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4.3k · Mar 2013
Pink Stitches
Portland Grace Mar 2013
Dedicated to Autumn Nolen and Katie Ormsby*

Sewed little pink stitches,
all over my broken heart.
Soothed my worries
with sweet words
and reality T.V.
I had forgot how important,
friendship is.
Late night talks and afternoon hikes,
little black dresses and curling irons
Our hands interwoven,
laughed through dark streets,
and bright rooms.
Smoke and sunshine and sisterhood.
I am so thankful,
to have friends like you.
4.1k · Jun 2011
Portland Grace Jun 2011
Terribly Emotional,
Terribly Sensitive,
But not so terrible,


The sensitive heart can s e e ,
   things a stronger heart
            Feel things, a stronger heart
The sensitive heart, is not
      k, as some will tell you it is.
The sensitive heart is
CrEaTiVe, and much
than it will let on too.
3.2k · Jan 2013
Portland Grace Jan 2013
And just like that,
people plucked their
stems away from
my roots
and carried
without me.
I have struggled,
to accept this
as fact.
And even more,
to not let it
bother me.
I used to look
at my sensitivity
like a gift.
I believed
it gave me empathy
where others
would not feel it.
I do not
look at it
as a gift anymore.
I feel it as chains
wrapped so tightly
around my heart,
keeping it
tied tightly,
to places
it should no be.
I feel everything,
like a spike
within me.
I keep things in,
bottle them up.
Burdens that are not mine,
nor given to me.
Burdens that I took
without reason,
or knowledge.
I bear the weight
of the world around me.
I would kiss the feet,
of those who would
love me.
For I love
too many,
who never give me
a second thought.
Portland Grace Feb 2015
Today you turn 19,
and I often think about how much things have changed in one year.
These concrete 'remember the date' days make it easier to recall,
like how I felt on Christmas and New Years and Valentines day.
How last year we went out to sushi, I got you that Perma t-shirt, you and your brother took all of us bowling, and you wouldn't hold my hand when there were people around.

Today you turn 19,
And I remember feeling like a surrogate for you to **** your emptiness into.
I remember the constant nagging of not feeling good enough,
the self-loathing that plagued me through our entire relationship.
Hating other people who had never done anything to me just because they meant more to you than I ever would.

A lot has changed in a year.

Today, you turn 19
and I woke up in the arms of another,
and I woke up with a sleepy smile that lasted into morning, afternoon, and night.
I woke up with his name in my mouth and his lips on my shoulders
and I woke happy.

Today you turn 19,
and I can look in mirrors again
and I don't wake up wishing I was someone else
and I don't punish myself for things that aren't my fault
and I don't skip meals trying to look the way you wanted me too
and I don't hate myself anymore.

Today you turn 19,
and I didn't wish you a happy birthday.

I'm better now.
I'm healthy,
and happy,
and loved.
It's almost Spring.
Don't ever let anybody make you feel like you are not good enough.
You are good enough.
They are not good enough.
2.5k · Dec 2014
Sierra Nevada
Portland Grace Dec 2014
I was born a little fat baby,
with eyes shining blue under a cloud of regret.

I was their marriage bond,
A single mother and her manager
and this new crying child that neither of them knew what to do with.

They didn't know what to do with each other.

I was raised on shattered glasses,
broken trinkets,
and holes in the wall
all souvenirs of my father's anger and my mothers fear.

I was raised on sleeping on my brothers floor
because the screaming was too bad to hear on my own.

I learned my lessons on submission on my mothers fingertips,
as she would sweep the glass,
wipe the blood,
and make breakfast while humming, as though these things were just another part of a family dynamic.

And when I was 15, and I threw back a shot of ***** for the very first time,
I found I had learned lessons on dependence
from my fathers daily sin.

My parents tried to un-write their failures in me,
Telling me all the things not to do,
as they handed me a meticulously crafted manual
on exactly how to do them.

I was a shining baby,
and when my dad started to see his regrets in my mother,
and then in me,
he left the state without a single goodbye.

I was a shining baby,
with blue eyes and soft hair,
and I watched my mother cry for months,
as she moved us from fresh start to fresh start.

I was expected to be a prodigal daughter,
forged in the ashes of the lives
that the shining baby burned down.

I crumbled,
I am not a prodigy,
I am a ******-up girl
with enough mistakes stacked up at my young age,
to make my father proud.

I don't want to be a success
I don't want to be a failure
I don't want to be
Portland Grace Mar 2015
For my mother,
who told me when I was 4 and didn't know better
that I was beautiful,
and when I believed her.

She told me,
"You know,
women pay hundreds of dollars
for that strawberry blonde color
that you already have."

And I looked in the mirror,
and I believed it.

When I was
12 years old,
and angry at my reflection,
for not being
thinner and fuller,
for my skin not being clearer
and my hair not being longer.
and my mother telling me
that I was beautiful,
but I didn't believe her.

When I was 16
and crying,
because my there would never be
a gap between my thighs,
or a perfect curl
in my hair.

