and renamed
Hiding in the shadows
But this thing I was afraid of what was is
and now I know
I was afraid of me and to be happy
And tho I am afraid
I can now face that monster
289 · May 2015
Sad truth
Ranger May 2015
How can you say I mattered
When you threw me away so easily...
288 · Apr 2015
I wish I was home
Ranger Apr 2015
I wish  I was home
On my paper I would write a poem
To feed my addiction
Your smile that grin
I wish I wash home
To show you a picture
I drew of you and I
With out your happiness I would die
It's not always been easy
Nor has it been fun
This war it seems can never be won
Depression it holds you
It's grasp confusing
A he'll of the heart
It tears you apart
But I am here
A fighter so true
These blue eyes won't lie to you
I want to tell you
I need you to know
It's going to be ok
Winters over and there is no more snow
The darkness will fade in sunrise
Day burning bright in the sky
So remember my poems
My drawings and this truth
I know it will be ok because I believe in

286 · Apr 2014
Whisper in the darkness
Ranger Apr 2014
When it's to much


A whisper from the dark

Carry on

You will see
285 · Apr 2015
Little flower
Ranger Apr 2015
Little flower with petals so pink
Like blushing cheeks

I saw you sprouting
Trampled and broken

Wilting and crushed
Under boots of an uncaring world

I feared for you nightly when the sun fell
Your leaves cut, a ragged sight

I mended you and nurtured you
Encouraged your growth

I have seen you bloom and blossom
So beautiful and demure

But now you have changed
You draw blood with thorns

My flower my rose
Well she is no more

You protect your self from touch
And feeling afraid of the world

Fearing being trampled again
Crushed under foot

An elegant rose sated in loneliness
Pushing away those who admire her so

I can not touch you
Only see you from afar

And remember a time when
we didn't have so many scars

I wanted to reap you
Snatching you from the earth you grew in

But knowing I couldn't
Not yet maybe not ever

But I still stood next to you
Giving all that I could

Wanting to watch you grow
And reach for the sun

I don't regret it
Not a single day

I just wish you know tho I might be gone
My heart will always stay

To this flower
I am proud of you still
284 · Dec 2014
Good by letter to the fox
Ranger Dec 2014
Summer, Baby girl I said we need to talk. That is the last thing I ever got to say to you. I wish I could say what I need to to your face. That you where not so scared to face me. That you could hear my voice one last time. I feel I deserve that. To be able to say good bye one last time, to be able to know you one last time and hear your voice, But you refuse. I am to let go but never be able to say good bye the right way... But you wont so this will have to do. There are so many things Summer. So many things unsaid. So many things never done. So many dreams left unfulfilled. I wanted so bad to hold you and feel you in my arms, to dance with you and to be able to look in your eyes with mine, No glass wall no screen. To be able to walk hand in hand with you and be able to tell you I love you with out having to be so far away. I wanted to make you smile and bring you flowers and be able to see you blush and giggle and be able to rest my hands on your cheeks and feel the warmth. I wanted to show you what was inside of me. I wanted to prove to you how much I love you. So many things left not done. Another thing I really wish.. I wish I could have shown your family who and what I really am. The man you know I am and not the lies they where told. I am not a monster I know this. I thought I was. Hideous unwanted ugly and abandoned. You showed me that I was not and even tho you hide from me I know its not because of that. I am not the monster. I am just a person with a heart who fell in love with some one else. I did not choose it nor did you. It just happened, Our hearts touched and we made a connection. I know you where young and you still are in many ways. The things I ask you are not ready for. Its not fair to either of us. I wish they could see that. I know I say I dont care what people think of me and that I could not care less  if they don't like me but honestly that was a lie. I do care. I care because they have been taking care of some one I care about very much I wanted to prove to them I was not what they where told. I wanted to thank them for giving you life and making you so wonderful. I wanted them to know how I have always been there for you when you cried and how I always told you how beautiful and amazing you are. I wanted them to see you happy and know that every day I try my very best to make you that way. I am not the monster in this story. They pulled you away from me to try and make sure you where safe but honestly.. I dont blame them, I just wish that if they had an issue they would take the time to know me because they don't realize them and I are on the