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I heard the Thunder's wrath
But I was so assured that I can breathe
In His awakening breath called "life,"
While the waves urge to lie,
To distort or tear down one's walls
Dark turns darker,
In his flesh, he alone calls.

There're colors over the street
And they seemed embarrassed when the Lighting came
His eyes are on fire, some have never adorned
Their strength, by their might
A cloth and shelter of their own.

Those colors depict hope, One's full revelation
Scattered unto nations but some denied, left behind
And by their feet, they've trampled it down
And have let no fear in Him
Dwell unto their hearts; instead, boast on their crowns.

So again, those colors unfold a promise --
A promise of reliance when we're about to be drowned in the sea,
A crowning glory full of assurance and confidence
That we shall arise as One Nation
And the waiting will be over.

When before, we started to call
He has left no one hanging on a tree
While such faces were getting too close
And it's too much.

Too much to bear that the freedom they boast
Is no longer in Truth,
And they laugh while drinking
Into their own blood
Sealed with their own names
That they rather put colors
In variance and forget that it's a loss of purpose.

Words were floating upon them
But they yearn for pride
For their very own indulgent
Turned out to be their way and it has become "final" to them
That they're ever free to choose and do.

Why is it when we speak the Truth
People scatter and grumble
As their faith, distort
In the loss of confusion.

If grace then was a lottery
Then there'll be no salvation
But indeed it was free,
So why don't one grab it
And embrace redemption.

Yes, we can love but be still in His grace
Coz hope isn't to perish for the ones who call for it
Never dethroning the One who first spoke
So please, do things not because of wants and for earning.

I would love it when the Sun comes down now
But grace is the period and we call it "now"
So friends whom we love
Do seek righteousness and grip on it in tight
Coz when the latter day comes,
One will perish while one is left behind.

If we seek the Truth
Truly, let the heart endures
Let revival take the sword and fight for its cause.
No more crying for the ones you wished there were more
So now, never lack
Even a moment to recall.

If the Words I hear aren't from You,
Never let me go.
If it is not for Your glory that I do what I do,
Let me stop here
For me to take a stand for what I truly believe in.

If Your Spirit no longer dwells in me,
Will You satisfy me with Your anointing
As I leave my past behind
And enter Your mercy and be in Your Heaven's place.

If it is not by Your wisdom that I understand things,
Let me not be deceived by the schemes of this world
That I may not trample down every word that You say
And as You speak, it shall be my breath of Life.

If it is not by Your army who rise up for my protection
Where shall I find comfort?
Or to whom say, "My God is my Defender."

If power is given to me
Yet I found You no longer reigning in me
Take away my eyes that make my flesh live in filthiness
That honor and glory be bestowed on Your throne.

I call to You
And for the rest of my Life
Let Me call to You --
Alone and sweet Your Words shall be
I will not be deaf
Let me not be in silence
Let Your Words Speak
This is my call for today.
1 Samuel 26:8-12
Then Abishai said to David, “God has given your enemy into your hand this day. Now please let me pin him to the earth with one stroke of the spear, and I will not strike him twice.” But David said to Abishai, “Do not destroy him, for who can put out his hand against the Lord's anointed and be guiltless?” And David said, “As the Lord lives, the Lord will strike him, or his day will come to die, or he will go down into battle and perish. The Lord forbid that I should put out my hand against the Lord's anointed. But take now the spear that is at his head and the jar of water, and let us go.” So David took the spear and the jar of water from Saul's head, and they went away. No man saw it or knew it, nor did any awake, for they were all asleep, because a deep sleep from the Lord had fallen upon them

Sometimes, I see your heavy burdens
In your arms, you carry every debris of anticipation
Your anxieties about the world
Your disappointments and failures
And apologies never received with forgiveness.

Sometimes, I see your hunger and thirst
That leads you to compare with others
Why do you lack and feel all deficiencies
And all over your face, there are tiny and big regrets
That you hoped you did your best.

Sometimes, you act in a childish way
Your words say you’re okay and you are able
But in your deepest core, I hear you shouting in tears
For all those times, you thought that I don’t even care.

Sometimes, your strength is not enough
You wear masks and declare you’re good enough
But your muscles are about to collapse
With the lapses and faults, you thought
You could easily endure.

I was there all the time —
Even the moments you’re not still
You stand too tall that you never looked back.
I was there —
When you soar so high and you made a call to others
And then you ask for comfort
But in them, you received persecution and judgment.