And my mother wiped my mascara stains
off my face
and told me
I was beautiful.

And I told her she was lying.

My mother,
who is beautiful.
Who gave me honey hair
and almond eyes.
Who gave me a garden of freckles,
and the softest skin.
How could I look at my mother,
and say I was not beautiful.

For my mother,
my grandmother,
my sister,
my cousins ,
my brother,
and everyone else in my blood,
who ever felt like they weren't beautiful,
I will tell myself that I am.

I am 19,
and I am so far from home,
that when I look in these different mirrors,
and I feel lost and scared,
and I feel like I am not beautiful,
I look to my mother,
my gorgeous mother,
who will tell me
I am beautiful.

And I finally believe her.

I am learning to love myself,
to love the skin I am in,
it is my home,
and I will not destroy
what my mother built me.

I wake up
and I look in the mirror,
and my mother doesn't even have to tell me
I am beautiful.
And so are you.
2.1k · Jan 2013
Third Eye
Portland Grace Jan 2013
Crushed up light bulbs,
inhaling glass
because **** man,
whatever gets you high.
Although often,
it just makes you low.
chop , tap
You're off to neverland,
for a few hours
'till all the pixie dust is used up
and you are just a
shaking sweating infant
waiting to be fed.
They say getting high,
doesn't make you trip,
it widens your vision,
and allows more information
and light
to enter your skull
Dilated pupils
it opens your
third eye
they say.
Maybe thats why
the world looks so much better
after a few lines
2.0k · Mar 2013
The second cup of coffee
Portland Grace Mar 2013
The second cup of coffee,
the first was not enough.
I need more gold caffeine.
I need a lot of things
We used to drink it together,
now I drink it by myself
every morning
I'd bring you a big cup
and you'd ask me if I made it with love
of course I did.
Now my own cup,
tastes bitter
regardless of the amount of creamer used.
I'm on my second cup of coffee,
the first was not enough
1.9k · Aug 2013
Portland Grace Aug 2013
I woke up to find you still lingered on my tongue,
even though you left so long ago,
I felt your kiss every time I puffed on a black american spirit
and I felt your hands every time the river waters embraced my waist.

I would have gone anywhere with you,
if you wanted to trek the biggest, coldest, mosquito eater infested mountain
I swear to God I would have followed you.

I wanted to trace the cupids bow of your upper lip every night
before I went to sleep.
I wanted to take your hand and put it against my cheek
and kiss every single one of your fingertips
because they create magic
because everything you do is magic.

The feel of your soft hands ghosted on the small of my back
as I tried to push your face out of my mind
through empty bottles that make me miss you even more.

I've loved before and I'll love again,
but what would I give to love you and only you for the rest of my life
and I'll wish on every shooting star
and every fallen eyelash
that some way some how,
I'll kiss you goodnight
and help you fight your nightmares that I know come so often.
I'd never want to see you unhappy,
and I swear if you let me hold you,
I'd never let you go.
1.4k · Oct 2013
Blue, like the ocean.
Portland Grace Oct 2013
I felt your warmth leave in the setting sun,
and your eyes glow in the darkness.
I watch your shadow walk away,
so heavy,
an anchor in shallow water,
you will not drown yet.

I have felt your finger stroking my cheek,
heard your breath as you hide your face into my shoulder,
I wanted to protect you,
I tried to stand in front you with a sword flaming with good intentions
striking every bad thought and insecurity,
that came bounding at you
but I've always had bad aim.

I tried to keep you from shaking,
but you shook anyways
I tried to keep your from crying
but the tears still came,
I tried to keep you happy
but I myself am weak
and the monster of depression
has left us both crippled in it's cataclysmic wake.

I washed my hands,
and kissed your forehead
and left without a goodbye,
because I wanted more than anything to help you feel better,
but all I do is remind you,
that you are alone
even when I'm right next to you.
I wish this wasn't so

*I will always love you
1.3k · Jan 2013
Portland Grace Jan 2013
I tried to long,
and to hard,
to stand out.
For a while,
maybe I did.
I like to think,
I was colorful
and excited,
but everything
fades with
time and
the dark words
that have eroded
my heart
did not help
slow the dulling.
I like to think,
that once I was neon
but now,
I am only gray.
1.3k · Jun 2013
Portland Grace Jun 2013
I awoke from your burning casket
so abruptly,
I did not even notice
I was no longer chained to your memory.

I sing again, and laugh again
for everyone to hear,
and far more often
than I ever did with you.
I did not even see the cage you put me in,
until you were completely out of my head.

I do not think about you much anymore,
and I cannot even begin to explain
how freeing that is.

And when I think to happiness,
I do not see your stone scarred face,
or your shadowed skinny torso,

Instead I see train track bridges,
and two beautiful blonde boys
strumming a Baby Taylor guitar.
And countless days,
spent beneath the sun
in a river that felt more apart of my heart,
than a part of the landscape.

I think of the way her smoke rings
could hit your face just right,
and how contagious laughter could be,
when you are sharing memories and a bottle of cheap *****.

The good times, have not killed me yet.