same side. I wonder what they would say if they new all the little things I know. All the times I saved you and you saved me. I wonder if they ever thought about why you have that tattoo on your wrist and if they figured it out that it is about those darkest days how we would sit there and your demons would try and bring you down and we would fight them together. You and me, we survived together. I know your not going to forget me, or those days. The things we got through. I know when you look at that tattoo you will think of the wolf who was there in the shadows helping you find your way through the dark. I am proud of you baby, I really am. I am proud of us and the things we got through. I do not care what any one else says.. it was worth it even if this story has to come to a close we made it in the end. You are stronger then you know and you are right you don't need me any more. Please be proud of your past. Please learn from it and realize you are stronger now. And when you are old and grey and you look down at those scars that have faded and the mark on your skin remember at on point in your life that you where loved, even if I am dead and gone you have been loved unconditionally fully and wholly. I could never hate you, I could never not want you. I will never slam that door shut. Even if you are sitting there and trying to rip pages out of the book of your life I will never do that to mine. I am happy when I think back to the five years we have spent as best friends and the 2  years we spent as more. I will read back and think of you. The beautiful amazing girl with the blue eyes who showed me how to let my anger go. I will never forget the little fox who would not run even when every one else wanted to or those who wanted me in a cage. You came to me and curled up in my fur, This black blood stained wolf and showed   him he was a good and pure silver underneath. How could I ever let go of all those happy memories.  But this is now and you you want to let go, you want to stop hurting for me. Today I write this is at midnight of our 2 year, The same day it all started.. some thing poetic in that and tragic thought. Knowing I am there is making this hard for you. I am not trying to breath down your neck I am not trying to hurt you. I am simply wanting to destroy the last scrap of what ever it is that is left. You know just as well as I that even if I stop fallowing and I will still be there. The wolf, in the shadows and maybe more importantly the man who had a place in your heart. You will always have a place in mine Summer and if you still want to have a place in my life I will always be here. I am sorry I make you hurt but there are so many things I wish I could say, like how the idea of all the things I gave you going in the trash makes me break down crying or how my life is changing for the better even with you gone or how it frightens me the idea of the rest of my life with out the one who called me her soul mate. So many things still.. But know this.. I do love you baby, forever and for always some where in the dreams there is a little fox and a wolf with a scar on one eye playing and loving each other. I am not trying to fight, I have done as you ask and done my best not to msg you. I am not trying to fight for you I am simply enduring being with out you, this feeling of being only half. I put the things up online because they make me happy when I remember you. I am not fighting, I am simply enduring. It hurts not to speak, to be silent but I do it for you. Because I love you. Because it is what you ask. I will always love you and care about you. So be proud and be strong and if you ever need me I will be there.

Your wolf forever
283 · Jul 2014
this heart of mine
Ranger Jul 2014
This heart of mine knows what it wants

This heart of mine knows what it craves

This heart of mine knows what makes it strong

This heart of mine knows what makes it beat

This heart of mine knows who it belongs to

This heart of mine knows what's true

This heart of mine knows I belong to you
283 · May 2014
Paradise lost 7w
Ranger May 2014
Paradise with out you
Paradise lost
283 · May 2014
The White Horse
Ranger May 2014
Seeing a flower
I reach out my hand
Touching it softly
Smiling at it
I study it
Suddenly with out warning
It wilts
The leaves falling from its stem
Slowly it fades
Turning black in my hand
A gust of wind and there is nothing more then dust
Where beauty and grace where
There is death
All rot
Such is my curse
To take that which was good and destroy it
My hands are destruction
My voice chaos
My eyes lay upon pain
This is who I am
I have become the white horseman
You shell know me
For I am death
279 · May 2014
Ranger May 2014
by the way
I am here

by the way
I know it hurts

by the way
I know it is hard

by the way
I wish I could fix it

by the way
I never left

by the way
I will never abandon you

by the way
What can I do?

