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Pug Rollins Dec 2014
I have two arms, right?
See em? Don't?
Too bad. But you assume I do anyways, because most people do.
And then there was Eddie, who had one arm.
He ran from his troubles so that he could evade the police. On their search for Eddie, scratch that hold on Eddie was a she, she liked being called that.
It made her happy. Anyways, she ran and ran, and then she found a bar+inn she could hide out in.
She ordered a cup of whisky, and being the good girl she was, she didn't drink it. She left it out for cops to find and they drunk it instead, one keeling over. Success!
She ran away from more of the police for two years before moving to Texas under a new name, Ashley. So Ashley
laid low and had wine daily. She got someone pregnant and got in even more trouble.
Now you might be wondering "how did she get someone pregnant?" and I tell you this: She had a ****. Most girls don't, but as far as she was concerned, that didn't matter. She was a good girlfriend. Her eyes were more easily compared to ????! Forget that metaphor. She could run, really, really fast. People in her
vicinity ran because they thought she was odd. and she was. but not in a bad way.
to her, everyone else was odd. oddity is a confusing thing because it dances by itself at a party, leaving normalcy as the wallflowers. NOT TO SAY she was a wallflower.
ashley was outgoing. she danced, she broke her hip, she grew her hair out cut it off then grew it out again because the army wouldn't accept a ****-having girl.
Shortly she realized the army was unnecessary so she simply danced to the sound of oddities for the rest of her life.
No one bought her a drink, but she had dough so it didn't matter.
Texas was hot and she considered herself hotter. Whether or not that's an oddity is your decision.
A bit of prose poetry, just seeing what I can do with the form.
Pug Rollins Dec 2014
I'm back from an unannounced hiatus. I will be using this site much more now.
Pug Rollins Oct 2014
It was November, dry and crisp
The priest kept talking with his lisp
The funeral home deserved itself
As pictures of it were on the shelf

Someone kept munching on some chips
Avoiding his teeth, ******* the juice out with his lips
So not to make a noise, keep it a bore
He knew he'd get evil eyes at the dollar store

Everyone was dressed in black,
The bratty kid, the mom, and Jack
The latter man still eating the chips
All Jack could think of is where was the dip

No one was really sobbing, barely a sniffle
Old time's sake was nothing but stifled
No air conditioning, no fan turned on
Jack looked at the fan, seeming fond

T'was a bore.
No one missed her.
Pug Rollins Oct 2014
You  must hail Beryl Dov as our lord and savior.
Pug Rollins Oct 2014
I've said in an epistle before:
Is there life on mars?
We're leaning towards the yes
Mostly in hope that we're not living on the only polka-dot
With a handful of microbes crawling on it
Slithering around
But that kind of presumption is of course
A space fallacy
To life, I think of you when I hold an apple
Remembering how you might be on Mars
Again, a space fallacy
The apple's not crawling with worms
Pug Rollins Oct 2014
Pug Rollins Oct 2014
We're sorry for that brief interruption
Someone hacked our station for a minute
We're now using some simple deduction
To try to find out the perfect culprit.

You hear static?

Hello news viewers, audio is clear?
Good, it is, time to let the show start
We've seen their boring little white lies here
Right in between commercials for Walmart

Stay tuned for more!
Originally a poem called "aloha from Pompeii." Also originally a Shakespearian sonnet, but again, changed.
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