In the same bed I shared with you,
I found love that was greater than you ever gave me,
I found the acceptance I never felt from you,
I made memories that mean more to me than you ever did,
and I found an extreme happiness and content
I could not have found until I was rid of you for good.

To others;
Love lost will be replenished,
maybe not in the same way,
but it will be replenished.
It all just takes time.
1.2k · Nov 2013
Rag Doll
Portland Grace Nov 2013
I am covered in scars,
from your lips,
from your words,
from your hands.
I am stitched together
with your
I have always been
too impressionable.

I have your language,
in scripted onto my tongue.
my taste-buds
are formed as the braille
of your promises,
I have alway been
too attached

I am learning,
how to put dye over memories,
to make them
not as evil,
because I cannot learn
to forget.
I have always been
too sensitive.

I am many things,
and you are many more
and we were so many shapes together,
as we sifted through each other
trying to make something beautiful.
*I have always been,
too sentimental
1.2k · Jun 2013
Portland Grace Jun 2013
Falling into the sink hole brimmed with pretty flowers,
to distract your naive eyes
from the aphotic subterrane
just past the things that sparkle.
We put pretty bows on vulnerability,
and call it 'love'
pretending that it will chase the monsters away,
when it really just creates them.

I fell into your calloused hands,
yearning for them to cleanse me
of my murky insecurities,
instead they scrutinized my character,
and I saw my confidence leave me
in pretty ribbons of melted gold.

I once saw the sunrise from the back of a Toyota pickup,
by a creek with cold water and sour memories,
but there was more light in my head then,
because that was long before I started to see my father in your scarred face,
and before you asphyxiated both me and my hopes in you.

I swallowed pain and brushed off distress,
through stale promises and pretty jewels.
You told me it's better to let things go,
and I'm still not sure
why I believed in you so ******* much.

You lived by the motto 'no worries'
and so you were reckless,
and stupid,
and all wrong for the girl
who wraps caution tape over every decision she ever makes.

Things fall apart,
and people fall apart,
and ideas of someone that have been built up in your head for five years
can crumble from just one sleep deprived night,
when you 'calmed me down'
the same way my father used to.

And with bitter content,
and finally no more regret,
I hope Hakuna Matata works out for you,
and I hope she never drinks as much of your poison as I did,
because stains on the heart,
do not come out from swallowing bleach.
1.1k · Jun 2013
A gold latter in a deep pit
Portland Grace Jun 2013
You can learn a lot
about a butterfly,
by it's cocoon

And you once told me,
that it's okay to take shelter,
and that you would follow me anywhere,
if that's what I wanted.
But that isn't what this is about.

On the topic,
of adolescence,
and maturity
I believe there is little room
for growth,
when things are going well.

that the times
when we want to erase ourselves from the world,
teach us the most
about who we really are.

I used to scribble your name,
and erase it on a page,
over and over
like it would make me forget,
how it felt to feel your hands on my cheek,
but that's not what this is about.

Pushed myself,
to the edge of destruction,
like a test
of how it felt,
to have nothing left.

And in that moment,
I became painfully aware,
that I had everything,
but was too blinded by self-loathing
to see it.

Self-awareness comes
with a lot of pain,
but opens the doors,
to a lot of happiness.
*and that's what this is about
1.1k · Jul 2013
Portland Grace Jul 2013
Open gravel,
winding to
your off-road heart

left turn to
but I pulled a hard right
1.1k · Jul 2011
Daddy Darkness,
Portland Grace Jul 2011
We were 6 years old, we were innocent, we we're playing. Just playing, in the most innocent sense of the word. With dolls, or blocks, or trucks, or dirt. I don't remember. We we're playing and then we weren't. We were playing and then the darkness came, and it took away our blocks. It took away our safety net of protection and threw us down the slide of demons.
Your demons. His demons.
We were 7 years old, we were innocent, we we're singing. Just singing, in the most innocent sense of the word. Songs, or lullabys, or comercials, or imporved words. I don't remember. We we're singing, and then we weren't. The darkness struck again, and this time hit us hard with liquor filth and stench.
Your stink, his drink.
We were 8 years old,  we were still innocent, we were riding. Just riding, in the most innocent sense of the word. Bikes, or scooters, or rollerblades, or skateboards. I don't remember. We we're riding, and then we weren't. The darkness grabbed our wheels and lurched us onto the pavement 'till our skin ran red and he told us we were *****.
His fault, our blood.

We were 9 years old, we still had bits of innocense, we were running. Just running, but not so innocent. On feet, we ran. I remember. We ran towards the sunset, quickly, but not quick enough. The darkness caught up to us, panting. Struck through us with quivering blades, and took away every drop of innocense left.
His addiction, our innocense.

We were 10 years old, we no longer had any innocense, we got away. A big man in blue took the crying darkness away, and stored him in a box made of cement and metal. Darkness said he'd see us when we were 18, thinking we loved him. Loved him through his addiction, because deep down there was light? And we were good girls, weren't we? We could see the light in him, right?
No light, Only darkness.
1.0k · May 2015
Things you never saw
Portland Grace May 2015
I am sun-kissed and I glow in the moonlight,
my eyes reflect like water,
and summer makes me speckle and freckle
and I crave rivers and mountains
and other things that make me beautiful.