by the way
I.. miss.. you
278 · May 2015
I would have been there
Ranger May 2015
I waited and I watched
Hoping and dreaming
Trusting and giving
I am will be there when
You are ready
I will be there I swore
When you say
I need you the most
I will be there
But you never did
And the space between us
Never seemed to matter
And here I sit
And I ask my self
Did you ever mean it when you said
I will be there
The hours turn to days
Days to weeks
And All I know is
I would have been there
I waited and I watched
But never got the chance
To say good bye
278 · May 2014
What keeps me fighting
Ranger May 2014
What is worth fighting for
Is there any thing any more
Why does my head say stop
My body so cold, ready drop
The heart saying don't quit
Broken to the end of my wit
What keeps me trying
Then why am I not dieing
My life hangs on a few words?
Before my heart split in to thirds
Crumbling and fading in to the night
Then picked me up, gave my soul flight
The pain I was in, feeling unwanted
My memories leaving me haunted
I cry out needing to feel
My hands shake as if it was real
I gave every thing I had to give
And wanted so badly for this dream to live
I feel deaths head reaching out of the cold
He grips me tight and will not loosen his hold
Then you spoke and I recall
The reason I did first fall
I need to know
I want you to show
It kills me you hide your heart
I grow stronger from it, from the start
"hold me" is that what she said
I am needed, I am not yet dead
I have a little more brave
No, not be deaths slave
Those simple words is all it will take
To hold me together so I wont break
278 · May 2014
want you here
Ranger May 2014
Music plays
The fire blazes
In the moon light
Fire works snap over head
The food is good
Party rages on
278 · Apr 2015
dying echos
Ranger Apr 2015
Screaming in the dark
But no one here's
Then a sound
Heart beating fast
Is there hope
But the dying echos
Falling Silent
I am alone
In the dark
But nothing
Except dying echos
277 · Jan 2015
Dark wave
Ranger Jan 2015
That feeling
when you don't know
what your feeling

Crashing against you
like waves in your soul
icey black water hitting you hard

The sting makes you feel
So alive wanting to do some thing
and the sting telling you your almost dead

What is this feeling
do I turn my back and flee
or endure and push on

This dark wave gives nothing
only drowning hope
slowly breaking a will to fight

And some where in the distance
the whimper almost drowned out by the storm
"Keep fighting. Don't give up."

The waves knocking me down
again it batters my senses and bowls me over
in the darkness I am blind

But the voice calls "Fight for me"
do I have the strength to face it
and I realize

I still got a little fight in me still
276 · Apr 2014
Ranger Apr 2014
I want to say it
I cant
I fight my with my self
I promised I would not
I want it so bad
I feel my heart crying out
I reach out
I want to keep trying
I want to
I am scared
I shake
I tremble
I lost it
I want it back
I can't take it
I wont
I let it go
I know what I did
I couldn't keep it
I wanted to
I had no choice
I miss it so bad
I don't want to cause more pain
I don't want to hurt you
I don't want to burden you more
I don't want to go
I can't
I crumble
I die
I cheated
I hide more then you know
I never cheated tho
I hate
I hate my self
I love
I love you
I always have
I always will
I am here
I feel like I am fading
I am so cold
I can never show it
I can never cry
I am so dead inside
I wear a mask
I wear a smile
I wear it so people don't ask me how I am
I let them believe
I know the truth hurts
I know it can ****
I am a lie
I am living a lie
I would rather live a lie then face the truth
I am dieing
I am dead
I am a shell
I am no more
276 · Apr 2015
I believe
Ranger Apr 2015
I believe I believe
Every day is a day worth facing
Every day will make you a little stronger
Just need to find it in your self
I believe I believe
Start out believing in your heart
This is your world
Your its creator
I believe I believe
Life is a canvas for your hands and your heart
All you need to do is touch it
Don't be afraid to make a mess
I believe I believe
Gives it a little touch
Push it lightly
Make love to the canvas
I believe I believe
Some times the paint mixes and the image is lost
You just need to step back and let it set
And start over
I believe I believe
This world is a bright or as dark as you make it
there are no mistakes just unexpected surprises
Never regret the color in your life
I believe I believe
Life is a song
Listen and slowly let it move your soul
Dancing in its beat and loose all the pain
I believe I believe
Never give up in who you are
Your and artiest by birth
This is your story
I believe I believe
This is your fable this is your play
Act in it all you can pour your heart out
and when the curtain closes be proud of your tale
I believe I believe
There is nothing you can not do
Every thing is possible as long as you have hope
Trust in the art in your soul and you will find it
I believe I believe

