do not fall in love with a romantic. when he leaves you, every red rose you come across will remind you of the ones he surprised you with
do not fall in love with a romantic. the song he would play for you on his guitar will echo in your ears for years; each time you hear it will feel like a small dagger in a fresh wound
do not fall in love with a romantic. for two years, your heart will jump at every unexpected knock on your door, because you think that maybe it's him on another surprise visit. eventually, you will guessing that these unexpected knocks are your new boyfriend, surprising you. your heart will jump, then fall. your new boyfriend doesn't make surprise visits
do not fall in love with a romantic. you will find yourself naked in your boyfriend's bed crying about how you think he doesn't love you because he doesn't love you like your old boyfriend did you'll apologize, and he'll apologize, but he still won't love you like your old boyfriend did
do not fall in love with a romantic. you'll embarrass yourself drunk texting him a year after you broke up
do not fall in love with a romantic. i promise you that your boyfriend loves you even though he doesn't compare your lips to sugar and your eyes to oceans. you are still his beautiful flower, even if he doesn't know how to spell hibiscus
do not fall in love with a romantic. i promise you that your boyfriend loves you even though he doesn't surprise you with roses i promise that your boyfriend loves you even though he doesn't write you letters i promise that your boyfriend loves you even though he doesn't write you poetry i promise that your boyfriend loves you
do not fall in love with a romantic, you will never get over it
one of the most honest things i've ever written. we broke up a year ago today