I am long-legged like the spiders you hate,
my hair is red like roses and smells like springtime,
I am soft in a way you imagine clouds to be
and I no longer fear you or the dark.

I have grown out of sidewalk cracks,
I am a ******* garden and you can't step on me anymore.

I am too tall to be contained and too beautiful to be detained
and I will never again haunt myself with things I couldn't be.

I am too much to be too little and somewhere you always knew it.

So when you talk to me like you think I still love someone who made me believe I was just an ugly girl,
remember that there are flowers growing inside me,
and I washed the taste of your sharp tongue out of my mouth months ago.

I am an ocean with waves and depths and storms and beauty and there is so much to me that you will never get to see.

You were an anchor weighing me down confining me to one stark place of myself,

I am so much more than you ever saw, I finally know this now.
And sure, this one is for you and everyone else like you.

Love yourself, love yourself, always remember to love yourself.
1.0k · May 2013
'Smooth as Silk'
Portland Grace May 2013
Salted words cut with bad intentions,
snorted off the childhood coffee table,
that held more shot glasses,
than black brimming mugs.

****** you up a little,
to peer small eyes over the counter,
daddy passed out
on the kitchen floor.

cigarette stained shirts,
and ***** filled mason jars
tucked beneath lace and cotton
so mommy won't worry,
the habit is in your blood.

Didn't even know that daddy liked
two lines of blow
with his coffee every morning,
****** you up a little, huh?

I'm not one to dwell,
but wait,
yes I am.

Six years since I last saw
your ugly, drunken face
that everyone said
looked so much like mine
'the spittin image'

Shattered glass on tile floors,
from shaky hands after too much Kessler,
Pained stomach,
Heaving into plastic or metal or porcelain
to spill the burdens
of a troubled childhood.
Might ******* up a little
1.0k · Jan 2014
Portland Grace Jan 2014
sprinting to meet your sideways obsessions.
Your hands thread through my insulation
I am embroidered with your insecurities.

Across your hips and rippling through
I am upside down phobias.

You dug into gravel,
and rocks flew from your hands
coated with confused affection
and hit every pane of glass for miles around

Residue at the bottom of wine bottles,
and the very first sip.
I drank you, too much
skin on skin
your coldness embraced me so softly
I forgot about spring.
Portland Grace Nov 2014
Spit your ******* venom at me,
tell me about all the things I lied about,
tell me all the things I did wrong.

Call me every horrible name you can think of,
like I care what you think of me anymore.

As soon as I was away from you,
I finally saw how bad things were.
I'm not your ******* puppet anymore.

You're ******* toxic,
and I've been choking on you for years.

I let you morph me into what you wanted,
I compromised my values and self-worth to please you,
and don't think for a second it didn't destroy me.
It did.
I hated myself, what I had become in the hopes of trying to fix you.
Help you.
You weren't worth it.

You're ******* psychotic.

I'm so happy,
I never have to let you touch me again.
Sorry for all the ***** but for real *******.
1000 · Jun 2013
Portland Grace Jun 2013
You gave her bouquets of branches,
because she saw more beauty
in sticks than flowers.
And today I was asked what phase
the moon would be in tonight,
to decide how discreetly
he could kayak on an overly patrolled lake,
beneath the stars.

Seven cigarettes and others,
to ease the tribulation of a
warm lonely summers night,
where unplanned contacts,
led to strange content.

A book and a boy and a pen,
and a thousand words
that had yet to be inspired,
through a faulty habit
that took paychecks and too many hours.

Darkness molded itself around my peripherals,
like the ones your grandfather watches baseball out of,
and the love that pushed through the cloudiness,
to enter my cornea with grasping motions
from pretty faces with laughter to spread but no dime to spare.
They are the reason why

In a small church parking lot
I found beauty in the delicacy of change,
and the way things can crumble
and bloom,
so very near to each other.
Portland Grace May 2013
I breathe you in like dry air,
exhale your memory,
so soft, so light,
it glides off my lips like last summers
flavored tobacco,
I miss the way things used to be.
I have a sadness in my heart,
rotting away all traces of
what I once was,
I am erasing myself,
I believe.
living beneath the shadow,
of stale promises,
and old secrets
Regret pulls me deeper under these waves
every ******* day.
Sliding under barbed wire fences,
and looking out at
I could of sworn,
I was invincible,
but I will have to find
new armor,
that will never smell as good,
as your cotton t-shirts,
and faded blue jeans.
*I am sorry if I hurt you,
but you will never know
how much you have hurt me
980 · Jan 2013
Portland Grace Jan 2013
There are unintended mazes in your words,
fire brimmed hoops that I must jump
perfectly through,
in order to keep you happy.
Every other word I say is a trigger
and I will watch as you flinch,
and prepare your attack.
I am growing so tired,
of being sensored
and cautious.
I am so sick,
of this maze.
959 · Nov 2014
North Star Fuck Up
Portland Grace Nov 2014

Planting roses inside me.