I believe

This is your world
You create it
272 · Jan 2015
note to self
Ranger Jan 2015
Note to self: no one loves you
272 · Dec 2015
grave born heart
Ranger Dec 2015
The pity of a thing so cold
A whistling wind flowing through its
Lifeless core
A howling scream no one hears
Speaking of life lost that never was
An emptiness that will never be filled
No one sees in the chest the rot
Of memory's once loved
Now turned poison
Withered and dark
Lifeless and cold
No one sees the heart
That is dead

The grave born heart
270 · Jun 2015
Demon dawn
Ranger Jun 2015
Demon in the dark
knowing full well
the fear and terror

Still knowing your soul
I feel your hear beat
Step by step

Watching you stumble in the dark
Catching the blood on the wind
Crying out in pain

But I am not the monster I thought I was
And not the monster other see
I do this for you

Hiding not moving
Refusing to rush in
Out of site and mind

This is your trail
Your adventure
Your life

And tho it hurts to not show my face
Or cheer you on or pick you up
I know your strong

I have watched you grow from a scared little girl
Lost in the dark and consumed by fear
And tho now you fear.. what I am not sure..

And as you grew I saw the strength grow too
But now this is your life and your fight
You need to cut your way through it all

Just know this
I will always be here in spirit
cheering you on

And you will find your way
this path is not all pain
There will be light

At the end of this night
I still care and I am still proud of you
I know you will be ok
I taught you to fight and to never give up..
And when you finally fall to get back up

I know you.. I know you can
268 · Jun 2015
My secrete terror
Ranger Jun 2015
This is not who I am
I look in the mirror
Not my face
Not my hands
What is this
I'm scared
This is not who I am

I scream in terror
No one listens
I don't know
Who this is
I can't tell any one
It feels like the wrong skin
And the only person
I thought could understand
Is no where to be found
267 · Aug 2016
Storm I am
Ranger Aug 2016
Sitting here
I think "Who am I"
I'm a nightmare
The disaster
The thing people run from
Where only angels dare run to
I never amounted to much
My legacy is ash and memory
Dark things shifting in my soul
This mask this composure
Falling like dust to the floor
Scared and broken the feeling washes away
Ruby Red and hair black and smooth as jet.
This is who I am
Rage and force
The storm heart
A demon wolf in sheep clothes
Some times I forget
That I am..
Chaos and proud
Ranger Jul 2015
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naïve
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm more than a bird,
I'm more than a plane
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me

I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
'Bout a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd but don't be naïve
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed but won’t you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
And it's not easy to be me

Up, up and away, away from me
Well, it's alright
You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naïve
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me, inside of me 

I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
I’m only a man looking for a dream
I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
And it's not easy.
It's not easy to be me
I have been called people's hero. That I save the. But I feel so alone alot of the tIme
265 · Jan 2016
Ranger Jan 2016
I see something
That reminds me of you
A memory of your blue eyes
Invading my mind
And I look back at my path
The one we walk
And I smile remembering you
Not as a stray thought almost forgotten
Nor the broken heart of a bleeding sunset
But as a friend who once walked beside me
Long ago
265 · Feb 2015
I Will Not Bow
Ranger Feb 2015

