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let me give it

in the night dreams of yours
you want me to be there with you
in the empty dark nights
you want me to pick up a light
in burning hot sunny days
you want me cover you
or it would be chilling winter
you want to give you heat by closing my arms around you like a wrist watch
i do because i love you
not because of beauty
if beauty is pain
let me get lost in it
if you are my salvation
i want to earn it
if love is all i have to give
 Jan 2016 Rana Pratap Nandi
I hope you're telling the truth,
I really do

But I can't think about anything else

why am I any different?

I can enjoy it while it lasts, sure

but all in all

what am I?

Am I anything more

than another tree

in your forest of dark things?
I can't understand how everyone sees
Clear blue skies at which they wish to gaze
Under its trance and relax wasting the day
I can only see sapphire skies seducing
The clouds to willingly depart the day
And I need to rush to get up and run
To love and to conquer and live
So that I may come back and sing for all
A few lullabies to console your longing
For the hopes and dreams that you couldn't
Follow while you were staring at the sky

I refuse to lay around with all the rest
Viewing serene blue skies and conjuring up
Endless dreams and make believes
Because all I see are sapphire skies
Burning the time in a day with intensity
Melting away my dreams simultaneously
I must rush out into the world and experience
And accomplish the aspirations I had
Then I can return and sing lullabies
About all the beautiful things I remember
So that you can end your sobs
When you think of all the time you wasted

You see blue skies and day dream
I see sapphire skies and act and react
My lullabies will speak of the journey
The destination and the reward
Your state of dreaming will be
Manipulated by your remorse
Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 12, 2016 Bianca Reyes©
"shop closed"
the sign never sat
perfectly on any hook
or nook
or cranny
you are an echo bounced
perfectly in every hook
and nook
and crook

"considered sold once broken"
consider it done
once dealt with the devil
his ornamental fairies
consider them whole before
they were bought

"trespassers will be prosecuted"
bedsheets spun out of cobwebs
sandcastles spun in of air
floorboards swallow you in
you dreamt of
anchoring yourself
to the ground

"wine house"
lustre of turbulent pirouttes
trapped within the walls
of wine glasses and
wine-stained dresses
in cadavers' masquerade

"emergency only"
they pushed you in the operating theatre
and cleaned their hands with soap
amputate these phantom limbs
pain has been the only anaesthesia

"in loving memory of"
he is the protagonist
he is the antagonist
and all stories
                     the former
Inscribed to a Dear Child:
In Memory of Golden Summer Hours
And Whispers of a Summer Sea

Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task,
Eager she wields her *****: yet loves as well
Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask
The tale he loves to tell.
Rude spirits of the seething outer strife,
Unmeet to read her pure and simple spright,
Deem if you list, such hours a waste of life,
Empty of all delight!

Chat on, sweet Maid, and rescue from annoy
Hearts that by wiser talk are unbeguiled.
Ah, happy he who owns that tenderest joy,
The heart-love of a child!
 Jan 2016 Rana Pratap Nandi
it's moments like these
when i'm lying in bed
my rigid sheets wrapped around my shivering body
and i reach over
but the screen is black
and there's nothing there
that you break my heart all over again

like thorns ripping through my skin
i replay every last memory we shared

when i first met you
and looked at you like you had placed the stars in the sky
wanting to be close to you
hanging on every word
my hopes suspended with every move of you arm
hoping it was going to drape itself around me

it just hurts so much more
because i know you were thinking of someone else
when all i could think of was you
and i hate myself for falling for your suave words
that were so perfect
how could i not see they were so well rehearsed
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