Flowering out my mouth.

I choke on your decay.
951 · Apr 2013
An ode to my impurity
Portland Grace Apr 2013
I have not been pure
since freshman year
when I had awkward *** with my boyfriend
which ended in tears
and both of us feeling weird.
One Sunday in November
I gave head to a boy who said he liked me,
but he just used me, and told everyone about it,
And thats when they first started calling me '****'
They burned that name into my head
until I didn't believe I was anything else
so then it began,
Different boys different nights,
sometimes different boys, same night
only 15 years old.
they yelled out of their cars when I walked home from school,
they whispered while I was still in ear shot
I told myself when I looked in the mirror
Daddy problems,
I want to be loved.
My purity never meant anything to me,
My reputation was shot before I could say anything
And don't get me wrong,
I'm not blaming anyone but myself.
I learned to stop expecting anything from the boy I'd fallen asleep with in the morning
I learned that I was a tool to be used and thrown away when it was over
I learned that the likely hood of someone liking me for more than whats under my clothes were slim.
I learned that I will never be girlfriend material
I learned that my worth is determined by the boys I sleep with
I learned that I am a ****,
and that is all I will ever be
947 · Feb 2013
Portland Grace Feb 2013
A thickness in air,
I yearned for
warmth and
The freeze is not
a friend of mine.
I will mosey my way
to the desert,
where I will bundle
in the hot sand,
from july to june,
that is where
I belong
I am
940 · Nov 2015
Arcane Torrent
Portland Grace Nov 2015
You forgot how sharp your tongue gets
when it's marinated in
cheap wine,
and how fragile your bones can be,
when exposed to the cold.
I clawed my name in your back with my fingernails.
your warm blood trickled down
and stained my carpets.
I undressed your body and you,
undressed my soul,
and we moved together as though no one could see us,
not even your god.
I found you so broken,
you had forgotten your own name under the
weight of hers.
some people make their living searching for diamonds in
side walk cracks.
gems that are ***** and lost
are not always worthless.
your songs at night remind me
how to lose my breath,
I fear sometimes
I will not find it again.
Your heart is not a white canvas,
but I will stain it
and call it my own.
You felt your words peel up,
and crack like
old wallpaper,
but you let them
escape your mouth anyway
sobbed into your hands
wondering what you had done.
Broken wings will hinder you from
leaving the ground,
but you won't remember your fracture
until you've jumped off a cliff
931 · Apr 2015
Portland Grace Apr 2015
I've got some more wine,
to forget the words I'm drowning in.
We can share the next glass,
and talk about the way the world is,
and the way it used to be.
When we were ****** up,
making out on the steps of the old elementary school,
and too tall for monkey bars
and too young for bar stools.

I told you about my fathers past,
and you told me about your biggest regret,
about a girl with emerald eyes
and a night you wish you could forget.

I think about the letters I used to write you in my head,
and I used to tell you about this boy and this boy and this boy
and the boy that never was, they boy that used to be, the boy that I have yet to meet,
and all the boys I used to see.

Like the more I said their names, the more I thought they'd disappear,
but I'm just reliving old traumas, re-opening old scars
in a same-****-different-year.

I don't know how to form words, without pulling up old thoughts
and I breath in smoke and it speaks my words with a tongue I'm not fond of.
I let liquor dizzy my dreams, and those nights I sleep the best
and sometimes I wake in the middle of the night and can feel you breathing on my chest.

You're a phantom now,
and ghost of my goodbyes,
the sin of my God bless,
Your unspoken words to late to speak,
when I wished i'd spoken less.

When the nights are fine, and the days are new,
will I still love you like I do?
If you forget about your demons, do they forget about you too?

And when are you coming home, from the war you never left for?
When will I see you holding your head up high?
I think,
you've made me lose my mind.

It's too late to start something new,
and I wish that I could say these words to you.
930 · Oct 2013
Real Estate
Portland Grace Oct 2013
I built a home inside of you,
I pulled your arms around me
as though they were the only walls I had,
and I carved my initials onto your lips
like the ones still on the front concrete of the house I was born in.
It didn't matter what was outside of us,
where we were together
the lights were on, the bed unmade, and the fire was nowhere near dying.
I built a home in you so long ago,
and I've moved so many times
it felt good to have a permanent residence.
But I should have known better,
than to have built my life inside of someone,
Because when you were sad,
the roof would leak,
and when you were angry
my walls would shake,
and when I left you,
my home crumbled
and I felt naked and cold
so I slept on our abandoned foundation
trying to pretend
that you were still there beside me.
*You were the hardest goodbye I have ever said
890 · Dec 2013
Flagstaff, Arizona.
Portland Grace Dec 2013
I don't know,
how to turn on my heels
and leave you lonely,
even if it would be better for us both.

And I don't know
how to use the arms
that hold you close at night
to push you away
even though I know I need too.