Now the dark begins to rise
Save your breath, it's far from over
Leave the lost and dead behind
Now's your chance to run for cover

I don't want to change the world
I just wanna leave it colder
Light the fuse and burn it up
Take the path that leads to nowhere

All is lost again
But I'm not giving in

I will not bow
I will not break
I will shut the world away
I will not fall
I will not fade
I will take your breath away


Watch the end through dying eyes
Now the dark is taking over
Show me where forever dies
Take the fall and run to Heaven

All is lost again
But I'm not giving in

I will not bow
I will not break
I will shut the world away
I will not fall
I will not fade
I will take your breath away

And I'll survive, paranoid
I have lost the will to change
And I am not proud, cold-blooded fake
I will shut the world away

Open your eyes!

I will not bow
I will not break
I will shut the world away
I will not fall
I will not fade
I will take your breath away

And I'll survive; paranoid
I have lost the will to change
And I am not proud, cold-blooded fake
I will shut the world away

263 · May 2014
Did you? (6w)
Ranger May 2014
Last night you made me smile
for an angel
261 · May 2014
ghost of the past
Ranger May 2014
Those things
Those people
Those choices
Make us who we are
But they don't define us
If you want to change your past
Change today
Change your self
The can make you
They can break you
You can break the cycal
You can make your self

There only ghost in the past
260 · Jul 2015
Ranger Jul 2015
The night
Young and adventures
The fun began
One sip two sip
More more
Slowly loosing my self
More more more
Deeper and deeper
The man slides away
Making way for a beast
Sink the wolf comes out
She sees me
Another wolf
Seeking me
Hungrey and ready
She pounces
Pushing me to the wall
Angel I cry
Am i weak
Am i the fighter i thought i was
A half bottle of taquila
A full bottle of lonelyness
How strong am I
How much am i the spirit of truth
And how much the wild animal of passion
Who is stronger

Time will tell
had a fun night. Smashed off my *** and got pounced by a few ladys lol... Btw she had my name in  Morse code on her bracelet is that crazy?
257 · Jan 2015
Burn bright
Ranger Jan 2015
Lost and cold
This path does twist
Alone in the dark
I hear your crys
This path we had
Your voice breaks
Cutting the silence
I know you you try
Your words a whisper
Still it wonders to my ear
Soft whimpers of pain
I would race to find you
But this path is yours
You must find it
In the dark
The gray and the black
You try to stay strong
Not letting prying eyes see the hurt
Keep moving forward
Step by step softly tread
There is nothing to fear
I swear my love
The night is frightening
And the light may be low
But look to the stars
See upon the moon
There is hope
But that is not your light
For I know you
And I know your heart
Your soul is a fire
Stomped and beaten
Helplessly broken
They crushed that flame
In your will and your wish
I feel it, soft and light
Wither and weak
There is a cinder
A spark of passion
Left for dead in the dusk
I call to you
Don't let your heart die
Your life is a flame
Hold your spark
That drop of heat
Close to your chest
Don't let them see
The beauty inside
The spark needs time
A loving breath
Then slowly
And all at once
A flame
You will burn
Light up the gray
And chase away the dark
I know you can
You are stronger
I know you
Burn bright
Forever and forever
It will guide your way
I wish you could see this, I know it will be ok. I am sorry I got scared and I am sorry I hurt you. I know you are doing your best and that is all any one can ask
257 · May 2014
But no words are spoken
Ranger May 2014
Against me I feel her
Shifting from side to side
Is she scared
No, she is thrilled

But no words are spoken

growling in her ear
I put my hands on her hips and move her to the bed
with a push she falls on her back
she pants

But no words are spoken

My body slowly moving over her
so close as he hands slide up my chest
pulling at my shirt
our lips pressing together in a kiss

But no words are spoken

pushing me back a little and lifts my shirt over my head
trailing her nails down my naked chest
leaning in I kiss her as I pull her dress away
is this what you want baby I ask my self