One night, you felt so exhausted
And you never knew that I was there
As I caught you sleeping at the table
And so I carried you in My arms
And you murmured in tears
As I showed up in your dreams.

You felt so close to me that day
And there, you have received the rest
As you acknowledge me and choose to listen to Me.

And finally, I heard from you
The most wonderful word,
“Father,” you were in tears
“It was different this time,”
You added and even declared,
“You are my confidence.”

Never will I fail you even in your loss
Never will my love grows an inch away from you
Though you run miles away
I will see you through
You will make it.

And I will be your strength
I will do it
So rest and lean on me
Rest in my finished work —
It is finished.

If life is a journey, would you waste a lifetime?
Sometimes you wonder
Why the journey is much harder than the test itself
But instead of chaining yourself into doubt,
A voice says, “Your free in My arms.”

If life is reliant on Truth, would you trust your own?
And if progress is instant, would you value the process?
Or rather easily change your mind and say,
“This is not what I prayed for.”

When wisdom comes, it’s never by your own
When you grasp for strength but fail to hold on.
Even in your might, hope is still tight
But mercy comes in a white and silky cloak
Where there’re tears in Sky’s eyes.

Sometimes, you don't need to ask God to move the mountains for you;
But ask yourself, “Am I seeking righteousness in God
Or simply zip into pockets the whole Truth?”

Ask God for strength to intervene in your weaknesses
Ask God’s wisdom to overpower your understanding
Ask God to do the only thing He can do
And there, you'll remember God’s promises to You.
“On the mountain of the Lord, it will be provided.” - Genesis 22:14

It doesn’t matter —
What other people can do,
What the world may offer,
And what the enemy can give as a deception.

Things we can count by hand don’t count as remainders
But learning to surrender what we grasp and hold on to for so long,
It does matter to God —
A beautiful exchange!

More than gifts and possessions,
More than our very own expectations
More than talents we ought to secure,
More than the strength that capable us

To move mountains and to climb another one —
In the midst of every desperation,
Still, the Giver Himself
He’s the One thing to remain.

At times we found a man not secured
Beneath the mirrors ever breaking in his façade
We see tears splintered into ashes and gray
He has no hope and his hands lack strength —
And so as we’ve sought, we are that man in the mirror.

On the other side of the vast galaxy
We saw the greatest picture the world has ever boast
And where every crippled foot and raised hands land,
There’s that Man who made His body a bread
And there, we drink as His body was raised.
It was as fast as the northern leaves falling
Along with the winter breeze
The window was at a high altitude
And I can smell the crispiness of the coffee bean.

It was another strange coffee break
At first, I thought the clouds hindered me
From seeing you
But they're so soft and smooth to the touch --
Touched by the very eyes of fierce look.

I saw green pastures everywhere
As if it has never experienced any famine
As if the clouds are always present
To boast out their shades
And there I knew, that we were almost there.

There were no drops that lingered on the waters
Like debris or ashes of the ones who first got their defaults
It was a loss to their existence
That they rathered ****** themselves
And there was the loss of words
As they shuttered their doors and windows.

I foresee the upcoming thought
That this iron barrier shall set me free
From any fear that arises from within
Whenever I think that I'm about to fall
But to sail was never a choice to be made
In these lateral movements that were never in shell
He that rescuing the cry,
The hunger has died
And death itself was known to its end.

I felt my feet having wrinkles from waiting
And my ears heard murmurs of tiredness of being
My mouth was shut, never devoured by any words
Nor any mischiefs
For once I thought,
I was there
But I'm ready to leave with no second thought.

I began to die
As the birds grant melody towards the vast galaxy
I began to learn that things like UFOs aren't real.

I began to die
The clouds shove regrets and stir out their spirit
Upon the loamy creatures called humankind
And the breath was at that degree
That there're no longer voices in their psyche.

I began to die
And chant in my dreams
As if my heart sought for visible schemes --
Those schemes full of hope
That my flesh was no longer in my bones.

I began to die
And shiver in my blanket because of the disgrace
That this muddy-blood human being was an ash in the tray
But I'd rather not to --
That I may not turn joy into chocolates of grief.

I am dying --
I began dying to myself
And day by day, I keep on dying.
It's not simply because I choose to --
But because I'm meant for it.

To die in my own flesh
Regardless of the thousand veils I keep on wearing
Regardless of the fact that I am a human being,
But I'm not only a human being --
I am chosen
And I have a calling
And yes, it does matter.
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