I am beginning to find too much comfort
in your scars
too much laughter by your side,
too much sweetness in your kisses
and I do not want to be that close to someone again.

Because today I received a letter
thick and important,
giving me my freedom
to leave this town I have lived in my whole life,
and you.
I will leave you too.

I am going to go
788 miles away from your sleepy eyes
and messy hair.

I want to,
I want to fall into a world
where no one knows me,
and I will be cleansed
by the blanket
of anonymity.

I am still figuring out,
how to fold my fingers into yours
without holding on too tightly,
but I will keep your name in my pocket,
your words beneath my tongue,
and I will leave.
I will leave.
884 · May 2013
You were always my sonoran
Portland Grace May 2013
Your scent has left my skin,
for good
My hips have aligned others,
better than you ever were
But that doesn't change,
how much I still need you
when the sun goes down.
You are my desert,
the place I found comfort,
even though you scorched my skin.
I still don't know,
If I will find another place,
I love
as much as I loved your cactus flowered torso,
your red rock skin,
the way you warmed me,
through my icy insecurities.
I have loved you for too many years,
through too many mistakes,
through too many dust storms,
and my heart is chained to your desert sunrise,
but the sun has already set,
for good,
862 · Dec 2014
Portland Grace Dec 2014
We share a dream,
a hope,
of a little tiny house
with a basement
and knives not sold in a set.

Of a dog and a car
and a bed on the ground,
and being a little late on the monthly rent.

Of goodbye kisses
when you'd leave for work
and I'd be off to school.
Of watching snow
off our back patio
and sneaking into the neighbors pool.

Of borrowing each others flannels,
and kissing our noses
and drinking tea in springtime
before I prune the roses.

Of our morning coffee,
yours black, mine sweet,
and I'd still make fun of you
for the way that you eat.

For fights about vinyl
and paint and a movie,
but not about the things
that you shouldn't have done to me.

So we want that,
we both do,
and here's where it stinks
is that you ****** it up
in our fight after drinks.

And I know you regret it,
and I'm sorry to say
that sometimes apologies
don't cut it that way.

I miss you, I do
and you miss me too,
and I want our little house
and our dog and you.

But you put her name
above mine on the list,
and if you asked me a month ago
who I would want to kiss
to you I'd be true
but it wouldn't be me,
if they instead asked you.

We share a dream, a want and a need
for places colder,
for dirt and for skiis.
Of snow caps and pine trees
and people to leave.

But I don't trust you,
with my heart or my mind
and while I still really like you
I can't decide
if it's worth all this trouble
you've shook up in your wake
If your the one with the heart
or the one with the stake.
851 · Jul 2013
Drunk Poetry #1
Portland Grace Jul 2013
There's a mostly empty bottle
of Jameson Irish Whiskey
sitting by my bed,
where I wish you were laying next to me,

and I drove here alone,
when you should have been driving me
just like we used to do,
we were a team
you and I,
I fell apart,
and you would always put me back together
and were always there
to kiss me goodnight.

I've got a nasty habit,
of leaving
when I should just

What's so awful,
about all of this
is that at the bottom of it,
I am happier without you.
It would be easier to just miss you,
and think that the only way
I will be happy again
is to be with you forever,
but we both know
that is far from the truth.

I am no good with changes,
and it's been months
but I still can't believe
our forever fell
so short.

I am counting down the days
'till empty bottles
make me think about someone else
besides you
because god,
it's ******* killing me.
834 · Aug 2013
Happy Birthday Dad
Portland Grace Aug 2013
Today is your 53rd birthday
and the 6th year
that I haven't been around for it
because you chose the handle of Kessler whiskey
over your own ******* daughter.
So drink up,
833 · Jul 2013
Nostalgic Shit
Portland Grace Jul 2013
Tonight at a party there was a boy who looked exactly like you,
same perfect rounded almond eyes,
same scruffy slightly curly hair,
his eyes were even green, as I recall.
While I barely even know him, I found myself trying to be in his presence more than anyone else,
If he went outside I would take note, and eventually follow,
when he came inside, the same thing.
When we would talk I would feel my heart speed up.
I do not know this boy,
I most certainly do not love this boy,
but in the moment this boy became hot summer nights in the back of a Toyota pickup,
he became initials carved into half the trails in town,
he became drunken nights of confessing everything to each other,
he became the best friend I ever had,
he became what once was my world,
and the painful wall of nostalgia hit me in the heart like a shotgun,
even though I know I'm better without you,
and even though I know things would never have worked,
I loved you more than you will ever know,
and I still do, I suppose.
And the boy tonight was a painful reminder that I will be looking for you,
in every person I'm with for a long time,
because you were great,
and together we were great,
and I wish love alone had been enough to keep us both happy,
but it wasn't,
and things fall apart,
but I wish they didn't.
Portland Grace Jul 2015
I. The honey-bees are a dying breed,
II.** I'm sleeping on an air mattress instead of in your arms,
(these are not specific arms, these are general arms)
(or, you know, on a real bed, which would also suffice)
III. I spent three months obsessing over the concept of someone,
only to find in practice we had nothing in common
and nothing to talk about (to really talk about)
(12 hours in a car with someone and by the end you're either madly in love with them or know it will never ever work out)
IV. I saw a spider on the floor of my new room a few hours ago. What if it has friends?
(What if it has family? Where are they? How do I tell them I fear them and am also their ally?)
V. I still love the boy that hates me and still hate the boy that loves me and also don't care about either of them because I'm doing me right now.
(Because when was the last time I allowed myself to be alone and heal?)
VI. You never know how strong you are until you have to be as strong as you can be.
(and I am strong.)
832 · Jul 2014
Stuck on the puzzle
Portland Grace Jul 2014
Stuck on the puzzle,
I would hang myself up for weeks