But no words are spoken

My hands move softly over her body
soft and smooth like a rose
I lay her on her back like dropping a flower on the grass
Looking deep in her eyes

But no words are spoken

Kissing me she wraps her legs around me
Her breath panting she wraps her legs around me holding me close
her nails digging softly in to my back as if to never let go
are you worried I will leave now I wonder

But no words are spoken

Our body intertwine
Shifting as the last of the fabric that bind us is shed
I am so close to you
I feel your heart racing as you press your body to mine

But no words are spoken

Your neck, so soft and inviting
My teeth locking to it as I softly bite
Looking down I see the marks on her flesh
Looking in each others eyes as if to say I claim you

But no words are spoken

Our body's now now connected
I know you inside and out
But I didn't know this tell now
We have so much together

But no words are spoken

Shifting, we move as if one
the heat and passion
as if dancing to music
The beat getting faster

But no words are spoken

You look up at me with glowing eyes
Your lips parting
A soft moan of excitement
Still it looks like you will cry out

But no words are spoken

Your body tightens around my
I feel it with in you
your pleasure coming to a ******
You look in my eyes as if to ask me if you can

But no words are spoken

I know you
Its not enough you have yours
You fight it wanting to be with me
This I know

But no words are spoken

A little more
My hands gripping you tight
I feel it so close
and with out warning the rush

But know words are spoken

I am pressed in to you hard
I feel the release
and see you toss your head back
Allowing your self to give in

But know words are spoken

Panting and getting weak
I lay in next to you
Pulling you in to my arms
I look deep in your eyes so lovingly

But no words are spoken

There not needed
You know my heart
you know my soul
You know the three words I want to say

But no words are spoken
256 · Jun 2014
Ranger Jun 2014
You call me Master
My eyes move along your body
"What will I do with you"
That isn't the real question
What will I do
More like
"What won't I do"
Your body aches
Arching under me
As I hold you down
My teeth diging in to the soft flesh of your neck
The feeling of power as I mark the skin
All to see what I can do to you
Your moans fuel my lust
Your body squerming under me
My hands gripping ever tighter
Looking in your eye
Wanting to tell you
"You are mine"
254 · Apr 2015
This dark gift
Ranger Apr 2015
Wonderfully evil
Amazingly wrong
Giving in to this thing
Accepting it's gift
Forbidden fruit
Sweet to the lips
The fire of hell
Burning in the heart
This fire forging this
Steel cage on my heart
This gift of strength
At what cost
My soul
Broken and shattered
I give it in exchange for
The salvation
This is my path
At the edge of forever
My forbidden fruit
I accept
253 · Jul 2015
No more
Ranger Jul 2015
Had time to think. I'm taking my life back. I had enough being used. I have had enough simply taking what I'm given. I'm done having people come in to my life take what they can and run off. From now on I am looking out for my self. I am going to be happy. And people can get with that program or get the **** out.
252 · Jun 2014
when its to much
Ranger Jun 2014
When the *** is to rough

When the passion is to great

When we don't hold back

When your flesh is marked with my nails

When your body suffers from the struggles

When your skin in mard from teeth and nails

When you lay there




In pain

I will kiss you

Ever inch

And whisper

You where wonderful

My mate
251 · May 2014
Look Deeper
Ranger May 2014
Look deeper in the dark
Pear past the vial
Gaze in to the dark

The dark pit
That blackness
All the shadows

There is nothing here that will hurt you
We all have pain
There are friends in dark places

Reach out your hand
Step in to the chaos
Out of site of the world

The dark binds you as armor
The thorns hold your those who chase back
You are safe here with me

Turn your terror to triumph
Get back your glory from guilt
Make your fears your freedom

