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  Mar 2016 provdisc
Pamela Penta
I close my eyes and listen
To the soft sound of your voice as
You weave a new tale for me to hear
I see the pictures evolve before my eyes
As characters begin to appear
You take me by the heart
To places we dream to be
Painting our lives with your words
Endearing you more to me
Other men may have touched my skin
You....have touched my soul
Opening my mind again to believe
Life can once again be whole.
Dreams are made to live
Love is made to be shared
Tired of fighting against my grain
Searching for the one who cares
In the moment I ceased the fight
Heart and soul sprang forth
Then what does God hand to me
But one true north.

March 6, 2016
  Mar 2016 provdisc
I suffocated myself with the words I didn't say.
  Mar 2016 provdisc
Mariam Jayne Agonos
In tiny tiles of colors,
You are perfection.
In simple lines of words,
You are meaningful.

But in the  static state,
The moving you,
You are the train
That reached the outskirts of town --
Trying to run away from reality.
  Mar 2016 provdisc
I am the James
I do not know why I left
I have no clue what I was searching for

I just know that I found it

Right here on the peak of this beautiful


The waves of the channel
mixed with tall grass

and blended fast
to create
this potion

which I rushed to drink
in result in a brink

of an eye

these waves resemble those
of a peaceful
Pacific ocean


And thank you again, whoever you are,
for clearing this path
you're someone like me, maybe the way
I was supposed to be

You made me remember that there is no point
in being afraid
to come back
through the night

Cause through this dim forest
I walk in company if honest


we are
always together


in rain.
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