Where is the last place you heard me sing?
I forgot how exactly
that one tune goes.
but when I turn around,
I can almost hear
you hum it.

I was told to stop
looking back
I will **** myself,
if I grovel in the past.

Nights have always been rough
I'm scared you see,
It's like I am still a child

I peek out my windows
turn on my nightlight
bury myself in your shoulders,
but where are you?

Stuck on the puzzle,
looking for the missing piece,
but you weren't it
you never were.
807 · Aug 2013
Goodbye, Spotted boy.
Portland Grace Aug 2013
Dime bags burned up in one bowl,
two **** rips to make your head spin
backs up against an old fence,
paint flaking off onto your beige sweater,
It seemed fitting that the last time we would be able to make love,
we had no where to go.
Instead we kissed under the stars,
in a strangers lawn,
and I knew without words
that I had already left your concerns.

I held you like a helium balloon,
knowing all too soon,
you would float away from me.

You will flock to the ocean,
where it is easier for you to breathe,
and eventually
I will retreat to the desert
where my bloods flows easier.

You were one of the people,
we all come across in our lives,
who mean so little
and so much
to us, all at once.

Your gorgeous freckles,
and the smell of cigarettes mixed with cologne,
will remind me of this summer,
and nights with no sleep,
anywhere we could find to be together.

I told myself I wouldn't write a poem about you,
spotted boy
but I can't fully accept what happened
without writing it down.

So thanks for all the nights you held me,
and all the kisses you gave me,
and all the times you made me feel good,
and all the times you made me laugh,
and thank you for making this summer so much brighter
with your big smile and your big blue eyes
and of course,
those gorgeous freckles.
802 · Feb 2014
Spring Cleaning
Portland Grace Feb 2014
I asked where it began
and I looked at the boot tracks,
out the back porch
to mark where it ended.

You took three scars with you,
one on your palm
I burned my initials
with the skin on my neck
on your right shoulder,
where your ink lie dormant
you couldn't sweat it out
when we made love
and one on the inside of your lip
where my teeth drew blood,
I wasn't much
for kissing foreheads.

You became a part of the mountain,
I fled to the sea
I broke you and bruised

We cut each other with knives
mine of selfishness
yours of chaos.

I thought of you
when I thought of beauty and rain,
eyes like the creek behind your house,
hands like my fathers.
Splashing puddles
can't stop a monsoon.

One year past,
you are dust beneath rubber,
browned leaves upon a dust shelf,
thrown into the trash,
picture frames
onto the top of my closet,
Your name was never tattooed to me,
though it felt like that for a long time.

I think I went the whole day
without calling your name
beneath my breath.

I have won,
my heart back
you had it
for far too long.
776 · Dec 2013
Baby, you are the Ocean,
Portland Grace Dec 2013
When there's snow on the ground,
you are the ocean
you are too large,
too deep
for frost to move
more than polar parts of you.

You will struggle to swim to the equator,
but once you get there
suns are high,
and you will be warm and cozy;

But, more than once
the tide will drag you to your arctic.
and I will kiss you through your shivers
but nothing I can do
will stop your blood from running cold.
but baby, it will pass.

You are the ocean,
and ships have recked
to kiss your curves
and love has been made
inside your blood
and one day
you will love the way
you shudder without cause
and you will find beauty
in your hurricanes,
even if that day is not today.

I could right a thousand sonnets
about the way it feels
when your blue hands hug my hips
and your salty lips brush my neck.

So when your lost
in your dark blue,
remember that there are those,
dreaming of your turquoise.
and I am wading in your shallows
to brace your raging torrent,
and remind you
that baby, you are the ocean,
and the storms will always pass.
770 · Jan 2014
Flash Flood
Portland Grace Jan 2014
I went and lost my balance

I've got
so many scrapes,
and scars.
I am armed from head to toe
with calloused skin.

So, naturally
I checked my feet
for stability
before I reached
for the stars;
but it started raining,
and I slipped.

Things have been so hard
since you left.
765 · Jun 2013
Ocean Eyes
Portland Grace Jun 2013
I kissed the boy,
with the sunny smile,
and the ocean eyes.
and when he kissed me back
I could taste pity on his lips.