Take that step
Its dark and you may trip
But you have friends in dark places
251 · Dec 2014
Broken bits
Ranger Dec 2014
Broken bits scatter the floor
Was it a puzzle or a toy
Damaged and shattered
It all crumbled away
In hallows and gaps in the world it collects
In the shadows where no one can see
Long time passes days or years
But the broken bits are me
250 · Dec 2014
Howls at the moon
Ranger Dec 2014
Once upon a time, in a land of shadows. There was a wolf born to a cave. His heart was good and pure. His eyes burned blue and bright. His name was Ranger. But Ranger did not choose his pack. His family. He was born to a Mother and Father wolf who had very little, the land of shadows had not been kind to them. For he would have had five brothers and sisters. But sadly all but the oldest was slain. Cut down before there time.

So as this young silver wolf was playing in the shadows and looking for things to fill his day his parents where teaching him to fight. Training his hard for the life he would endure. The woods where no place for a kind hearten wolf. Day after day they pushed him to be harder. His fangs growing sharper with every passing day. His other siblings struck down. When he asked why. All he was ever told was this is the way of the world son, You fight to live or you roll over and die.

Long did this time pass and he had grown to be a beast. I hardened scared wolf, fur black with blood stains. He was a monster like no other. Merciless he hunted alone, Never needed any one or any thing. He felt only rage and contempt at the world. For all the pain in him. All the hate he had felt. He was a wolf with a heart of stone

One day well travailing in the darkest part of the woods he would hear crying, whimpering in pain. Slowly keeping to the shadows he would see a young fox. Her body cough up in thorns. Slipping closer he investigated. He turned to the shadows and thought about simple walking away. But that cry that whimper, he turned back to see her. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her eyes big and blue sparkled helplessly in the shadows. Slowly he stepped closer, and dug in to the vines of thorns and freed the little fox and expecting her to run away in horror. How did you end up here he would ask her and to his surprise he she told him she was hiding from her family that had hurt her so bad. So laying down in the soft earth he wrapped her in his tail and gently licked her wounds.

When day came he found her again in the place she was last night, softly wagging her tail waiting for him. Fallowing him she would smile and hide under him and playfully jump on his back. Then as the sun rose she would scamper off to the field where she was from and every night she would find him. This powerful and deadly wolf.

Day by day and night by night she warmed his stone heart. Made it burn so bright and pure. His black blood stained fur became a bright silver as he stopped fighting. His deep red eyes burned blue. His heart had been saved and his soul little bit by little bit became hers.

Years past and there nights became routine but never dull. He would smile seeing her and would hold her so close. As the years went by he would notice she was no longer a little pup. She was an adult now. Sly and stong and fast. But her family knew of him. The stink of this wolf was all over her. They raced in to the woods finding him they ripped in to him. They dragged her away from him  as she cried out I Love Him. But they did not care. They knew wolves where not to be trusted and even tho his fur was silver, purged over the years of his cruel ways. The smell of blood lingered on him. Harder and harder they attacked him until she ran off. Under cover of moon light. Her eyes dripping with tears. Her heart heavy in sorrow. How could she watch as the family she loved worked hard to destroy the one who stood with her and kept her safe.

She ran and ran and ran. And even tho she is gone she can still hear him at nights howling at the moon. Howling for the love he lost and the pain he had felt. For he loved her as well and no matter how far away they are they will never forget those dark places that where there home.

I love you
Story not a poem
249 · Dec 2014
Sleepless night
Ranger Dec 2014
As the clock ticks
As the Candle flickers
And all that was stops

The shadows dance on the wall
A flicker of life in the grace
A shattered dream

Racing my mind in to the past
A tear rolling down my cheek
As a smile forms

So many thing I try.. I try and forget
The happiness and joy turned bitter sweet
Your voice still echoing in my soul

Sleepless nights
I can't chase them away
Wrapping my self in there warm embrace

Sleepless nights
With fond memory
Thank you for these
Sitting up remembering all the things I been trying not to feel. This is dedicated to my best friend and lost love.
Thank you for all the love and joy you gave me all those years
249 · Feb 2015
Lost eternal flower
Ranger Feb 2015
The eternal flower
Light and warmth
Dance in its loving embrace
Love like summer

