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 Mar 2015 Delusional Minds
I am a survivor,
whirlwind of noise,
devoid of emotion
yet bursting,
eyes filled with tears
as they told me not to do.
Whether it's poetry from the streets or the stuff written in limericks on parchment sheets there's no denying that when a poetic Homosapien sets the mind to rhyming our brain patterns are odd because we use our pens to stitch up and heal our scars because we are poets. Our minds don't function like the rest of the world and in this verse it kept me from ending up in the back of a hearse whether by my own doing or because of this world's curse

But if course I care about the people that have influenced or helped me to become better, Midnight Writer I'm not just vintage I adapt to all weather, Miss Hillzy and Reamer, Queen, Aurora, Joana Ashby Drsjoke and blue star♥ Antipodean Product I love you guys and I hope page abuse carries us far

and from hello poetry Wolf Spirit, lady death and many many others I love all of you from the bottom of my twisted heart I hope that our union of words shall never break apart.
To everyone I mentioned here I love all of you and wish you nothing but amazingness!
Feel like a ghost
In the background of your life,
Trying to bear me the weight of the truth,
And you tell me it's fine.

When I'm so focused on your face,
Like the camera lens,
And you're always staring into space,
Forgetting to "love me too" in front of your friends.

Like a good cup of coffee
Sitting on the counter for too long,
Now you're bitter and cold,
Now you're coming off too strong.

Thought I could be good for you,
But it's not the first time I've been wrong,
You just like to lay me down to the sound of indie rock songs.

Yeah, nobody said that love was easy
But they never said it'd be this hard,
Looking at you feels like looking at a loved ones face
On a laminated memorial card.
I want your hands
To linger on my skin
I don’t care
If your nails
Will entwine
With my veins

I want your bare hands
To feel the midst of my soul
I don’t care
If your bare hands
Will wrench
My flesh

I want your lips
To press against mine
I don’t care
If your teeth
Will wreck
My lips

I want you
To stay in my life
I don’t care
If it will only cause
Pain and sorrow

Because I will always choose
To get hurt by you
To distress by your presence
To be weak because of your coldness

I will always prefer
Living in darkness with you
Than to live in lightness
While I long for you.
Aimlessly wandering desert plains
Sifting the sands in search of your name
Heat waves beating from a blazing star
An unquenchable thirst to find who you are

Mirage after mirage allude your eyes
Casting illusions that your search is nigh
Across the sand flows a blood soaked creek
Masking the truth for which you seek

But deep beneath the surface are your fortunes untold
Upon a tattered old book, your name in bold
Stop following the deceptions that you see
Follow your heart it will set you free
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