And when he held my hand,
and made fun of me,
because I held it wrong,
I knew you were never mine to keep,
no matter how much I wanted too.

we once saw a movie at midnight,
caressed my hand through the whole thing
and afterwards,
when you got shaky and anxious
I packed you a bowl,
and sat with you while you smoked it.
Fell asleep in your arms,
happy and warm.

you woke me up,
with sleepy kisses
and we skipped school,
and you made me breakfast
and we went on a hike,
ventured off the trail,
and I slid on some rocks
and ripped my favorite pants,
you laughed and kissed me,
and promised you would sew them.
for a moment I thought everything would work out

but you are a complicated person,
and I wish I had known the extent of that,
before we made love,
because you never had much love to give back,
and you took a lot from me,
at a point when I had very little to keep for myself,
I guess it was all just bad timing.

But I'm good now,
and you are....
And I can pretend like we never touched,
and you can pretend like we never kissed,
and that's fine
because everything is good now.
755 · May 2013
Middle Earth
Portland Grace May 2013
In the way that samwise followed,
to the tower of cerith ungol
knowing that darkness awaited him
because of the love in his heart
I found my way
through a lighter journey
and a different kind of darkness,
And the way that merry decorated himself in heavy armor
to fight and defend those he loved
despite his size and lack of experience,
I found the strength to stand up,
for a less important cause,
for those that I loved as well.
I can find wisdom when I think to gandalfs struggle of truth,
and things that are worth sacrificing to find it
And when I am sad or scared,
I soothe my heart with thoughts of the peaceful shire
with it's shallow rivers and grassy hills
I love this place I have never seen.
Pieces of my heart were left between the pages of a dusty hardback trilogy,
I have always belonged to middle earth
754 · Jul 2013
Water and Air
Portland Grace Jul 2013
I would give you rivers and seas,
if only I could
encompass the tidal pulls
to bring them straight
to your bedroom window.

I found you lingered
in each drag of my
ever growing
cigarette addiction,
but addiction means trapped,
and I like to think of myself
as unchained.

Deep cuts on my forearm,
from falling off barbed wire
trying to reach you.
My friends will swat my hands,
when I reach for the scabs
I have a awful habit
of re-opening wounds.

And mornings are better,
when awoken with light kisses,
but they make nights alone
much worse
Because I long for your heavy breathing,
and your soft skin
to lull me to sleep.

I walked on ice so thick,
for so long,
your easy waves
and astounding depths,
caught me off guard
sometimes I forget how to use words,
because we talk so much
without them.
747 · Sep 2013
Portland Grace Sep 2013
When I fell for you,
I didn't know
about the scars
that you are bound to get
from being dropped
from such great heights,
and the blood has dried,
and the bruises that were once
beautiful shades
of lavender
have now yellowed
and faded,
but those ******* scars
you've left all over my body
and heart,
they are there
for the long run.
744 · Oct 2013
Portland Grace Oct 2013
I don't remember exactly what your lips tasted like anymore,
or how your hands felt on my skin
or how you sounded when you told me how much you loved me
I'm starting to forget your smell,
your scars
your words
you are starting to fade,
and I don't know if I'm happy about this
or scared
because part of me wants to hold on to whatever I can of you,
because forgetting you
is like losing you all over again,
but maybe I don't want to remember
728 · May 2013
Santa Cruz
Portland Grace May 2013
I remember,
how the beach felt
beneath our feet.
Arms wrapped around my waist,
as the tide carried our troubles
back into the sea.
Salty lips,
yearning to taste each other.
Crashing waves
soothing happy hearts.
Now the beach is bleak,
and I am afraid
that I will keep my promise,
of loving you forever
719 · May 2013
Bleak Falls Barrow
Portland Grace May 2013
Rolling words, like ***** tires
asphalt slabs, wasted hours,
Nights alone, feels like home,
you were never very good to me.

Broken plastic, phony dreams
pipe tabacco, cracking seams,
slower step, promise kept,
you were always my summertime.

Sparks have faded, ashes cold
gates left open, secrets told
too late to talk, let's just walk
things are easier once I get high.

Wait for winter, wait for rain
or fall forever, ease the pain
too many ropes, it's all a joke
you broke my ******* heart though.

Pull together, shrug the want
friends don't know, friends still taunt
you will break me, you won't save me
No one knows how many times I've tried to die.

But it gets better, so they say,
when he held my hand things felt okay
people leave, hearts greave
I've never been so good with changes

Skys are bluer, my heart is sad
you're doing good, and I am glad
but it hurts to know, you're glad to go
*Like you forgot we promised forever
716 · May 2014
Corrosive Weapon
Portland Grace May 2014
sipping in the summer
of your grit eroded

not a mans hands,
not worn with work
but plastic knobs,

you are a boy still,
with boyish hands
and narrow hips
and a selfishness
I can taste in your kiss.
(It's still just as sweet)

Resurrect me,
save game data

You smell like winter blues,
old-west movies
and soft skin.
You're the only home I've ever known.

Zhonya's Hourglass,
Feral Flare,

let's platinum
I'm not ready
to give you up yet

*(I leave in less than three months and I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I love you so much)
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