Withered and faded
Cold and alone
Holding your self
In the dead of night

Of bloom and rebirth
The soft whispers on sleep
It will be ok
In a dream of things to come
249 · Dec 2014
I would have been..
Ranger Dec 2014
Remember Remember
The 14th of November
The day it was to be
The day it is now and forever

Remember Remember
The excitement abound
The joy to be held
The dream we had found

Remember Remember
The world we had built
A family and friends
This love would not wilt

Remember Remember
The long dark night
You lay in my arms
As your demons we fight

Remember Remember
There once was a day
When it all was happy
What made it fade to grey

Remember Remember
Those eyes burning blue
A smile a whisper
I love you

Remember Remember
What could have been
But never was
You in my arms, that was the dream
248 · Apr 2014
Happy Memories
Ranger Apr 2014
I remember it all.  The days just talking to you.
I know I lost some thing magical
I should be hurting
I know I should hate you

But I don't

Seeing you again
Your lips hopelessly fighting not to smile
Your lil grin telling me you where ok
Your eyes slowly glowing telling me it was alright

I know you
I feel you
I see you

I see you as you are. Inside, so wonderful and golden.
Glowing with hope and light
Wanting to be more then you are

You are dear to me
You know this
You always have been

I should be hurting
I should be screaming
I should hate you

But I don't

I never could hate you
I never could distrust you
I never could want any thing but for the best for you

Even if its not me

I will always be here for you
I will always try to help you
I will always care about you

I will always be me

I thank you for being there
I thank you for seeing me for more then I could see myself
I thank you for loving me all those years

I thank you
245 · Jan 2015
crumbling dark
Ranger Jan 2015
crumbling dark
fading in black
broken and lost
drift in the ocean of life
no stars to guide me
no moon to chase
slowly sinking
we have been here before
this fight
we fought so hard
but they destroyed us
they crushed you
you scramble to float
grabbing on to what you can
scared of me
of my scares
so here I drift
in to the pitch of night
silently in my wake
becoming little more then a memory
fading from view
lost in the sea of life
crumbling in the dark
was it worth the fight
244 · May 2014
What I would give
Ranger May 2014
I would give my left hand
If I could touch your cheek with my right
Only for a moment
244 · May 2014
Monster me
Ranger May 2014
Hands stained red with blood
reaching out touching
only spreading more
Trying to take the pain away
He tries to hold on
only killing more
His fight to live
killing the only thing he ever
truly cared about.
The monster I have become
is the monster you can't see...
...I have failed you
243 · Jul 2015
The day that never came
Ranger Jul 2015
She sat at the window
Staring out at the world
They told her one day
The world would be right

Waiting at the window
Rain ran down the glass
The the tears on her cheeks
Silently as she watched

When will it be ok to feel
She watched though pains
Of glass and tear filled eyes
For the day that never came
243 · Apr 2015
I will be there
Ranger Apr 2015
Never ment for this to happen
This tangled Web
Lives in a spiral
Leading back in to each other

I will be there

At the very end I will be there
No matter how long it takes
And no matter how much our heart aches
I will be there
I sware I will be there

Never knew my self
The warmth I could feel
Not wanting to slip back
This thing we found is far to real

I will be there

I just want to hold you
Feel you against me your arms so tight
Your whispers of love late at night
Isn't that worth the fight

At the very end I will be there
No matter how long it takes
And no matter how much our heart aches
I will be there
I sware I will be there

When your feeling lost and broken
Heart and soul so weak
You can't move
And your voice can't even speak

I will be there

When the sun seems like it will never rise
The new day seems so far away
And all you need is a hand
Tell you see the new day

At the very end I will be there
No matter how long it takes
And no matter how much our heart aches
I will be there
I sware I will be there

And when we have made it
And you are old and faded
With a life of story's to tell
I will be there
I sware I will be there
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